How Will A Upm Show Up On A Background Check

I'm not sure if I could pass a gun background check. Can a gun shop check even if I don't plan to buy a firearm?

NO. There’s a lot of bad information in the answers here.The only way to legally use NICS is in the process of acquiring a firearm, and when you fill out the 4473, you are declaring it to be accurate - under penalty of law. If it turns out that you are a prohibited person, then you have lied on the 4473, and that is a felony.If you are not sure whether you are a prohibited person for GCA purposes, you need to explore that with your state police or the courts. Juvenile offences, mental health issues, and certain state misdemeanors can cause confusion because they might or might not have been expunged or closed, etc.From a practical standpoint, yes, you might find a dealer willing to submit a 4473 for you without intending to sell you a gun, but he is violating the law if he does, and you have violated the law if it turns out you are prohibited. The odds of either of you actually being prosecuted for this - even if you are Denied - are pretty slim. Very few Denials are forwarded for investigation, and even fewer are ever prosecuted. In 2012 I believe the total for convictions was 12 or 13, out of thousands of denials. The dealer could jeopardize his license though.But from a legal perspective, there is no legal way to do what you are asking - in most states. It’s possible that it could legally be done in some states that handle the checks themselves, rather than through the NICS system, but there are only a few states that do that, and you would have to check locally. Your local PD, Sheriff, or State Police might be able and willing to help answer your question.Gun laws are complicated and ridiculous. It is very easy to violate them with no malicious intent, and there are some prosecutors who just love to burn “gun nuts.”Proceed with caution.

Will first offense unlawful possession of marijuana show on criminal background check?

I was arrested and charged for a first offense UPM a few months back in Albany NY. I am trying to join the local fire department. will this show up on the criminal background check? I live in Syracuse. thanks

Will the Air Force find my ACD that I received over 6 months ago?

Over 6 months ago, I was ticketed for a UPM (without being arrested). When I appeared in court the judge had given me an ACD without a fine or anything. I want to join the Air Force more badly the next guy, will this affect me in anyway? Will this show up on the background check that the Air Force runs? I have really sharpened up since then & the Air Force has been my dream. Having it stopped cause of this would destroy me. HELP!

How will a UPM show up on a background check?

I got a UPM and have to go to ccourt next week. Im gunna try to get it pleaded down to a AOCD. However, my concern is for later. How will this appear on background checks when applying for jobs. Im a young working professional andwann reduce the impact as much as possible. Thanks

Upm ticket while in marines dep?

Do you remember the days when you were going to be a Marine?

Yeah, well, those days may be over. A UPM ticket is given to someone that either has a total disregard of the law (drinking while under age), or someone that has an alcohol problem (drinking to the point that you ended up being contacted by the police).

The Marines - or ANY branch of the military - don't want someone that has no regard for laws or has a drinking problem.

This _WILL_ come up in a background check, so you have to tell the Recruiter or you'll be nailed for fraudulent enlistment when it comes up on a background investigation for a clearance (and MOST military folks have clearances!).

Keep your fingers crossed - you'll need it. If they rule against you, use it as a learning experience, or you'll end up living in the bottom of a bottle.

Brian Raini

Joining the U.S Air Force with a upm charge?

In June 2013 I got charged with a UPM (unlawful possession of marijuana) for having 8 grams on me. I never got arrested ever or been to jail or prison. I got put on an ACD for a year. This charge is the only thing I've gotten in trouble with ever. Today I went to see a AF Recruiter and told him that I got charged with a upm and had the acd and that I smoked weed 2 months ago. I know it might not have been the best decision to tell him everything but I just wanted to be honest. I know I should've asked him this question but I forgot so what are the negatives of joining the Air Force with this charge against me. Can I not become an officer now and if I cant is it even worth it to join if I can't become one. Someone please clarify what I'd be getting into if I was qualified and joined even with the upm