How Would You Describe A Female With This Character

B&A: How would you describe a strong female character?

Hey guys! Recently I've been reading some book reviews and found that a lot of YA fiction these days lack strong characters...
You know, there are our Mary-Sues (AHEM, BELLA SWAN), Faux-Heroines, leads with absolutely no personality.
So I was wondering, writers and readers: what would you describe as a strong female lead character? Can you give me some examples from published books of today? Or is there just none you can think of?
If you have time: what about male characters? Should they be expected to be a bit more sensitive or through and through tough?

What do you guys think of the characters in fiction, particularly YA, are strong and likable?

Thanks guys :) I appreciate your opinions.

How to describe a female character?

If you are writing it from her perspective - I would put her in a scene where she becomes critical of her looks. Perhaps she's comparing herself to someone she just met who is the same height as her, etc. Maybe she just stepped out of the shower or maybe guys are turning their heads because she is attractive.

Putting her in a certain scene may conjure up different ways to describe her looks. Sometimes you can be exact and give her height, say, 6' and on some dates she towers over the guy. And maybe, like the rest of the family, she has black hair. Or maybe she dyed it. You really don't have to get fancy with words. Just pick a good scene to describe her looks in. A guy looks at her and sees what? Her mother criticizes what aspect about her? Something like that.

Hope I've helped.

Words to describe a female 'evil-like' character?

I'm struggling to find words to describe this person because dictionaries and thesauruses seem to use words like 'villain', rascal, criminal, etc.....and that's not what she is... I will give a description of this person and if you can help me out with some adjectives that would be great, thanks!!

She has the outward look of an angel, but has a hidden agenda. Her reputation is that she wouldn't in a million years harm anyone. So, when she does harm a person, she's managed to somehow deceive the people around her to a point where 1) they don't think the other person is harmed and 2) they don't believe that she's capable of such a thing.

She has a way of getting you to do what she wants, every single time, in a very indirect way, without pressure, and sometimes without even seeming like she even suggested it in the first place. But to an outsider, it is so clear: she has an objective, and the end result is what she wanted in the first place. But with the flowery words in between, the sweet angelic voice, etc... she has steered people in any direction she pleased. They are like puppets in her hands, and without realizing they are being moved by strings above them.

When she insults people or hurts them, she does it in such a subtle way that it is only noticeable to the person she's insulted. So, in the end, she's made her point. Everyone else always seem to miss it. Like a snake slithering in the grass she creeps up on her victim without making herself noticeable to others.

I hope I was clear above, but feel free to ask any questions if you're not sure of something.
Any suggestions welcome. Thank you.

How do you describe a female character in a screenplay?

With any script (or piece of writing, for that matter), less is better. Any written work should have the minimum number of words need. Same as a drawing has no extra lines, or a machine has no extra parts - as Strunk & White remind us.So, rule of thumb, any character description should be as short as possible and contain ONLY details needed for the plot. You do need to mention their age for casting purposes.I was writing a WW2 epic that included an African-American soldier. “Jefferson is a 24 YO African-American, light-skinned, with a neat pencil mustache.” That fact he was AA and light-skinned was important because “colored” units were segregated, but a few AA guys ended up in “white” units. He wears a neat mustache because he’s dapper and was a piano player in NYC, as we learn later.Another character was a screw-up scientist drafted as a spy. “Giles is 35 YO, middle-height but very fit from hiking and mountain-climbing. He wears clunky glasses and outdoor clothes.” So he’s the opposite of a tall suave James Bond - which is the point - but has hidden strength. He wears glasses for a uncool nerd image.Other times I use no description. “Anita is a TV reporter, any age or race”.So to describe any character, including females, include ONLY what’s necessary for the story.Examples:“Cheryl is 27, athletic, but has a large scar over one knee.” Mention the scar because later we learn she was an Olympic contender but blew out her knee, and later when she’s being chased, her bad knees starts to fail.“Anne is 40-ish, middle-height and weight, with flaming red hair.” The red hair will be a plot point when she’s mistaken for another woman and kidnapped.And so on. Remember in your script you take out ANY WORD that’s not needed. So think of it as some director grousing, “Why does she have to be tall? I’ve got a short actress begging for the role.” You need to have an answer.

*Echoes from the Past* What roles are played by the female characters you encountered in this unit?

What roles are played by the female characters you encountered in this unit? Describe some of these female characters, their traits, and the roles they played within the selections you read, especially considering that all of those selections had male characters as protagonists.
*The Odyessey
Helen of Argos
The Sirens
IM NOT ASKING FOR THE ANSWER, maybe just a little oomph to get my brain on the right track. im completely stuck.

How do i describe The Anime character Nui Harime from Kill la Kill to my mother?

