I Always Find A Major Difficulty In Writing The First Sentence Of A Research Paper. Any Suggestions

What are the benefits of writing a research paper?

A Research papersomething very desirable if you are a member of the species known as “Researchers”some wants to increase it in number, while others crave for the quality.a lens through which the quality of your research work is examined.Having one with your name on it is really a wonderful feeling.So, the question is about the benefits of writing a research paper. I would like to highlight some benefits here:You get better understanding of your research work: solving a research problem is one thing and writing a paper on it is the other. While writing down the things, you will realise that you start becoming more clear about your research problem, its idea, implementation, methodology, motivation, objectives, future directions etc.(you will experience yourself by doing it!!!)You learn how to present your research work: Suppose, you have done very good research work. But it is very important to present that in a very precise manner. While writing a research paper, you need to be very organised about everything ranging from stating your research problem to solving it. So, writing a research paper demands you to learn how to write well and to the point.You get valuable suggestions : After writing your research paper, you submit it to a journal. Every journal has a review process in which your paper is examined by the experts. They read your paper and make comments. By incorporating their comments and suggestions in the paper, you can improve the quality of your research work.You get validation for your research work: Since you research paper is reviewed by the experts. Your research work gets validated if it is published.You feel happy: The day you get the confirmation mail from the editor of the journal about the acceptance of your paper, you feel happy that your hard work has been awarded. It is really a wonderful feeling to see your name in the author list of your research article. Also, your happiness increases when your research paper is cited by other researchers.Your contribution is made available to the research community: When your research paper is published, other researchers who are working on the same topic can read your paper and use them to do further research or to solve some research problems.Helps in the advancement of your academic career: If you want to have an academic career, research publications are must. I am not saying about the number of publications, but they should be there to show the growth in your research career.Cheers…:)

What advice would you give to a Computer Science major student that you wish you were given when you started learning Computer Science?

Never rely on your education only. Classes are can sometimes be too bland or too theoretical. A lot of CS programs don't even teach what you will do working in the industry.Take Math and problem solving seriously. You use the same skills in programming every day.Focus on the big picture generally - learn the big concepts of computer science, don't get caught up in language specific details.Polish your communication skills. Never excuse yourself to not be social and outgoing because you are a 'computer science nerd'.Work on a balanced healthy lifestyle in eating and exercising. Do not give the excuse again of 'I'm a computer science nerd'.Work on side projects/other interests. The best programmers don't only program. They learn about other topics they are interested in. Programming/Computer science is only a tool like writing or speaking; it must be applied to some area. Forget GPA. Keep above a 3.0 or 3.5 if you must. Work on programming Go to hackathons. Two points for this - socializing, networking, working on projects.Always try and apply for things you don't think you are qualified for. Do not skip out on the career fair, especially if you are a freshman. Be informed of programs like Google Engineering Practicum and Google Summer of Code.Talent is overrated as always. Think of the best programmer you know. A year of hard work can put you on their level.Start competitive programming as early as possible. Master one programming language for interviews.Concepts in computer science aren't mastered in one go. Repetition is important. Consider being a TA for a class. Patience is key to intuition.Have an online presence and blog.Work on hot area topics. Make some apps in data science, machine learning, computer vision, or map reduce just for experience.Work on a fast breadth-first search rather than a fast depth-first search. Do research. Then work for a big company. Then work for a startup. Then work on nonprofits/open source.

What are some tips for writing a 300 word essay?

300 words is very brief, so you’re not writing a standard 5-paragraph essay. Depending on requirements, you might have two or three standard paragraphs, or multiple shorter paragraphs with bullet points or quotations to support them.Tips:Choose a very specific topic. Something like two or three reasons why the new model of some product is better or worse than the previous model, what animal best represents your personality and two or three reasons why, or tips on how to write a 300 word essay. I realize that these are unlikely essay topics, but they give you an idea of how specific you need to get.Don’t waste words on a long intro paragraph or summary conclusion. Dive right in with your statement of opinion or discovery or fact, then throw down your supporting facts or anecdotes or prior evidence, make everything point to an end sentence that ties it all together with an outcome that gives purpose to what you’ve just written.If you’re not writing a timed essay, start writing as if you’re talking to someone and don’t worry about spelling or paragraph breaks or logical progression of sentences. Imagine you’ve got to get your idea across as you walk from one class to the next, so tell the person what you want to say without any extra crap. Once you’re done, look at what you have written as if it’s a photograph that’s been torn into pieces and try to reassemble the photo. (Your photo may already be assembled.) Put the similar pieces next to each other on the page, then arrange them above and below each other so the ideas flow from one to the next and lead toward the end.After you do that, take a word count. If it’s too long, start cutting things out.What you’ve just read is approximately 300 words, so shoot for something this size.This answer isn’t particularly nerdy, but if you like it be sure to check out my articles on The Nerd Manual, a guide for nerds and the people involved with them.

What are some common themes seen in ancient Chinese poetry and literature?

I'm working on a research paper dealing with developments in ancient Chinese literature, and I'm looking for common ideas to explore so I can form an outline for this research paper. Any suggestions on where to start? (Forming my outline has always been my major obstacle, once I get the foundation on paper, I'm good to go) I'm not good at organizing my thoughts and ideas. I've already gathered some books and articles, just not sure what I should be focusing in on.

As a writer what is your greatest weakness and your greatest strength? (BQ Included)?

Strength: Ideas. I have a lot of crazy ideas running in my head all the time! I love combining drama, romance, paranormal and mystery all together to create an awesomely creative idea. I also have the power of lengthening, so my stories can go beyond 100k words if I want them to.

Weakness: I have so many ideas, sometimes, I end up giving up one book for another. When I go back to the first story I was working on, I can`t remember where I left off and the story ends up being really chunky. Grammar is definitely my weakness. I get so excited about an idea and need to write it down; I end up forgetting to pay attention to my grammar so everything sounds funny.

BQ) Sadly, no. If I can`t communicate my ideas, then it`s a horrible story.

Good question!