Husbands Best Woman Friend Seems Too Friendly

What is ''too friendly'' when it comes to your wife or husbands interactions with other men/women?

What’s considered to be “too friendly” for a wife or husband to do in their interactions with other men or women could be dependent upon sociocultural underpinnings. For example, what may be considered “too friendly” in India may not be the same in China or the USA, Europe and the Middle East. However, there could still be some “too friendly” items that could be found in every shopping bag - whether in China, the USA, Europe, the Middle East or Africa.someone’s wife or husband asking your partner (the opposite sex) out for dinner - even if he/she is asking you for permission. Like your wife asking someone’s husband out, or your husband asking someone’s wife out.Unnecessary and an inexplicable gift exchanges between your husband/wife and someone else’s partner.Squeezing tightly the hands of the other person’s wife/husband during handshakes - and looking directly into their eyes during that action.Rubbing the forearms of the other man/woman.Jokingly smacking the behind/buttocks of the other man/woman.Kissing the hands of the other man/womanPlacing a call to the other man’s wife - and talking for a long time without asking to even say Hi to her husband - just because you were high school “playmates “. That’s “too friendly”.I will spare you the “laundry list”

I found my husband being friendly with another female. Is it considered cheating?

Feeling sexy for me brings me to life. How I feel sexy is when I engage with strangers, in plain conversation, it brings me joy to speak to another human being, whether they’re a man or woman.Feeling sexy has nothing to do with sex or wanting sex from someone I don’t know, it’s not about others but a reflection of my security in myself. How I carry myself, knowing someone else desired to engage with me as well, on a human level.Why are we so insecure as women, as humans and as a nation?We cannot be the all to our friends or lovers, they do need others that bring them to life, and you do too.Being friendly does not equate cheating, unless that is how you choose to see it.I want my s.o. to feel the freedom to speak to whomever he desires, I do not control him, nor do I ever want that responsibility.The more open we are to others and demonstrate our security is rock solid, the sexier we become in their eyes.If someone is going to cheat, they will, and if they have no interest, they won’t.Don’t build stories where they don’t exist.Have a life of your own where your vision doesn’t become myopic and all you see is what your boyfriend does or doesn’t do, you’re not his parent, you’re his equal.Freedom within relationships is beyond rewarding. Learn to trust and you will see the freedom there as well.

Can a husband have female friends?

I don't know him so I cannot answer this.Many men are capable of having single female friends. I consider it a good sign if a man I am interested in dating is one of them.Having friends at all means he is at least somewhat likeable and loyal. Having female friends tells me that he sees women as people, the same as his male friends, and is able to have healthy relationships with them. Having single female friends tells me he is able to do this without feeling entitled to them, otherwise they probably wouldn't still want to be friends with him. If he finds one attractive but isn't acting on it, it tells me he is able to control himself and consider his actions without being led by his emotions; good for him, that speaks positively for our agreements and future arguments.I would not want to have partner who considered themselves incapable of having single female friends. That means either I can't trust them, or they are unable to treat a woman as an individual, or they are incapable of being themselves honestly with women, at least without offending them.I have a number of close friends of various genders. They are very important to me; they are like my chosen family, with a bond built up over years. I also like to hug my friends. There is a strong chance that a man who cannot have single female friends may feel uncomfortable with me having many male friends. If he cannot adapt to that then he is likely to feel unhappy in a relationship with me. He would be better off seeking soneone else with similar views.I hope it goes without saying that if he reacts by trying to control me or restrict my friendships, then we would be over. I will not tolerate that kind of behaviour.

Can married women have guy friends?

Yes you can have male friends. But most of the things in this world comes as conditions apply. Similarly the same conditions go even in the relationships sometimes. There is nothing wrong in having male friends provided there is a limit to that relationship. When your husband gets to know that the guy was you friend in the past the one thing that immediately strikes is your friend was a part of your life that your husband does not know about. Not only your husband most of the husbands are like that it creates a curiosity in them to dig more into your past. Knowingly or unknowingly the old friends general laugh around at many things about their past that their spouses do not understand. Such things create a sense as if they are being alienated from the conversations, their minds do not rest unless they are informed back what you guys really laughed at in the past. It creates a sense of insecurity in many husbands if they are possessive about their wivesI personally have witnessed many of my friends had their girl friends in college who stopped talking to them after they got married. They had nothing in between them expect friendship but they have opted to stay away from talking. The same implies to the guys, they try to cut down the contact with their girl friends if there is a pressure from his wife.Most of the husbands are never comfortable if their wife maintain contacts with their guy friends in the past. I do not say your husband is right but he is not equally wrong also, the same thing goes in most of the husband’s minds. If your husband is good in other aspects except this one then I will suggest you to trim down the contacts with your males friends. You can just keep them limited to Facebook messages or occasional phone calls. End of the day your husband is the one whom you really share the relationship, friends can only stretch to some extent and help us. If you husband has become over possessive and if he is troubling you he seriously needs some counseling. But if he is only feeling bad about it do not worry it is a quite common feeling. There is nothing wrong in maintaining the contacts but you might need to limit them. Same thing implies even to men also.

