How Would You Write My Name In Japanese

How to write my name in Japanese?

"Ru" = ル
"Tu" =トゥ

So your name would be ルトゥジャ and pronounced Rutuja (the same). Day says there is only ツ(tsu), and it's true for Japanese names, but we do have トゥ(tu) to write foreign terms and names.

How do i write my name in Japanese?

The correct question would be, "How do I PRONOUNCE my name in japanese"?

A rough transliteration would be "eh-san" (pronounced the same),
and converted into KATAKANA (which is the thing they do when converting foreign words into Japanese), that would be:


How do you write the name "Joe" in Japanese?


How do you write my name in Japanese?

I’m assuming you have a non-Japanese or Chinese nameYou use this syllabary to match sounds to your name:Note that all characters are syllables. You have to match the syllable in your name to the closest syllable written here. If (other than n) you have a letter that isn’t independant, you use “(letter)u” or “to”/”do” in case of t and d. For example, “Krum” would become “クラム”. If it’s in the case of “sh”, “ch” or “j” you’d use “shi”/”chi”/”ji” since those are the normally used syllables for those sounds in Japanese.To repeat a letter Eg. “Matter” you’d use a small-sized ツcharacter in front of the syllable whose consonant was supposed to be repeated. (“マッテル”)Ls become Rs, since Japanese doesn’t have the sound “l”. Eg. Len becomes “レン”.Long vowels are replicated by putting the character and a “ー” after it. For example, “Noor” becomes “ヌール”.If the letter r is at the end of a sound eg. Mark, you’d replace the r with a dash (マーク). It’s like how the British tend to omit these types of Rs and extend the previous vowel.My name would be “アビマニュ”, for example.Also, when you write or say your name in Japanese, you say your last name first and in Japan people will address you with either your last name or your full name (both times with an honorific) unless they’re really close to you.

How do I write the name, Alvin, in Japanese?

In japanese is:

Pronunciation: Arubin. The "L" not exist in japanese。

"How do you write your name" in Japanese?

My teacher and I are mailing each other, but she never showed me the kanji for her name. I'm tired of writing it in hiragana, so I was wondering how I would ask, "how do you write your name", or "what's the kanji for your name", etc.

Her name is みどり, so needless to say I don't want to make a mistake and use 緑 if that's not how it's written. 笑

Thanks in advance!

How would you write my full name in Japanese?

Going by the fact that you are located in New Zealand, I will assume a generally english pronounciation (rather than a norse one, which would also work with that name)... this is especially valid for the first "i" in Kirstin, which I will assume to be read the same way as the "i" in "bird".カースティン  (kaa-su-ti-n)アン                  (a-n)エルフィック    (e-ru-fi-kku)Note: The more phonetically accurate spelling for "anne" might be エン (e-n), but I have made the experience that the spelling アン for Anne has been so firmly cemented in the Japanese mind that little else will stick...Also, written in text or on a business card, there would also be little "separating dots" between the parts, making it look like this:カースティン・アン・エルフィック Closing Remark(pasted from my last answer to a similar question):People  unfamiliar with Japanese are often surprised that "my name in Japanese"  does not yield any fancy, complex glyphs as it would in Chinese, such as 池英裸. Now, Japanese admittedly does also have this type of  glyphs... but it is important to understand that they are absolutely not  common for spelling the names of foreigners. Meaning any  rendering of your name in such "fancy" symbols is typically a joke by  your Japanese counterpart, and should never be used in actual  conversation/communication (or worse, as a tattoo). Any uninformed  Japanese presented with your name in such glyphs will not be able to  read it, in fact he most likely won't even be able to guess which sounds  it represents.

How Do You Write My Name In Japanese Kanji?


In katakana.

How do I write the name "Daniel" in Japanese?

“ダニエル” would be in Katakana.“だにえる” would be in Hiragana.”大仁得” would be with Kanji that are used often and easy once tell the Japanese how to read it. This Kanji has a meaning as to “receive big benevolence”, “仁” is a very good Kanji and respected and it is one of my favorite Kanji that associates to the Samurai code (The way of the Samurai).Hope this helps!