Hows This Statement Hit You People Can Only Do What They Are Allowed To Do And Will Do It

How do i retract a statement from the police?

Donna..judging from this question and another that i have seen you post, in another forum, it sounds like you are in a very violent/volatile relationship. if this is the case, don't be bullied or guilt tripped into retracting your statement to the police. no matter how sorry he is or claims to be, THE CYCLE OF VIOLENCE DOESN'T END. there will always be a next time. don't endanger your life/sanity any longer by tolerating abuse. you have MANY options/resources available to you, THIS CAN BE STOPPED. 1-800-799-7723 (national domestic violence hot-line) if you want to e-mail me i have many other alternatives/resources that i will be happy to provide for you. i truly hope this will help you. good luck.

If Your Step-Dad Hits You Is It Legal?

.Your step-parent can legally punish you, yes. What kind of "hit", how hard, and where, could be an issue.

FYI: Posts are easier to read when typed correctly. That would mean sentence case, Not Every Word Beginning With A Capital.

Self-Defense: If you fight with someone who attacked you first, how do you prove that you have a justifiable reason to attack back?

You can only "prove" it by evidence such as videotape. The more eyewitnesses you have the better, in a case sans tape.A lot of people use the excuse that "he started it" when in reality they baited the person to make the first move so they could feel "justified" in inflicting violence on someone.This is why ego contests usually start with "chest bumping", name calling, and other enticements to tempt someone into being the "aggressor".Half the time this is simple word games. There was no true self defense at play. A state like Colorado even has a "mutual combat rule" where you are allowed to fight another, which seems rational, if not outdated for our day and age.In a true self defense situation you are allowed to strike back. But you need to end your assault the moment your attacker is no longer of threat to you. You can't say, "well, he touched me, and I don't allow ANYBODY to put their hands on me, so we threw down!"Sure, that will justify it to yourself, but it's not right to provoke someone simply to have an excuse for kicking their ass.If it's true self defense, for example a strong armed robbery or random street violence, then strike back, strike hard, and worry about your personal safety first and the law second. But as soon as it's over, look to clean up your mess (getting witnesses on your side) as soon as possible. Tell the police you were a "victim", and try to be the first one to call and talk to the police if at all possible You are not going to look very "victim-like" if you have a bloody body lying at your feet, so be careful to paint the proper picture of the incident to the police. Speak with an attorney as soon as you can too, obviously, and be careful how much explanation you give the police. Just make sure you are labeled as victim and complainant.

How many times do you have to let someone hit you before you can hit back?

Lawfully and ethically you do not have to let anybody know who you are or what you do. Their own actions are based on their own ignorance of how the world works. All "rules" governing Martial Arts in the fighting world are just gossip rules.

If you are frightend by somebody and put in a position where you CANNOT escape you have every right and sometimes the very NEED to strike first and hard with COMPLETE conviction. It is when you fear your health is a direct risk of the situation with no way out.

In many cases if you are dealing with somebody in a matter that could quickly turn violent you shouldn't mention "I do MA, so you'd better watch out." That's exactly what it sounds like to an agressor who will most likely say "prove it". There you will have an issue in court as a potential provoking action. I know it sounds crazy but its happened before.

So, don't EVER LET somebody hit you in a negative manner before defending yourself. Don't warn them that you could beat them up. Just tell them you don't want to fight, you want to go on your way and be left alone. If they don't let you go... Strike first, fast, and hard.