I Am 19 And People Say I Am Really Ugly =

Why do people think I'm ugly?

I am 19 years old. This is a picture of me:

Yes, yes I know I look a lot younger for my age and people make fun of that all the time, but I am 19.
Girls have never ever found me attractive, and people say that I'm ugly and unnattractive.
Why am I so ugly? What is wrong with me?

Do you think there are people who look into the mirror and say, “Oh my gosh, I know I’m ugly”?

I got jaw surgery when I was 19, and again when I was 20, and it changed the shape of my face. Lots of people told me they liked my new jawline and my slightly more up-turned nose, but I was devastated.My face had been one shape for 19 years, and all of a sudden it was different. In fact, it wasn’t until I was almost 21 that the swelling completely faded after the second one. Now, when I see myself in the mirror, it’s not the face I expect it to be. When you're seeing differences like that, suddenly you begin to notice every little flaw, like how my nose tilts to the right and one of my nostrils is bigger than the other, or how my left eye closes more than my right one when I smile. Things I used to like about myself, like the shape of my mouth, are now things I scrutinize and find fault with. I hate taking pictures because they only magnify those faults.My therapist calls it dysphoria, because it all stems from that surgery. Before that I never noticed how I looked; I assumed I was about on par with most average looking people. I know I'm unusual among people who hate their appearance, but that's been my experience.Over the past four years I've slowly been coming to terms with it, and as my face changes as I age anyway it wouldn't be how it was when I was 19 even without the surgeries. But speaking as someone who looks in the mirror and hates what they see, yes, there are people who look in the mirror and only see unnatractiveness regardless of whether it’s true.

I feel so ugly after giving birth? (and I think I really am)?

Hi. I'm 19 years old turning 20 in a few months got pregnant at 18 after my graduation, gave birth 2 months before my 19th birthday. So yeah, I'm a teenager. I actually don't look like 19 or like turning 20 because I have this young looking face, that's what they say.
I really feel soo ugly and maybe I really am. I lost so much weight! I am naturally slim, ever since I was a kid. Before pregnancy I weigh about 45-47 kilos. But now I'm 42 and maybe it's 40 now. I've been sickly now, I rarely get sick before the baby. My eyes look ugly! My upper eyelids had additional eye crease and I showed that to my ever loving husband. He just told me that's just because I lost weight. I also used to have fluffier cheeks which my husband loves, now it's gone. I have ugly thigh gaps and I am a bit tall which makes me looks more thin! I always wear skirts and I look like a hanger! I'm so ugly! When I was in school, I used to be a campus crush, but I'm not in to flirting because I'm much of a boyish type but I dress girly. They compliment me always bout my big koreanish eyes. Anyway I'm asian, filipino. But now it's so frigging ugly. Sorry for this I'm just depressed. And insecure my husband cheers me up and tells me I'm pretty but he's just sayin that because he loves me. I love my baby to and never regret having him. I just feel so ugly and I hate it because my husband has this pretty ex girlfriend that clings on to him. I do not mind her anyways cuz she's just pretty but kinda unintelligent lol and my husband doesn't care bout her at all it's just that my father-in-law says things like 'that x girlfriend was a school crush during their high school years and a beauty queen too' damn. I hate it. What should I do to bring back the weight. Sorry for the long post T_T It was my first time to feel like this. Way back, though I know I'm not the prettiest and I think I'm just average looking, I don't get bothered at all. But now I'm seeing my ugliness, it just depresses me.

I’m so ugly?

I’m 19, female and I hate everything about myself. People have literally gone “ew” when told they look like me, meanwhile I’m related to 2 people who one was a model and the other told she could be one, both above average and conventionally attractive, I’m told I’m average, below average and not conventionally attractive, sometimes I wonder if I’m actually related to them because it doesn’t make any sense how I’ve came out so ugly yet all the girls in the family are really pretty. I think my mum just has very bad genes, not necessarily my dad. I’ve had boyfriends but guys have also been horrible to me because they didn’t find me attractive and I do have proof of that, I’ve been shouted at once in the street called a munter, called midget and every other nasty name because I’m short, even though most guys like that. I’m around 5ft. It doesn’t help that I look about 14, I know I’m going to be single for a very long time, I have an asymmetrical face, I’m going to be getting a nose job in a few years in hope that it helps, I can’t afford it now. I just want to die at times because I hate myself, hate questioning if I’m even related to those people, someone literally said how are we related because you’re stunning to my cousin. What do I do? I hate having no friends, no boyfriend.

I am pregnant and my boyfriend's father jokingly says I'm ugly. Should I say something?

You're f**king hot!!!! So don't listen to the idiots who say otherwise.