I Accidentally Reported My Friend Multiple Times On Instagram. How Do I Follow Them Again


my sister posted a comment on my picture and I wanted to delete it cause it was irrelevant to the picture and I accidentally reported her. She only got reported one time so will this effect her account in anyway? she is really nervous and so am I because I know she will be really mad if they suspend or delete her account :(

How can I see who I accidentally unfollowed on Instagram?

Go to the playstore on your phone and download an app called InFigures. I personally use this app.It will tell you everything you need to know about your account. I suggest everyone download this app if you want to make sense out of your account.If I was able to help in anyway by all means follow me on Facebook and let’s continue to share knowledge so that we can continue to brainstorm and be successful. Solomon Jones

Why didn't my friend follow me back on Instagram?

So I have a friend in my class who I've known and talked to for a while.

I gave her my number & allowed her to borrow my copy of our class' required course pack over this past weekend.

She herself asked me for both.

I showed that I found her on Instagram from the Contacts area and she gave me permission to follow her and accepted me but she did not follow me back!!

I know its just Instagram but I feel a bit weird about this if she and I are gonna be friends.

Why might've she not followed me back?
And if you're gonna tell me to mention it to her, then how??

If you report someone's comment on Instagram does it tell them you did?

So someone commented something on one of my pics on Instagram and I accidently pressed "delte and report abuse" instead of just "delete", this is one of my friends, so does it tell them if you report their comment??? btw follow me @roooo_21 :)))

Accidentally hit report spam on twitter?

it's completely okay that you can accidentally clicked the report spam button.

That person whom you have clicked as span is never going to know that you have clicked the spam button on him.

How do I know if someone denied my instagram follow request?

Go to there account and if it says follow its denied so this means your denied but if it says requested they just didn't accept it. I'm new to this network but I had the same problem. Hope I helped.

Declined follow request on Instagram?

i declined this hottt girls follow request on accident. I followed her last night and I was worried she wasn't gonna follow back cause she only follows people she really knows back and me and a couple of my friends have been hanging with her and her friends some this week and she did follow me back! But I accidentally clicked decline instead of accept(I'm private account). She requested a couple hours ago and I followed her last night. Should I unfollow and refollow her so it looks like something messed up or would that make me look weird? I'm not askin her to request again cause that's weird. What should I do? Would the refollow thing make it look like something happened like thru connection messed up or what?

If someone gets flagged/reported by 5 different people on Instagram can anything happen?

Yes.. Instagram can disable your account or they could ban your account. Instagram like any other network reserves the right to do this without prior warning. Furthermore, if your account is disabled, you may still be able to log in from another device or location and if that's the case, then the problem is on the current device that you're using. On the other hand, if you're banned entirely then you won't be able to log in from any location or device and will be left with only one option.. create an entirely new account. Her's a resource that you can use in the event you want to try to "un-disable" your account (e.g. How to Get an Instagram Account Unbanned). However, again in the case of the ban.. there's nothing you can do to reverse that action. Nevertheless, the best thing you can do as anyone would suggest regardless of the network you're on is to always back up your data. If you lose access to your account, you will lose access to any data you've uploaded if you don't regularly back it up.

I accidentally I unfollowed my crush?

Ok so I thought he unfollowed followed me so I unfollowed him... But then turn out he still does follow me! And I'm afraid if I re follow him again.. He will notice and unfollow me. What should I do?!?!?!? This is on instagram btw