I Accidentally Stabbed My Palm While Trying To Slice An Avocado

I accidentally stabbed my palm while trying to slice an avocado?

yesterday, i was slicing up an avocado and i was trying to get the pit out. i tried stabbing it with my knife but then it slipped and cut through the whole avocado and into my palm. the cut is almost smack in the center of my palm but a little higher. i dont think the cut is that deep. it hurt a little bit and was bleeding but it stopped after a minute. i also washed it and stuff. i wasnt really worried about it. today,i noticed my hand is a little bit more swollen than my other hand. when i move my fingers it kinda hurts. and theres this pain that kind of shoots up my arm sometimes all the way up to my elbow and i feel like its moving up to my shoulders and now my back hurts a little. do you think theres some type of nerve or something thats connecting all of this together? i dont really know how the muscles and stuff work in your hands. would this all disappear anytime soon? is this anything serious? try and give me lots of details and not just "go to the doctor". thanks guys,

Can one quickly recover from a stab through the hand?

No, not usually. A stab wound to the hand, apart from the very real danger of deep infection, may cause damage to tendons or neurovascular bundles. Operations to repair tendons may have to be staged, in order to repair correctly and without undue tension on the tendon repair. This can take a significant (weeks or more) amount of time.  Tendon repair does not always restore complete function.  Partial tendon lacerations might be missed. Disruption of the extensor or flexor tendons of the hand can cause deformities similar to those seen in Parkinson's disease, in addition to lack of, or limitation of, function.The blood supply to the tissues in the hand may have been compromised, leading to devitalization and necrosis (tissue death), which in turn may lead to infection and even amputations. There may have to be skin grafts, if the skin is avulsed and devitalized. due to lack of blood supply.There can also be, depending upon the force of the injury and the instrument used, fractures or ligamentous injury, resulting in dislocation of the small bones of the hand. In the metacarpals, this can lead to later arthritis, or, in some poorly vascularized regions, eventual necrosis of the bone.The point is that because a puncture wound may look small at the entrance or exit, it may have taken a destructive path through the important structures of the hand. Any puncture wound of the hand should be examined by a qualifies physician. It will need to be irrigated, may need debridement, and certainly requires up to date immunization against tetanus.

What are some of the most underrated swords in the world?

Underrated?Honestly, the smallsword.It looks dainty compared to most other swords. And it is. Small, light, thin, most famously utilized by dandies in powdered wigs with posh accents.It’s still an instrument of murder. It’s a spike on a handle that can be driven with minimal effort through the body of a human being to kill. It’s nimble and quick, and can kill with just a single prick. Fancy and foppish in appearance, but it is every bit as deadly as a massive greatsword used to smash into ranks of pike. Make no mistake, this weapon is a killer made for the taking of life. It is not some toy or practice item. The smallsword is the culmination of thousands of years of sword designs allowing and then favoring the thrust, ultimately coming to form the ultimate lightweight stabbing implement that could be carried anywhere and kill anyone whether at war or in civil life. While not a primary weapon unlike a heavier sword such as its ancestors the rapier, longsword, arming sword, and gladius, the bearer of a smallsword wielded it with every bit of killer intent as did the wielders of those ancestral arms. Nobody would contend the smallsword is a champion battlefield weapon or the greatest of swords, but it is perfectly suited for its one purpose: to kill another person in a fight to the death where scoring a quick and devastating blow is the only way to survive.And people in HEMA and elsewhere consider it dainty, unmanly, and a kind of borderline joke.Just remember: It’s a long spike on a handle more than capable of rending your entire body through in the blink of an eye.