I Accidently Friend Requested A Work Colleague Help

Would you accept a Facebook friend request from a colleague and why?

I'm not sure...this is something I have actually been thinking about. I started a great job about four months ago, and I'm fitting in really well in this small company. I know some of my co-workers have facebooks, but none of them have looked me up yet (which I am okay with). I have nothing on my facebook that I am ashamed of or would damage my reputation (I dont drink or party or anything, so there won't be any bad photos of stuff like that), but something still unsettles me about the idea. It might have something to do with the fact that if they did, they would be the only people to know both my personal and professional lives. I'm the type of person who updates my status and profile a lot, mostly because I have a whole lot of extended family who likes to read what I am up to. I have heard a couple of my coworkers mention that they are annoyed by people like that.

So I dunno, I guess I wouldn't want to, but I'd feel really weird rejecting the request too.

Accidentally sent friend request to my crush's friend that I don't know!?

My dear dont make a big deal out of insignificant things.The fact that you accidentally sent a friendship request does not make you a stalker.It makes you human.It could happen to anyone and it does happen to many people every day but you dont see them shouting online about it with all due respect.Stalking is only stalking if you do it excessively and i believe you dont and besides.Many people believe it or not want to be stalked on facebook.It pleases them to have attention from others.

How would i feel if my crush added one of my friends?I would not feel anything.People add each other all the time and even if my crush was my girlfriend i would not care if she added a person on their list just as long she stays loyal to me.

Relax and forget about it.Its fine.You are not a stalker.You are not a evil person.You havent done anything morally wrong by adding someone accidentally.Looking at other peoples profiles is perfectly normal.

I could not care less if someone stalked my profile just as long as they dont comment too much on my page and i have a very high tolerance limit for comments.

If this accidental adding is such a problem then remove him from your list.Its not like he would feel insulted because you are not his friend.He could not care less if you removed him trust me.Many people add others who send them a friendship request like they breathe but they usually dont care about them or whether they stay or go.

You have no obligation toward the person you added on your list and you dont have to tell him why you are removing him.Good chances are he wont even notice it.

I occasionally add strangers on my list every now and then as sims neighbours.

Friend , with whom, you love to spent time, love to talk and share your personal life ,do nasty things . A bridge of trust is somewhere connects their souls. You may not spend time regularly or its a long time to talk also but whenever you have a conversation with your friend , its like, you are starting from where you left . Time gap doesn’t matter.On the other hand ,Colleague , your work place mate , your co-worker and it may be possible that you spend most of the time of your day with them. He or she is attached with you professionally . You generally do not discuss your personal life with them .They are your professional mate so you can not trust on them completely . He or she may be in contact with you till you both are working together. As soon as you leave that workplace , it is also possible that you will never meet or talk .Life is very unpredictable . So it is also possible that some of your colleagues become your best buddies . Sometimes your colleague turns in to your soul mate .Cheers,

It is, unfortunately, a glitch with Facebook. Many people have this same question, but Facebook appears to of archived the questions on thier website, which means they are not going to fix it. This is a glitch and if that person, for some reason, accepts it, you will need to unfriend them immediately, for obvious reasons.

I accidentally told my coworker my salary?

It is ILLEGAL under the Wagner act or National Labor Relations act for an employer to tell employees they cannot talk about salary, breaks, work place conditions. It is your right to do so. Furthermore any form signed by you when you took the job is illegal if it states you cannot talk about your salary. You absolutely can and should discuss it. It isn't bad and you may learn something that helps you. This doesn't apply to supervisors or management. Hope this helps. Basically they can't fire you for telling another co worker your salary although you shouldn't do it on a sales floor around customers.

Facebook friend request?

No need to worry, as soon as you cancelled it, they will not receive it, so you can reactivate your account, the friend request will be cancelled.

Let’s divide it into two cases.1st Case- Go to the person whom you sent a friend request, and if it said “Friend Request sent” then that means he/she hasn’t deleted your request.But if it said “Send Friend Request” then it means he/she has deleted your request. Now on the side of that button, you will see a Button which says either “Following” or “Follow”In the photo as you can see it says “Following” and it has a tick mark. Which means that I am following him/her.So to Unfollow him/her click on the drop-down of Following ButtonAnd then Click on Unfollow. Replace XYZ with your friend name or the person to whom you have sent a friend request.Case 2 -To delete your friend request the process is the same. But this time you have to click on the drop-down menu of where you see Friends in the picture. (It maybe Friend Request sent in your case.)Click on it and Click “Delete Friend Request,” and you are done with your work.Cheers

They have changed the buttons and menus.  I never enabled "followers" but found myself "following" someone who said she accidentally sent me a friend request and deleted me.  So the way it used to work is if you deleted a friend but had your follower setting on, that person would remain as a follower.  I think notwithstanding the change in nomenclature, that may still be true, because if you send someone a friend request, I'm pretty sure you automatically become a "follower".  ["Follow" means the person's posts might show up in News Feed—if the posts are public or otherwise accessible to them.]  You don't have to be a "follower" even of your own friends, but you can't stop your friends from being followers of you.  Deleting the friend request rather than ignoring it might prevent the non-friend from following, but I have no way of experimenting with that feature right now.

What if I accept someone's friend request in Facebook and then unfriend them,will they be notified about the about the acceptance?

As soon as you removed him as a friend, the notification he would have got that you accepted his friend request will be deleted.

You're safe :)

If you confront her about it she could turn it around on you and say that you shouldn’t have been going through her phone. If she says that then she could be hiding something as this is defensive behaviour. However, if she is honest and open about it after you mention it then there could be nothing to worry about. But mention it in a calm way, do not be angry because this will push her away. Woman are complicated creatures.. Hope that helped.