I Always Laugh When I See A Woman Crying .

Why do I always cry when I laugh?

there you go:

Why do women always cry after watching porn?

maybe because she has compassion and feels badly that the females in the porn aren't treating their body like a temple...but more like a drive through fast food restaurant.

How do I make a crying girlfriend to laugh?

My simple suggestion is don’t. Usually when girlfriend cries, she wants to be heard about whatever is making her cry. If a person tries to bump her out of it, or give her a solution, or point out the positives, or say it's “not the end of the world” - it can make her feel minimized. As though her problem isn't real, or that she's overreacting.Often the most comforting thing you can say in response to her problem is “that's fucked” or if you prefer “that sucks”. Also, “I'm sorry that has happened to you”.Once she feels validated, that she doesn't have to convince you that she is justified in her sadness, it will provide her with some degree of peace, because someone's in her corner.I spent a year trying to convince my “counsellor” (unqualified) that my issues were real. He responded by giving me examples of other clients of his who had it worse. I always left feeling angry. We continued on this merry go round for a year until he finally said “yeah it sucks”. The relief was life changing. I had nowhere to go after that! He believed me! So the healing began….Hope this helps.

What does it mean if I laugh when people cry?

Hello, from Brazil! Humblely, I think first, that you must be a ansious person, just like me. Ansious people are impulsive and sometime (almost all times) we make hazardous thing, mainly whe we speak and react to the feelings of another persons.In another way, I think too, that this life is not much serious, instead. So, the fact of we smile ou cry do not will change anything in the world history. We, individualy, do not been great things. We are some more important when we are integrated e united to feelings of all people.So, crying ou laughting, live your life in the better way possible. And try to find a balance, a payback, just in case of anyone disaproval of you manners. Thanks for ask!!!

Why do I laugh when other people cry?

Whether it's on a video, film, family, or even my girlfriend, I always smile and laugh. One of my relatives died a few months ago, and while people were cry really bad while saying things about them, I was trying to hide my face because I just kept laughing. It usually starts when someone makes a sound. The sounds where youre either in the middle of taking, and need to catch your breath and start shaking and it's kind of a shuddered breath, where you need to gasp for air, or when you start crying and let out a sort of wail. If they don't make the sounds, I can usually keep it under control for a little longer, but eventually it happens. I asked my doctor and she said to do some home tests (Watch a sad movie, video, etc.) so she could know exactly where the symptoms start or what trigger is, because I did not have an answer for her at the time. So i went to the saddest thing i could think of to make myself cry. I watched people in terrible pain, extreme hunger, and worst of all, people beating the living hell out of their pets (By the way, when people do that, and I wish they would get the same treatment 40x over) I was sad afterwards, yes, but the every video I watched, I just started laughing. I even watched people fall to their death on the 9/11 videos, and still the same outcome. I felt sad afterwards, but I was uncontrollably laughing the entire time it played. Is there any cause for this? Everyone tends to hate me because of this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Have you ever laughed at yourself after crying?

Totally. I’ve laughed before during and after.Crying is an extreme release of emotion and quite often by the time I get to crying stage, it’s over a tiny straw rather than anything that seems real. So I may have been through a job loss, a giant fight with my kids and a financial loss with nary a tear - then two days later, suddenly start sobbing because ‘they’ve’ - the world that’s obviously out to get me - cancelled my favourite TV show for the week and I was REALLY looking forward to it! Or maybe because the kids ate my last Tim Tam.When you melt down over that shit, what are you going to do but laugh?

Why does my boyfriend laugh when I cry?

Probably because he is uncomfortable. He doesn't know what to do. It is good communication to tell him why you are sad (or happy) and then tell him what you would like him to do. For instance, if you are sad or upset at something that happened at home or school you tell him that. You don't have to tell him what if it's private, just say oh I'm upset or sad or mad or hurt or whatever it is unless you want to share. But then tell him to hold you or say just give me a minute and I'll be OK. He needs to know what to do and will be forever grateful if you tell him what you want.Sometimes we want our men to read our minds and somehow just know what to do but that's impossible. We think that if I'm crying he should just know that he should put his arms around me and let me cry. But he just can't know what you want or need him to do.So please. If you are crying tell him why and say, “Please just hold me. “ Or if you don't want to say why then just say “please hold me. “Now if he has done or said something that has hurt you or if he hasn't said or done something that you were hoping he would do or say you MUST tell him. Tell him, “It hurts me when you say that.” or when you ignore me for your friends (and he will because he has a life you know. And it's important that he does! Or that he forgot your special day (men don't play very much attention to things like that. But you can make it special even if he forgets. You can choose to be happy if you'd like to.So when you cry be sure to tell him what you want him to do. He won't laugh then because he'll know what to do.Have fun and be smart.

Did you ever cry seeing someone laugh?

ya.Watching a comedy with sister & her wife.Key and Peele.I couldn’t figure out what the jokes were. They kept laughing at the jokes.It wasn’t that I heard the jokes and didn’t think they were funny - I couldn’t figure out what the jokes were.I didn’t realize just how different I was in ‘this’ until then. They tried to explain the jokes. That didn’t help. It made me sad.I got frustrated.They kept laughing.I had tears. It wasn’t sadness it was frustration. and realization maybe.