How Were The Living Conditions Like In The Industrial Revolution

Living and working conditions during the Industrial Revolution?

very polluted and dangerous working conditions

mark k

How were the living conditions like in the industrial revolution?

Living conditions are interesting.
I'm guessing your talking about the 1750-1850 British Industrial revolution.
Okay, firstly due to lots of work, everyone moved to cities to get work at factories. This is called urbanisation. Due to this many homes were built rapidly without proper requirements like sanitation. It also meant that the cities were very cramped, many people lived in a small area, often families shared homes, tiny homes. Due to pollution and cramped conditions, diseases lie cholera and typhus easily spread. Due to no sewers, poo and garbage was put into these 'things' which overflowed and often contaminated water sources. The streets were narrow and the middle of them were covered in trash and rubbish.

How did the Industrial Revolution change the living conditions of people?

One of the effects was to cause family relationships to adapt to a new system. It had been customary for a man's sons to learn the father's trade, starting to work as an apprentice at a young age. The father's trade was generally carried out in the home or adjacent sheds or lean-tos, and the family was accustomed to being together at least in the same vicinity most or all of the day. With the father going to work in a different location as a result of the industrial revolution family relations were weakened and discipline suffered as a result.. I learned this theory in a criminology class many years ago. I also read recently that a part of what brought the industrial revolution about was the fact that the plague had severely limited the number of available workers. It can be imagined that the change broadened perspectives, opened opportunities and fanned the flames of ambition, and made more goods available to consumers.

What were living conditions during the Industrial Revolution?

During industrial revolution Deaths were primarily caused by epidemics of disease that sprang from the pollution of water,like cholera and typhoid, or of the air like tuberculosis. More than 31,000 people died from an outbreak of cholera in 1832. Until late in the nineteenth century, municipal authorities were negligent in attending to these dangerous conditions of life and the medical knowledge to understand and cure these diseases was unknown

How did the industrial revolution affect family life/living conditions?

The Western world went from an agricultural life to a life of industry (where goods and services became the main thrust). The Industrial Revolution ended home and workshop based economies. In the U.S. labor came from the immigrants to run the machines housed in the factories. Serious problems in politics, society, and national economies quickly formed. Poor and dangerous working conditions, child labor, overcrowded housing, corruption, industrial monopolies, and a huge divide between the haves and have nots grew. In the late 1800s and early 1900s the trade unions appeared and the Progressive Era was born which brought social activism and government reforms.

What were the Factory conditions like in the industrial revolution?

Hi again,

-The factories were very hot
-Poor ventilation meant it was hard to breath
-No safety precautions, workers were often injured or hurt
-cramped conditions and being bent over all the time lead to deformations
-12-14 hours of work a day
-No clocks allowed, no idea of time
-employers hired men to beat workers not doing good job
-Due to fibres in air, many people got lung disease
-Kids and women employed because they are smaller and get less pay
-Kids crawled under machinery to get rubbish they were called scavengers
-Kids mended the spinning machines while they were still on
-Workers often hurt, a lot!!!!!
-In mines, it was hard
-Kids employed to sit in the dark as ventilation openers, men miners, women haulers

It changed with workers trying to get rights, the establishment of unions ect....

What were standards of living like during the industrial revolution across the globe?

In Britain, there was a modest rise up until the 1780s, though many people were still poor.They living standards crashed with the rich getting much more powerful. Overall wealth increased, but many of the poor got poorer.Cutting taxes when the Napoleonic Wars ended made things worse, see Coleridge’s Alternative for British Capitalism.But Adam Smith in 1776 reckoned that India and China were on a level with Europe, with China perhaps richer. See Adam Smith and the New Right.)

Did the Industrial Revolution improve the standard of living? How?

I talk from the British Perspective. The Industrial Revolution massively improved the quality of life in Britain. I will talk of 2 main things, that are not the be all and all.Firstly. A large part of the industrial revolutiom was industrial looms. And the manufafturing capabilitiy to mass produce cloths. This reduced the price of clothes, and improved the quality of clothes available to people.Secondly, and I think, primarily. The industrial revolution in Britain was the first time in recorded history that population and quality of life improved simulataneously, and this was with an exponential growth of population as a result of the agricultural revolution. The reason why this was possible was the mass production of things necessary for an improved quality of life, as well as an ENORMOUS amount of national income from the export and trade booms, which resulted in higher wages, less unemployment, and ultimately healthier, happier people.It should be mentioned that in terms of working, the factories were dangerous, and people worked a great number of hours a day, including children. This was offset by the broad improvements in the quality of life of the average citizen however.