How Will I Know If I Have Anemia

How do you know if you have Anemia?

Ok so whenever i get my period i always feel weak, start to faint, and come close to blacking out. Everyone tells me that i look extra pale (am already pale 2 start with) and my lips get REALLY white. I remember a few months ago that i was in Sears and almost fainted trying 2 reach the restroom because i felt like i was going 2 throw up, Also, one day i was taking a hot shower and almost fainted there bt until i caught my self in time but i had 2 stay still for a few mins cus i started seeing black spots. I know that with periods you feel weaker but i don't think that fainting and black outs should happen :/ I told a teacher about this and she said that i may be Anemic and should go to see a Doctor but first i want to see if there is a possibility if i am.
So does it look like im Anemic??
oh and also sometimes i get my period twice a month and last up to 3 to 5 days (:

Can you die from anemia?

Anemia is more a symptom that a disease in and of itself. It is a reduction in red blood cells and hemoglobin which reduces the amount of oxygen to the brain and heart muscles. There are several types of anemia. These are which are the most common:Anemia from acute blood loss: this results from injury or internal bleeding and this can kill an individualSickle cell anemia is a hemoglobin disorder and its complications cause lack of oxygen to vital organs in his homozygous state. This means the person inherited the gene for it from both parents. The disease cause red blood cells to change their shape and appear sickle shaped. This type of anemia can cause death by clogging tiny arteries to the brain or heart thereby causing death.Pernicious anemia: caused by lack of vitamin B12. Causes red cells to become larger than normal, but still not capable of carrying enough oxygen. This rarely causes death anymore because it’s easy to treat & reverse with vitamin therapy. It is easy to detect with routine blood testing.Iron deficiency anemia: lack of iron cause red cells to become small, pale and they do not carry enough oxygen often leaving patients very tired. Death by this is rare because it’s easily caught with routine blood tests, but can lead to death eventually if undiscovered. Lack of oxygen to the brain and heart muscle can lead to death.This is not a complete or a most detailed scientific explanation but should answer some questions.

How do i know if i have Anemia?

Pauline's answer was correct to a point. Most of these symptoms do not occur unless you have severe long term anemia. The only definitive way to know is a blood test. If you have it, it is probably not severe and you may only be tired a lot and get chilled easily. Buy a mega multi vitamin. This will have all of the B vitamins, since it is not good to take one B vitamin without taking all the others. Also buy some ferrous iron from Walmart and add that to your mega multi vitamin.

Do you think that i have anemia?

I have recently become exhausted all the time.even if I get 10 hour of sleep a night like normal.i feel as if i have gotten 2 hours of sleep. I get short of breath just walking from class to in high school and i have 8 mins to get to my next class.i dont rush so i dont know why walking short distances makes me out of breath.i bruise very easily.i am constantly dizzy and have a headache all the time, 24/7.i also have really bad anxiety.idont know if thats part of it but watever.please tell me what you think.

I think i have anemia?

I'm a girl and I'm turning 14 this year. Lately I've been feeling under the weather. I've been feeling light-headed, feeling weak and tired easily, and some other things. The worst was yesterday when i was in school having lesson. I felt light-headed, my body felt weak and tired ( not the sleepy kind ) and i could feel like it was trembling, so were my legs. So because of that i went back home early. My mom took me to her clinic, she works there as a senior technologist.I consulted a doctor and told her how i had been feeling. I told her i also had chest pain, and she gave me some simple tests. So in the end, she said that i will have to go for 5 different tests ( or at least thats what i says on the paper given ) I have to take:

Full Blood Count
Renal Panel
Thyroid Panel
Glucose, Plasma, Fasting

If i get positive for any of these, what will happen to me? Exactly?

If you have anemia can it go away?

take the iron pills with b12 pills and with vitamin c or with lots of Orange juice or else you will never get rid of it ..and it will only get worst.

yes it will go away ..but it can take a long time even years ...the doc need to keep testing you to see how fast your absorbing the iron and turning it into red blood cells

yes it is very bad because you are not eating meat and females bleed each month!

anemia can make you bedridden for months/years and weak as a kitten ... if left unchecked

How do I know if I am anemic? What are the symptoms? And if I am anemic what should I do?

Firstly, before any test is done, you may experience the following General symptoms:Palpitations[increased Heart Rate]Easy Fatigability[Easily getting tired]Difficult in Breathing initially on Exertion.Swelling of lower limbs if Anemia is long standing and Severe.On self examination, your conjunctiva[red part of lower eyelid],may look PALE[tending to White] if compared with others peoples conjuctive assuming you take them not to have anemiaOther symptoms specific to the cause of Anemia:-Urge to Eat SOIL[PICCA], if it is IRON deficiency-Numbness of body extremities, if its Vitamin B12 deficiency.Signs and Symptoms aside,Visit a Laboratory and request for Complete Blood Count[CBC]; this will show the hemoglobin level and any thing bellow 11g/dl is considered Anemia.The CBC will also give clues on the possible cause of Anemia

Can you get out of gym class if you have anemia?

with a doctors note you may be able to get out of participating....i remember how tired i was when my anemia was really bad but seriously if you are that tired then you need a blood transfusion or an iron infusion....mine got to the point that i was going into what they called mini-comas that could occur at any if you are that bad then you dont need to be in school at all you need to be in a hospital....if not and you are able to function otherwise normally then participate for the 30 minutes a day that you need to, get the grade and be done with it.....(i say 30 minutes because class is usually 50 to 60 and by the time you dress out and dress back in you have used up half the class
and sorry to discount the post below mine but anemia is not low white blood count its low red blood blood carries hemoglobin which carries oxygen to your organs...when it is low it slows the oxygen to your organs and causes you to feel tired

How can I determine if I have anemia?

You can determine of having Anemia by assessing the result of your CBS (complete blood count), it’s a routine blood test . Commonly the measurement of Hb ( Hemoglobin) determines your anemia.. If the count is less than 6 gm/dl, you’re considered as severely anemic, if the level is 6–9 gm/dl -you’re moderately anemic and if it’s 9–12 gm/dl, it determines as mild anemia.Anemia often manifests as Pallor which you can clinically diagnose by examining 1) lower palpebral conjunctiva, 2) dorsal surface of the tongue, 3) palm of the hands, 4) sole of the foot ,5)mucous membrane,6) Nail beds..