I Accidentally Touched Roach Poison

Accidently touched poison ivy, what to do?

I was just showing my daughter how to do yard work and how to weed, she is working for me while home from college as she can't get a summer job. I was showing her (without gloves with I never do) how to pull out a vining plant that was growing up amongst our shrubbery and grabbed onto it to pull it out.
After I had it in my hand, I freaked out and dropped it and realized that I could very well be poison ivy.
I'm 54 years old and have never had poison ivy in my life. I went in immediately and washed my hands well with soap and water. Then, about 15 minutes after that went in again and re-washed two more times really well with soap and water. Then, I used an alcohol based hand sanitizer and rinsed with water again. What do you think?
Should I do any ting else to prevent it? Am I doomed?

A real insect, or the remains of a doobie?How could you ‘accidentally’ do this?Anyway, neither will kill you. If it was an insect, you might vomit at the thought of what you did, or even feel ill if the insect had been sprayed with poison that didn’t kill it, but just pissed it off.The doobie might give you a bit of a bellyache. You’ll live.Hint: Practice keeping your mouth shut unless you have something to say.

I accidentally ate cockroaches!!!!?

I actually just did the same thing a few minutes ago except idk if these bugs were baby roaches or what but i was eating out of a box of rasins (medium size box) and put the box down for a few minutes i really wasnt paying attention the whole time i was eating them and when i looked at the box my heart dropped their was lots of little bugs on my bed around the raisin box i immediatly took the blanket off my bed and put it in the hamper and threw away the raisins but idk what i ate mindlessly and idk how old the raisins where they seemed fine. But im worried about getting worms to O.o just because im not sure if these were roaches or something ele. they was small and a reddish/ brown maybe? i know they was little and lots of them but i feel sick because i hate bugs and eating idk how many just makes it worse.

You are undoubtedly suffering from Formic Acid poisoning. But not to worry the cure is quite easy. You need to close yourself in a completely dark room for 24 hours eating ony peanuts and turkey jerky while drinking a six pack of sprite…..Of course there is nothing to worry about. You have probably eaten a great many over the course of your life.

What happens if you accidently swallow a roach??...?

Well my house is like infested with them (not because my family is dirty or anyhting) and I woke up in the middle of the night because I was thirsty. So I went to the kitchen trying not to make any noise any I didn't want to turn on the lights and disturb my parents so I went into the kitchen quickly and blind, grabbed a cup, rinsed it (not thoroughly, jus real quick), went to the fridge, and poured some water in my cup. Then I went to my room and started drinking the water but it felt like I swallowed something and not just the water lmao what happens if it was a roach that I swallowed and not my imagination playin tricks on me??.... lol

Effect of Boric acid on insects:Boric acid can kill insects if they eat it. It disrupts their stomach and can affect their nervous system. It can also scratch and damage the exterior of insects. Boric acid and borax, a sodium borate salt, can kill plants by causing them to dry out.What happens if human consumes Boric acid:Boric acid is low in toxicity if eaten or if it contacts skin. However, in the form of borax, it can be corrosive to the eye. People who have eaten boric acid have had nausea, vomiting, stomach aches, and diarrhea. Diarrhea and vomit may have a blue-green color. Eating extreme amounts has resulted in a red, "boiled lobster" like skin rash, followed by skin loss. People who breathed in borax had a dry mouth, nose, and throat. Coughing, sore throat, shortness of breath, and nose bleeds have also been reported.Once inside, boric acid generally moves evenly throughout the body. However, it can be stored in bone and is generally found at lower levels in fatty tissues.One adult death is reported because of acute boric acid ingestion : Fatal ingestion of boric acid in an adult.image credits: Google

While it might be contrarian, don’t worry too much. Just consider this:Here's How Much Mouse Poop The FDA Allows In Your Food11 Totally Disgusting Things the FDA Allows In Your FoodFDA Guidelines... Maggots, Insect Parts And Rat Droppings10 Ways You Could Eat Feces Today - ListverseYou’re in a world of hurt & S$$T HAPPENS (in your food)! OMG, it’s worse! You can actually breathe the stuff: We vacuum up the stuff & toss anything that we see has been compromised in the house. (Don’t even ask how many mouse holes I’ve plugged & those litthe buggers still find a way in!)

Of course yesssss....... Its very fatal if ingested.There will be 100%mortality.The poison will contain aluminium phosphide.This when ingested reacts with water and HCl in the stomach and causes release of phosphine gas.This phosphine gets absorbed from the gut and causes systemic effects.The patient will have clinical features like..........Nausea,vomitings,diarrhoeaHypotension,arrythmias,congestive cardiac failure,disseminated intravascular coagulationDiplopia,dizziness,convulsions,comaPulmonary oedema,cyanosis,respiratory failure.Metabolic acidosisNephro and hepatotoxicityImmediate intervention is needed.Gastric lavage to be done within 1-2 hoursActivated charcoal has to be given as it is an universal antidoteLiquid paraffin or coconut oil can be given through ryle's tube as it decreases release of phosphine gas.IV fluids with central veinsSoda bicarb for acidosisMagnesium sulphate IV as it is a membrane stabilizer and decreases incidence of arrythmiasSteroids for adrenal insufficiencyEven with treatment the chances of survival are rare.If the patient is survived after treatment,the truth is................By god's grace or the patient may not have ingested the poison.

HELP!!!! My son ate a cockroach!!!?

With every day pass, our country is getting into more and more trouble. The inflation, unemployment and falling value of dollar are the main concern for our Government but authorities are just sleeping, they don’t want to face the fact. Media is also involve in it, they are force to stop showing the real economic situation to the people. I start getting more concern about my future as well as my family after watching the response of our Government for the people that affected by hurricane Katrina.

According to recent studies made by World Bank, the coming crisis will be far worse than initially predicted. So if you're already preparing for the crisis (or haven't started yet) make sure you watch this video at and discover the 4 BIG issues you'll have to deal with when the crisis hits, and how to solve them fast (before the disaster strikes your town!) without spending $1,000s on overrated items and useless survival books.

Will bleach kill roaches?

Living in the deep south and having previously dealt with the little critters, the only thing that will kill them and keep them gone is professional treatments. More than one if you have an infestation.

Combat makes a gel bait that they eat and it will help, but to get them truly gone you need someone to come in, remove switch plates, pray inside your walls and every crack and crevice there is.