I'd describe her as total free spirit. Often behaving with a childish and overly cheerful demeanor, the kind of person that almost nothing phases. She does whatever she wants and laughs while she does it. But underneath all of that are sociopathic tendencies. She cares little about other people, focusing only on her own fun and greatly enjoys acts of violence. In times of stress when she loses control she'll drop the cheerful act and reveal her true sadistic and aggressive personality.

On the face of it people see a very cute and bright girl who's always smiling and nonchalant about everything. But beneath that is a very violent, obsessive and dangerous personality. If anything made creepier because she'll laugh cheerfully as she threatens to kill you.

As for appearance, she's a very girly girl. Likes the color pink and frilly lolita dresses, along with matching accessories. Often carries an umbrella everywhere. It all further accentuates her childish behavior and can lull people into a false sense of security around her.

How can I describe jealousy in a character in my writing?

Instead of saying, I am jealous, describe it. Which you have already started so you are done with step one. You could use a bit of symbolism well I don't know if it is exactly symbolism but something such as jealousy is green. For instance, I felt like my light green eyes were turning an even darker shade of green as I stared at that girl. That disgustingly beautiful girl. Also, if your character is feeling jealous of the other girl's beauty, try comparing them. I looked from my stringy blond hair to her beautiful waves of blond hair. My teeth clenched and if it had been possible, my eyes would have seared holes through her. I couldn't stand the sight of her with her bright smile and perfectly flawless face.
Try experimenting with different ways to write that part and once you have written several, compare them and see which one you like. If you want to improve it even further, mark which parts you like and that work and the parts of each that you don't like and that don't work. Create a list of things that work and create another one with those ideas in mind.

What defines a strong female character, from a strong character?

Try not to think in terms of strong gender characters but strong “character”, period.A truly strong “character” belongs to a person who steps-up when something needs doing. There is no argument or excuse, belly-aching or complaining, and what is more there is no polishing the fingernails on the shirt-front when the task is accomplished.The best example is a person who shows themselves to be a good person instead of telling everyone around them they are a “good Christian” (or whatever other Faith) but doesn’t even follow the Golden Rule, or basic rules of human compassion. This also follows, if they do good works under the same reason, suggesting that they wouldn’t if they didn’t feel they would be gaining points towards an afterlife in paradise.A strong character does what is necessary regardless of the personal reward or harm that would come to them.Females, especially have, a singular strength of character because more often than not they will give every bit of life’s energy to the raising and nurturing of their children. At least, it used to be that way. But the key is being self-sacrificing without bringing it up every five minutes, because there is (universally) a shortage of the smallest violins to play praise-tunes. After a while there is little correlation between self-sacrifice and bragging how bad your own personal life is because everything was for home and family. That attitude wears a bit thin after a while and from the child’s point of view, appreciation wanes and a totally sense of apathy is produced.Being a heroic figure works the same way, when it comes to being a female character. She does not need to be like, or behave like, a male that is busting at the seams with testosterone. Again - there is a task that needs to be done and it just gets done, and to bring up the fact of being female and undertaking a male-oriented task will only serve to make that task lose much of its potency.To be constantly violent and confrontational does not make a strong character. Strength is often the controlled ability not to resort to violent action but to make things happen with intelligence and some guile. Take the French Movie “Amelie”. In that story she helps some and conducts a campaign to hurt, but in both cases the actions are thought-out and not violent. She is a strong female and part of her strength is her own personal vulnerability to her own feelings.

How to describe a character as mysterious and sneaky?

She is: - Mystic
- Dark
- Strange
- Unsocial
- Lonesome
- Solitary
- Cryptic
- Deserted
- Secretive
- Strange / Weird
- Friendless
- Cold
- Sombre
- Cheerless
- Uncheerful

Hope that helped.

Can you describe a typical Female Aquarius?

Female Aquarius Personality
Highly experimenting and extremely independent are the two adjectives that perfectly describe an Aquarius female! So give freedom to an Aquarian female and make her yours! If given freedom, she will remain committed to you forever. She likes to experiment with almost everything, on her own. She does not like to be dictated or forced for anything. One more remarkable characteristics of an Aquarian female personality is that she is completely unpredictable! One day she may be a kid and the other day a philosopher! So, you need to adjust a bit according to her mood, but she won't force you to behave according to her principles. As she expects freedom, so does she give freedom. She is not the one who will keep a watch on you. But she does expect the other person to stick to their principles.

The Aquarius female trusts her partner completely, but when cheated, she becomes very bitter and carries the wound till the end. Just like the Aquarian male, Aquarian female is very sociable. She has loads of friends, but again, very few are really close. People can easily trust an Aquarius female as all the world's secret are safe with her! But when it comes to her, it is exactly opposite. She does not like to share her problems and weaknesses with others! These were Aquarius personality traits of an Aquarian female.