How Would A Woman Define A

How would you define a wise woman?

A wise woman is one who has learned to live her life in a positive and productive way despite obstacles and struggle. Advice and opinions are based on knowledge from past experiences.

How would you define a 'real woman'?

A Real Woman always stands by with her partner and kids.She bears all pains for them and never leave them alone.

How would God define a woman?

In the eyes of God(Arihants) , first of all there will be no distinction between any living being(souls), let alone leave man and woman.He(Arihant) is the ocean of compassion for all every living being in this world, for whom every living being is equal. He has not created this world but has himself made vigorous endeavour to become God(Arihant).So there will be no as such definition of women according to him. From him, just ‘all souls in the world remain happy and attain permanence(liberation)’ is what goes.He does not desire for anything nor expects anything from us. He remains in the state of eternal bliss as he has overcome Raag(attachment) and Dwesh(Aversion) which are the root cause of misery(Sansara)PEACE!

As a man, how would you define a "real woman"?

Who are we (MAN) to decide and judge one of THE best things nature has created if not at par ,way above the MAN.

Being a "real man" as defined by women?

I'm ******* tired of quote unquote "feminists" demanding "equality," and arguing about "gender roles" when what they really want is DOUBLE STANDARDS

and gender roles favoring women.

Men already ARE OBLIGATED TO PANDER TO WOMEN. Men are MORE POLITE, MORE RESPECTFUL, more courteous to women than women are to men, and this is considered "being a man," following through with their word --- all things women are not expected to do, don't have to do without any consequences.

Observe: chivalry.

There's no such thing as EQUALITY because women get treated like they're better.

And they treat men badly.

Therefor, because they treat men badly they're NOT better, and deserve EQUAL treatment. They should be given a hard time about their behavior and not "man up" or "grow some balls" but have a ******* backbone, common courtesy, respect, intelligence, and have what it means to be A HUMAN BEING, and not be hypocrites.

Women don't have a ******* clue what it's like or what it means to be a man. **** that bullshit and **** those cards they play.

Men: How would you define a beautiful woman?

Strong, intelligent, independent women are amazing to me because these ladies are usually the complete package. Many others have answered in terms of physical attributes and that is important, but not all important. Strong and intelligent women always take care of themselves and care about their appearance so it all falls into place in that "package" I mentioned.
I don't think a woman has to look like Bo Derek to be attractive necessarily though. Good grooming, femininity, grace, poise, self-confidence, all these work together to make a woman attractive I think. Of course a beautiful face and nice shape never hurt but it's not the single most important consideration.
Naomi Cambell is in the news this week for beating her housekeeper because she couldn't find her jeans. Now Naomi is arguably a very beautiful woman. But I will never think of her as such again.

To me the single most attractive attributes a woman can have are a great sense of humor and a good personality.

How does a woman define a good gentleman?

I think there is more to it than this, but this is what I basically think...If a woman feels comfortable, understood, and on the "tips of her toes" with you then are considered a gentleman. If you make her feel comfortable to be herself. Her full self. That is one of the most beautiful things a man can do for a woman. If she knows you understand her or at least listen and try to then brings her comfort level to another level. Lastly, if you "Woo" her and surprise her in ways that show how much you love her, that is a gentleman. This is doesn't have to be big things. It can be simple little things like getting her, her favorite flowers on a Wednesday for no reason at all except for that it is Wednesday. Hope this helps :)

Women, how would you define the perfect gentleman?

According to me, these are some definitions of a perfect gentleman!A perfect gentleman is one that treats a woman like a human, and not as an object!A perfect gentleman is one that wouldn't give women a lecherous gaze!A perfect gentleman knows how to behave with his wife in front of his mother, without hurting the sentiments of both women!The man who treats every human equally with love and respect, is indeed a perfect gentleman!The man who respects others point of views, even though he doesn't agree with them, is a perfect gentleman!A perfect gentleman also allots time to look perfect, by hitting the gym and wearing decent clothes!Thank you!Pic :