How Will The Mras Fight Family Courts

Family Law and Custody, Why do Women Win More Cases?

Benevolent sexism. The system still assumes that women are "naturally" more nurturing than men (which is sexist) and that they "naturally" make better parents.

its bunk of course, anyone can be a bad parent regardless of their ownership of a penis or a vagina.

the so called "MRAs" that try to blame this on feminism havent analyzed this deeply enough. They assume that because something sexist seemingly benefits women that feminists must advocate it, except that we actually DO have a problem with being treated like less that human. shocking to some, i know :)

Its a case of not being interested so much in fixing it, but in blaming people that have less power and fewer privileges.

How can we defeat activists for men's rights?

Thanks for the A2AQuestion: How can we defeat activists for men's rights?Answer:  I think I am going to take a slightly different tact on this then all the answers I have read.  I do this because I had to battle for my rights as a man and a Father to get custody of my kids.Short History to bring context to the answer.  After 18 years of marriage my ex-wife had an affair and became pregnant as a result.  I filed for divorce and had to fight for custody.  I wanted my children not because their mother had an affair but because I was always the more active participant in their lives, provided more emotional support to them and because they were asked who they wanted to live with and they said me.  Okay end of brief history.I had a battle on my hands, not so much with my ex-wife as with the court system.  The Family Court Judge was of the opinion that unless I could prove that my ex was an unfit mother that she would retain full custody.  This was not a matter of her being UNFIT just not the BEST FIT.  I had no desire to attack her as a Mother.  Yes, she had issues (she is Bi-Polar and rarely takes her Meds) but for me it was not about her, it was about the kids.  The assumption that the Mother is the obvious choice is counterproductive to the welfare of children.  This violates men's rights in the worse way and yet is a common assumption. How do you defeat activists for men's rights?  The same way you defeat activists for women's rights!  You eliminate the biases and assumptions and stereotypical characterizations.  You make decisions based on the Individual not the gender.  Will we ever eliminate the Activists?  I doubt it as someone will always feel they are being discriminated against because of their gender.  Activism has its place and can solve real issues.  The problem is Activist tend towards EXTREMES.  Example:  Activist fought against Sexual Harassment.  A great issue that needed to be addressed and resolved.  However, when a 1st grade boy is suspended from school for sexually harassing a 1st grade girl by kissing her on the cheek (true story) because Activist cried foul we have gone too far, to EXTREME.Every situation is different, every person(s) involved in the situation is different.  Activist of all issues want to make every situation about the cause and not about the people involved.  The people become secondary to the cause.  That is the real problem.

Why are MRAs such liars?

MRAs routinely lie, fabricate and contradict themselves and this is the reason no one takes them seriously (unless they are actually indulging in mass killing a la Gorge Sodohni, Elliot Rogers, Marc Lepine etc).

But it is no surprise then their self proclaimed leaders regularly post distorted statistics, misrepresent facts, engage in unfounded doxxing and threats, create fake websites designed to literally steal money from charities, concoct bizarre tales of feminist death threats in order to extort funds from their increasingly credulous followers , hijack internet links to online information that illustrates their underhand or downright deranged tactics to prevent the 'freedom of speech' they demand for themselves etc.

Frankly, anyone who identifies with or supports or otherwise condones anything or anyone to do with the MRM are either very misguided, very stupid or simply bat-sh!t.

Take any MRA position, do a five minute google search to sources other than those posted by the MRM and their arguments collapse into a sticky, slack morass of illogical, poisonous stupidity.

If feminists and MRAs were required by the government to create a plan for gender equality that was satisfactory to both parties, what do you think that plan would look like?

DEAR Glyn Williams, I am writing it here, so that everyone can read it (answering a comment, feel free to look).Nobody is [in western society] making women work at the office or behind bar. Women are free to go by CEO’s of everything, they are free to be politicians, mathematicians, scientists etc. They just don’t want to. Wage gap is a proven myth (and if women finds she is legit paid less for same work, she is free to sue the company) and you arguing that women are less protected when MALE VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC ABUSE ARE WITHOUT ANY HELP is disgusting. I have yet to see someone, who so proudly says male rights issues are lesser than women’s. I’d like to also add that I will no longer respond to you, as I am disgusted by you. How dare you say that just because it [false rape allegations] doesn’t happen as often as rape, it is a lesser problem we shouldn’t focus on. We believe rape victims to the point that we [society] don’t even need a proof, we just listen and believe and that is objectively wrong. Anyone who is for equality, fairness in trail and democracy will agree, innocent until proven guilty is important for our society to work properly.Original response:3rd wave feminist or a “classical” feminist? Cause I think “classical” feminist and a MRA would basically agree. Now as for the 3rd wave feminist vs. MRAFeminist would want restriction on any male + female contact. Preferabely males are to be made second class citizens as the trash they are.MRA would probably want fair trial in cases of rape allegations, shelters for abused men, fair chance to win a custody battle etc.