Hyper And Hypo Thyroid

Do I have hyper or hypo thyroid My test cam in high 8.33?

i am going to agree with mrsheigs with the following addendum. Assuming that when you say that your value was 8.33 that you are referring to the TSH (otherwise known as Thyroid stimulating hormone) then you would have HYPOthyroidism. If, however, that number referred to the free T4 or T3 it might that you are HYPERthyroid. Though my guess is that it is HYPOthyroid.

The way the body works is that a part of the brain releases a hormone (TSH) which stimulates the thyroid to release thyroid hormones (these are usually referred to as T3 and T4). When there is a problem with the thyroid and it doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone the brain senses this low amount of thyroid hormone and pumps out more TSH causing your TSH level to go up.

Take care of yourself and begin treatment as your doctor prescribes. Hypothyroid can be a very dangerous disease if not treated. In addition, hypothyroidism is associated with weight gain, feeling tried constantly and a number of other symptoms. Getting this under control may help with some of these symptoms.

Take care.

My tsh level is 7.46 do i have hypo or hyper thyroid? do i need treatment and what food to avoid?

You have hypothyrodism.

You need treatment. It's usually a hormone pill that you have to take for the rest of your life. Consult an endocrinologist for the right treatment.

What is the range for hyper- & hypothyroidism?

Which “range” are you referring to? If you are referring to the TSH test: the AACE TSH normal range is 0.3–3.0, which is much closer to reality than the usual American lab range of about 0.5–5.0. The AACE range implies that you are hyper if TSH<0.3, and hypo if TSH>3.0. However, TSH is a pituitary hormone that doesn’t tell you anything about your actual levels of active (T3) and storage (T4) thyroid hormones. For this reason, TSH isn’t a great diagnostic tool, and it is a poor tool for managing treatment, and especially in those hypo cases where levo (T4) treatment alone is insufficient because your body is unable to do T4->T3 conversion in sufficient quantity.Accomplished doctors who really understand thyroid diagnosis/treatment don’t do just a TSH. They will do all of the following tests: TSH/FT3/FT4/rT3/TPOAb/TGAb. If you are hypo, the *Ab antibody tests reveal whether you have Hashimoto’s, the most common cause of hypothyroid. If you are hyper, you will probably also have a TSI test done, to determine if you have Graves.

What is my thyroid with a TSH level of 7.62, hypo or hyper?

Note the level of your Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH). The normal range is from around 0.5 to 5.5. If the TSH level is above normal, your doctor may determine that you are hypothyroid (underactive thyroid.). If your doctor ran a test called Total T4 or Total Thyroxine, normal range is approximately 4.5 to 12.5. If you had a low reading, and a high TSH, your doctor might consider that indicative of hypothyroidism .Since your TSH of 7.62 which is more than normal range , it ,might be hypothyroid but should be checked with patient’s symptoms and Free T4 level. With the proper treatment for hypothyroidism you can completely control it.

What happens if you have hyperthyroid??

Ya, my friend has hypertheroid, he is tryinng to get treatment for it.. Doctors said he has .01 TSH(thyroid simulating Harmone in his body. Is it dangerous?"??

Can hypo or hyper thyroid disorder cause dizziness?

Yes, I had vertigo when I was severely hypothyroid: Vertigo is when you feel the room is actually spinning you SEE movement: Dizziness, on the other hand, to me means just lightheaded? That could be from low blood pressure, which is also common in those who are hypothyroid: A thyroid hormone deficiency affects other electrolytes and hormones, like cortisol, which affects blood pressure: Here's a more detailed discussion on all the electrolytes and hormones: Vertigo, Tinnitus, & Hearing Loss Can be Hypothyroid SymptomsThis answer is from: Can Hypo Or Hyper Thyroid Disorder Cause Dizziness?I know (first hand) how frustrating vertigo and dizziness can be but I think most of the advice we’re given about how to deal with it is crap. At best is temporarily masks the problem. The whole thing can be frustrating as hell and reduced me to tears more than once.If you haven’t seen it already Vertigo Professor has a bunch of videos on Vertigo and this speciifcally is worth a look: How to (Properly) Overcome Vertigo and Dizziness (and Why Masking the Problem is Stupid)

Can thyroid cancer cause hyper-/hypothyroidism?

Yes. It is possible.

Hypothyroidism is the disease state caused by insufficient production of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland. There are several distinct causes for chronic hypothyroidism, the most common being Hashimoto's thyroiditis and hypothyroidism following radioiodine therapy for hyperthyroidism. Secondary hypothyroidism occurs if the pituitary gland is damaged by a tumor, radiation, or surgery so that it is no longer able to instruct the thyroid to make enough hormone.

The severity of hypothyroidism varies widely. Patients are classified as "subclinical hypothyroid" if diagnostic findings show thyroid hormone abnormalities, but they do not exhibit any symptoms. Others have moderate symptoms that can be mistaken for other diseases and states. Advanced hypothyroidism may cause severe complications, the most serious one of which is myxedema.

Hypothyroidism results from sporadic inheritance, sometimes autosomal recessive. To diagnose the condition, levels of T4 (thyroxine) and TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) are measured. The disease may also be caused by a lack of thyroid gland or pituitary hormone. Treatment comes in the form of thyroid hormone replacement therapy.

Thyroid cancer is cancer of the thyroid gland. There are four forms: papillary, follicular, medullary and anaplastic. The most common forms (papillary and follicular) are slow growing and may recur but patients under 45 rarely die, and the medullary form also has a good prognosis if it is restricted to the thyroid gland and a poorer prognosis if there has been spread; the anaplastic form is fast-growing and poorly responsive to therapy.

Thyroid nodules are diagnosed by ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration (USG/FNA) or frequently by thyroidectomy (surgical removal and subsequent pathological examination). As the thyroid cancer can uptake iodine, radioactive iodine is a commonly used modality in thyroid carcinomas. However, it is follwed by TSH suppression by Thyroxine therapy.

What's worse hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism?

They both are pretty bad, but untreated hyperthyroidism (in the long run) is worse for your body as a whole. It can have devastating effects on your heart and bones (osteoporosis). With hypothyroidism, you can experience exhaustion, hair falling out, temp. problems, etc. Basically, "hypo" symptoms are opposite of "hyper" and vice versa. These two diseases are easily treated with meds (and sometimes surgery or radioactive iodine). You should get a TSH, (free) T4 ,(free) T3, and thyroid antibodies test to see if you have one of these.

Weight gain is a symptom of hyperthyroid or hypothyroid?

Both hyper and hypothyroidism go hand in hand and one can lead to the other. This is because the root cause of Issue is the same which is not in your thyroid BTW.Thyroid disease is completely reversible in my experience. I have reversed not only my own PCOD and thyroid but have helped hundreds of women heal their hormone Imbalances and achieve healty natural pregnancies. It's frustrating to see that so many women are suffering and not getting the right information. It can be reversed not by masking the symptoms with drugs but by addressing the root cause of the problem. Needs root cause evaluation with further investigations...Can be healed with diet changes, lifestyle changes, self care and Detoxification.Hope this helps.