How Would You Teach A Child The Difference Between Telling Tales And Reporting

What is the benefit of telling a teacher about a bullying incident(s)?

The most impactful way of lessening a bully’s power is byA. Growing your own self-esteem/powerB. Growing your support system so the bully’s perceived power means less to youLet’s delve into the second one first. I explain further that bullying gains steam when a person isolates them self. It’s totally okay to be an introvert but work to not be a loner. If other people *know your name* and come to care about what happens to you, this will also promotes the reality of perspective A. offered above. This is one’s self-esteem boost.Here’s how telling a teacher can help. They can HELP you work on social circle from the outside and in the shadows such as• pairing you in class with a potential ally whom they’ve noticed you’ve not considered being friends with• grouping you with kids who have higher self-esteem so you can see what that looks like up close and feed off of it (It’s important to note that bullies notoriously have low self-esteem.)• specifically NOT grouping or pairing you with your bully• knowing and thus being able to keep a closer eye and ear on the interactions between you and the bully• communicating with the other adults in the building so we can collectively track and monitor the situation and interaction. Ready to action when necessary.• telling you about a club you may not have thought about joining because you weren’t infirmary about it• giving you info about where to go seek further help and attention• encouraging you through your process

How to teach the difference between tattling and telling?

When she goes up to tattle ask her "Is someone bleeding, any bones broken, or is someone missing? If the answer is no then you are tattling. Are you here to tattle to mommy?" If she says yes tell her mommy doesn't need to know. She will totally get the concept about the of 6.

What age is good for a child to stop tattletaleing?

Kids tattle because they think by tattleing they will be able to get another person in trouble.
There's a huge difference between reporting and tattletaling.
Reporting is when something serious happened and you really need the help from an adult (this is not very often.)
Tattletaling is when something can easyly be solved but the child chooses to tell their parents in hopes of getting someone in trouble. If a child comes to u and says something like "jon accidently pushed eddie down the stairs and now eddie's bleeding." Then u should help the child out but if a child comes and says "jon rode my bike without my permission" then it's tattletaling cause the child's only concern is to get jon in trouble. I would suggest if you realize your child is tattletaling the best thing to do is to either change the story around one or two times to make it look like it's the child's fault till the child realizes HEy if i try to get Jon in trouble by telling mom wat he did i'll just get myself in trouble. Another thing u can do is say "i have my problems and u have urs. This not my problem and so i shall not have to solve it. it's up to u and Jon to solve ur problem not me."
And yes i do not like tattletales and i do not think anyone does. After all there is nothing to like about a person who intentionally tries to get others in trouble.