How Would You Feel If This Was Your Life

Why do I feel as if my life isn't real?

It is very possible and likely that you have Depersonalization-Derealization Syndrome, also known as just Depersonalization Disorder. Seems like you perceive the world as 'Foggy, dreamlike or like a videogame.' These are common and key symptoms of DPD. This can be the cause of Anxiety, panic attacks, self-harm, depression, low self-esteem and even chest pain, nausea, drowsiness, lack of motive/motivation & blurry vision. Attention impairments and hypersomnia are also common symptoms. DDS/DPD is believed to be caused largely by severe traumatic life events. These include;Surviving/Experiencing a Natural disasterHaving had experienced a Severe accident were loss of life and/or chronic injury likely occurred, like a major car accident/pileup or a plane crash. Returning from War or a WarzoneTorture/Severe or cruel punishmentThe result of a bad experience to a drug or multiple drugs. Being traumatically and/or consistantly abused for a relatively significant portion of your childhood by a parent, guardian, sibling, etc.Treatment, as of now, is mostly done by CBT which stands for 'Cognitive Behavioural Therapy'. It is aimed at treating patients by helping them to learn to reinterpret their symptoms in a non-threatning way. This has been largely successful in treating or at least Significantly helping most patients.Treatment may also include medications, though none have been shown to have a significant effect. An SSRI Antidepressant and a Benzodiazepine is sometimes prescribed for those with who often experience anxiety with DPD/DDS. Modafinil has also been shown to be effective in some groups namely those whose most prominant symptoms are hypersomia, feeling of drowsiness, and attention impairment. Some Evidence also supports the medications Naloxone and Naltrexene in treatment.

What in your life do you feel most grateful for?

My life in general.I'm privileged in so many ways. Thanks mom.

What should you do when you feel life is pointless?

Before I answer you… what do you really feel like doing right now?For me(on the verge of ending myself), asked myself do I still want to live.I controlled myself to hesitate, enabling rest to rethink and reflect.(upon reasons, be it to live or die)I searched google, and it told me many positive things.(not what i wanted)I searched negative literature to see the author’s point of view.I searched religions and saw their predictions of life and death.I saw philosophies of life and knew for sure, nope, these theories can’t be proven.(our senses might be an illusion: see solipsism)All those years, why did I live? Unconsciously living(yes nevertheless still living), for what?You can see the highest frequency word that is in my answer is the word, I.I guess you can guess it, the truth is everybody is searching and pursuing the purpose of life, but it is just all question based upon I.“I” matters most… do you get it?My life is mine, it doesn’t belong according to the views of my family, my peers, or even my God.I get my say in my life.Reasoning likewise I love life! I love MY life! For me to feel meaningful is to not disappoint myself by slacking off or not trying when there is a chance for success, be it whatever it may be(even if it is researching immortality). To try my best, so that eventually even if I die, I have tried, therefore there is no remorse in this. How cool is it to fight against all odds! People think I am defeated, think my actions are madness, but no…. oh no, I define what is my defeat, what is my purpose in this life, therefore I shall not waver when anybody questions my existence and purpose.That’s just me.Your life, your say. You define what it means to be meaningful or meaningless. What people think does not matter when it comes to your meaning of life. People think you are defeated, if you truly believe what they think, then you are truly defeated. Therefore you are here now, believing in what that isn’t defined by yourself.I am the author of my life. Be it meaningless or not nobody other than myself can judge it. Nobody can define my meaningless/meaningful other than me.So to answer your question:I suggest you do what you value most before your life ends.ButYou are the one who authorize your next step.P.S. Immortality gives meaning when all eventually fades.

Do you sometimes feel that your life might have been better if you had run away from home?

Well, at 18, I ran away from home, found "solace" in the Amazon jungle and lived there for three month. It was the best experience and living with native Indians, was better than those 5 years I spent in College. That was a "Circus stage" of my life, and we were all great performers !!

How does it feel to have sex for the 1st time in your life?

Expect it to be a disappointment. Male or female virgins are not going to have some epiphany when they lose it. Our society puts so much emphasis on sex that the first sexual encounter has taken on almost a religious status. The physical reality is not so romantic or dramatic.

For the woman, it will be from mildly uncomfortable to painful the first time. She may or may not bleed, but unless there is something wrong, there won't be much blood and the pain is a memory after few few tries.

For the man, it is a good idea to learn a few things about your body, too. It will not hurt but you need to be responsible just like your partner and you need to make sure you're extreme sensitive and gentle if your partner is a virgin, too.

No one is going to look stupid unless one of the people involved is an insensitive lout. Don't pretend not to be a virgin if you are, then you're asking for trouble. This is a time for communication and openness. BE CAREFUL!