My husband flirts with his female friend?

This sound's oh so much like what my husband has done... the text's, late night call's, secrative, getting caught in lies, getting angry when I ask question's because he cant memorize all of the lies! The accusation's against me to get the eyes off of him. Does your hubby, accuse you of cheating, without reason? That is a great hint that he is cheating. Because a person can only trust another person as much as they trust themself. Cheater's accuse because they only know what they would do in certain situation's! Is he secretive? Does he get upset, defensive, and say things like well you did this or that and try to turn it on you? These are all slap's in the face that your mans a cheater! Maybe he just has a flirty type personality? Is he really very talkative and brag a lot in front of the guys, does he like to be the center of attention in front of men and women? Or is there a drastic, difference in the way that he talk's to guy's? First off, I would text that girl pretending to be him, just to get a feel of what is going on. Then I would call, or confront her and ask her what thats about and show her the texts, see if she says that her and a guy came to visit. You need to let him know, that joking/ flirting is unexceptable! Tell him that what ever he does, is ok for you to do, so if he want's you to behave a certain way then he needs to do the same! Go with your gut, womans intuition has never failed me. If you find out he has cheated, or you have a hard time getting over this, or believing him, try talking it over more, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, explain how his actions make you feel. This is what I did and he finally listened. Only you can make the decision to stay and fix, or leave and start over. But if you love eachother, than you 2 can fix anything, everyone makes mistakes, forgivness is true love, but he has to be willing to change. He wont change over night, no one can, and he may slip up a few times and he might push you farther than youve ever been pushed, but aslong as you 2 love eachother, you can get through anything. Dont let anyone else convince you otherwise. Go with your heart. Pray, God is here for you. God bless you, I will pray for you and your family.

I think my husband likes his best friend's wife, what should I do?

Make a joke and laugh about it when he does that. Tell him he has a crush on her and laugh. But make it light. Tell him everyone notices how much attention he gives her and how much he is desperately waiting for her all the time. But make sure it is ALWAYS in a light mood and not to taunt him or tell him not to see her. Even if he says he likes her dont get angry … laugh about it and go close to him and say wow like you actually mean. Joke like its some exciting thing but not you are encouraging it but like a kid has fallen in love with his teacher sort of a crush. You getting me?Most important thing is Dont get angry on him even if he says he is really interested. This is very very important. Or else you will ruin everything…even your relationship. Its normal for men to like other woman even after marriage. But its just hormones so dont worry so much.He will realise his mistake and stop it.

I find my best friend to be more interested in my husband. I have noticed her staring deeply into his eyes. She even managed to destroy my anniversary trip by getting into it being too friendly with my husband. What should I do?

You don't have to feel bad about maintaining stronger boundaries with your so called best friend. I say so called, because a true friend wouldn't love gaze your hubby. That's typical of triangulation, a favorite tactic of sociopaths. They are professional boundary pushers because it gives them a sense of power and superiority. A true friend respects marital boundaries and has no business being a part of your anniversary celebration trip. You might be too accommodating if you invited her along. I'd suggest distance from her, and research divorce law in your state. In some states you can sue the other woman for spousal alienation. Is your state a no fault state? Check your entitlements for alimony. And don't let anyone tell you you should just trust your husband, implying there's something wrong with you. There's not, and spousal alienation is a real thing. Just like people who get sucked into abusive relationships and can't leave, the way cults suck in members, and non critical thinkers in the electoral college voted 45 in. Love bombing and alienation. It can happen to anyone. Trust your intuition. She's your guardian angel. If you think your friend is up to something, she is. It's not you, it has nothing to do with you. It's her need to one up you, because something is wrong with her. You're not the first and won't be the last. I know women like her, my sister and a few others. Healthy space if not no contact. Just start by being too busy to talk or hang out. You don't have to call her out. Just put her on ice.

Friend's wife getting too friendly?

My friend's wife and I are now closer than I am to my friend. She contacts me by phone and IM and Facebook all day long and flirts quite a bit. The sexual innuendo is slipping in more and more. I'm playing along right now because I like her attention and because I'm attracted to her. And, of course, I'm feeling a little guilty. It's not out of control, but it feels like it's going that way. She's slipping into my fantasies more and more; which really has me worried. These are REALLY good fantasies too. We all want what we can't have, right?

I'm not sure if I should mention anything to her. I certainly won't mention anything to him. I feel like if I mention anything to her, I'll do it in a way that will try to seduce her - I don't trust myself. Argh. ANy ideas people? [*I especially want to hear from Married women]