I Accidentally Drank My Medicine

I think I accidentally drank water my cat drank. Will this make me sick?

Several years ago, I had a feral cat (Snoopy) that belonged to my Mother but was in our care when she went to live in a retirement home. That cat was wild. We had an old ceramic cistern water dispenser that I started to change out one night. Our intent was to drain the ceramic bowl and replace it with a new fancy hot/cold water dispenser. Since there was still water left in the ceramic bowl, I left it on our kitchen counter, overnight, figuring I’d either drink it or water plants with the remaining H2O. The next morning, I poured a fairly large glass of that remaining water and drank it all down quite quickly. Immediately, I noticed an odd smell to the glass and quickly inspected the ceramic bowl. To my dismay, I discovered that sometime in the night, Snoopy had peed in the bowl. So, to answer your question, you’ll be fine if all your cat did was have a drink.

What should I do if I accidentally took blood pressure medicine twice in one day, morning and tonight?

Talitha’s answer is a good one; and is the other professed experience. In your case it can be inferred that you have not as yet double dosed your drug a half-day apart—i.e., since you asked the question.Recently I found my self feeling tingly scalped and faint headed as I moved about the kitchen preparing supper. Sitting down did not keep the symptoms, including chills without sweating, from growing more pronounced. Following ARC lifesaving-first-aid training as a child (and similar experience upon 2+ weeks trauma hospitalization release—the kindhearted nurses kept wanting to help me stand while I kept wanting to lower my head) I was able to lower myself to recumbent position—lightly clad—on cold cold bare floor.The faintness subsided but I could only muster strength to turn over after as much as 1/2 hour or more of rest and restored cranial circulation.After then, dragging myself to another room with carpet, I was later able to turn prone, raise onto hands and knees, and make it to another room where I spent the night before attempting to stand again.I only occurred to me later….the possibility that I might have taken (instead of dream-state recalled having timely taken) a duplicate dose of L some 12 hours after a prescribed dose. I could not be sure but a small intervals of skin color abnormality (either blackish or hyper-reddish, as in insufficient pressure to warm or cool digits), and the fact of no recurrence, proved sufficiently convincing that super-sufficient saturation must have been unintentionally attained.

I accidentally took my blood pressure medicine twice, will I be ok?

Please do not panic. Any reaction would depend on the type blood pressure pill and the dosage; both of which you did not disclose. Most of the time, nothing bad will happen, or you blood pressure may go down a little lower than intended. Some patients are given 320 mgs once a day . Thus you just need to watch out for any symptoms of a fall in BP. You should drink a couple of glasses of water as of now. Just watch out for dizziness ,feeling of discomfort or problem breathing. Just monitor your BP.Give your pharmacist a call...someone who knows your dosage and the type of pill that you doubled-up on. The pharmacist will be able to quickly provide some exact information. Or, you can call your medical provider's office -- the one who prescribed the blood pressure pills to you.

Accidentally drank dristan nasal spray?

i was goofing around with my friend and he sprayed me in the mouth with dristan nasal spray and i swallowed a fair amount. the med ingredients are Phenylephrine HCl , Pheniramine Maleate and the non-medical ingredients are alcohol, benzalkonium chloride, cellulose, eucalyptol, menthol, purified water, sodium chloride, sodium phosphate and thimerosal.

What should i do? i feel fine

I accidentally drank out of my sister's cup and she has a fever blister!!!! :(?

I don't think that you are going to have too much of a problem. If you see anything, or if you feel really nervous about it, I would call your doctor and bring up the question,.

Dog accidentally swallowed blood MY pressure medicine?

Call your vet to make sure but most likely he will ask you to keep an eye on your dog because this medicine is used in dogs and its a low dose for a dog with that weight.

If it just happened you can give about a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and it will make him vomit it back up in about 30 seconds. If it doesn't just repeat.

I accidentally swallowed a chicken bone, should I seek medical assistance, or will my stomach acid break it down?

Better see a doc at a hospital (ED?) ASAP, so they have the diagnostic and treatment options needed. A GP won’t be able to do anything for you unless you already had acute belly pains, than the chicken bone would have perforated your intestines and an emergency surgery would be needed, again only a hospital can provide that service.How big was that bone? Are you having abdominal symptoms?Don’t count on your stomach’s acid digesting the bone, it won’t.So the bone will have to pass two narrow places in the trajectory from stomach to anus:-pylorus, that is the gastric outlet we routinely pass an 14mm endoscope through this channel, if the bone was still in the stomach it could be retrieved by endoscopy, to me the best way to deal with it.-ileocoecal valve, the junction between small and large bowel, if passage here was a problem usually surgery would be needed, no endoscopic retrieval possible

I accidentally swallowed my blood?

No. The blood has come from your own body. It would only be a concern if you came into contact with blood from someone else ( Hepatitis B is a common problem). So relax!

My dad accidentally drank 2 OZ of hydrogen peroxide... will he be okay?

Actually.. If he were to have drank anymore he could have been on the urge of poisoning. But, that little amount is harmless to humans. He may throw up a little and feel crampy, but he should be fine. If he has any other symptoms, I would advise you to ask a doctor.