How Would I Handle This Job Situation

How do I handle this co-worker situation?

At my job, I work in an area that includes one guy and two other girls (all assistants). I really like and admire the guy (though I don't have a crush on him), but I've noticed that he chats up the other two girls and talks to them way more than he does with me. ALso, he touches them and never touches me -- I can't help but feel hurt at this, as I'm perfectly friendly to him. Believe me, I wish I could let go of this situation and not care about it, but I just can't help but feel awkward about it -- any advice for how to handle this?

How to handle stressful situations on a job?

You can learn how to manage job stress
There are a variety of steps you can take to reduce both your overall stress levels and the stress you find on the job and in the workplace. These include:

Taking responsibility for improving your physical and emotional well-being.
Avoiding pitfalls by identifying knee jerk habits and negative attitudes that add to the stress you experience at work.
Learning better communication skills to ease and improve your relationships with management and coworkers.

Tip 1: Recognize warning signs of excessive stress at work
When you feel overwhelmed at work, you lose confidence and may become irritable or withdrawn. This can make you less productive and less effective in your job, and make the work seem less rewarding. If you ignore the warning signs of work stress, they can lead to bigger problems. Beyond interfering with job performance and satisfaction, chronic or intense stress can also lead to physical and emotional health problems.

Tip 2: Reduce job stress by taking care of yourself
When stress at work interferes with your ability to perform in your job, manage your personal life, or adversely impacts your health, it’s time to take action. Start by paying attention to your physical and emotional health. When your own needs are taken care of, you’re stronger and more resilient to stress. The better you feel, the better equipped you’ll be to manage work stress without becoming overwhelmed.

Taking care of yourself doesn’t require a total lifestyle overhaul. Even small things can lift your mood, increase your energy, and make you feel like you’re back in the driver’s seat. Take things one step at a time, and as you make more positive lifestyle choices, you’ll soon notice a reduction in your stress levels, both at home and at work.

Tip 3: Reduce job stress by prioritizing and organizing
When job and workplace stress threatens to overwhelm you, there are simple steps you can take to regain control over yourself and the situation. Your newfound ability to maintain a sense of self-control in stressful situations will often be well-received by coworkers, managers, and subordinates alike, which can lead to better relationships at work. Here are some suggestions for reducing job stress by prioritizing and organizing your responsibilities.

How can I handle an unfair situation at work?

If your performance is unfairly evaluated, you still have rights to escalate a re-evaluation of your performance. As long as your numbers are in place and you are meeting the key deliverable’s in your KRA’s. You have a right to bring it in your supervisor’s attention. Or his supervisor’s attention, if need be. If your performance in your assigned tasks is accurate and without discrepancy, feel free to boldly reach out to your seniors and share your experience. Just ensure that your communications are always professional, polite and in a requesting manner. Aggression takes a better form, when you confidently put across your request for re-analysis. People who never give up, definitely find their space.All the best!