I Am 38 And Started To Smoke Weed With 20 Year Old People

I'm 19 years old and started drinking and smoking weed everyday. I'm aware it's self destructive and yet I can't seem to stop. What's your advice?

Using drugs is abit like having a credit card. If you use your credit card all the time you get yourself into a high interest debt rutt you can't get out of and thus your life spirals out of control. It ends up costing you way more to get back to baseline on your lofe situation.On the more responsible side of life you could however use that credit card only moderstely when you KNOW you can repay the debt it have it under control thus you life does NOT spiral out of your control.Step 1. If you going to use drugs educate yourself on their short and long term effects, history, stigma and addiction potential.Step 2. Use your drugs in moderation using your education as a guide. (You'll notice everything in life, whether it be sex, work or snowboarding, should be done in moderation.This is all I can think of to give you perspective, ultimately only you can take responsibiliy for your drug use, this is the real fkn world! Do you really want to be whipped by pshycostimulant or be the master of your own mind? I would chose the latter even if it mighf be decieving you.. Atleast you can try to have that freedom.I personally find alcohol to be a good social lubricant for travelling but have seen its destructive side. Ofcoarse you can do that siber though. After years of abuse your brain will not feel as sharp and quick qitted as it ince was.Weed sort of makes you just content wigh life and you stop striving to achieve things in life whether it be self development, career o.

You smoked weed daily for over 20 years. Did marijuana affect your health in any way? How are you doing today?

Not quite 20 years, I first had it at 15 and I’m now 34. During that time there have been phases where I have smoked it daily and phases where I haven’t touched it for over a year.From 16–17 I was a fairly heavy user, stupidly during that time there seemed to be a sense of how much one could manage to smoke in one sitting. Typical teenage attitudes I guess. And I was often smoking it during the day. So, the amount at that time did have an impact on my high school education and if I’d minimised my use then I’m sure I would have gone to university earlier and started in my current career a bit earlier.I stopped completely for almost 2 years in my late teens- early 20’s. Had a quite regular phase again.Then when I started university I decided to only smoke weed during the holiday breaks.I’ve now been almost daily for the last few years, but only in the evenings and in small quantities (1–2 bongs).I’m reasonably healthy and fit, I try to work out at least 3 times a week.While a can have short term memory issues, I feel it’s no different to anyone else around my age. And I feel that my long term memory is particularly strong. In dealing with my colleagues I find I tend to remember more from previous meetings than others do. I am also quite quick at doing mathematical calculations in my head.However, certainly while I’m under the influence I am a more lazy person and a little slower.I also rarely drink alcohol unless it’s a social occasion. But I tended to binge drink a bit in my late teens and early 20’s.I’m in Australia and it is not legalised here. I do wish I could speak more openly to raise awareness, as I feel that many still misunderstand it.Heavy drinking however causes a great deal of harm in our society, particularly with Australian drinking culture.

I'm a 16 years old girl and I smoke weed. Is it OK?

No one can tell you what to do, if it’s ok for you and you’re not blowing the smoke on anyone’s face, aka hurting/disturbing others, then it’s ok.However, there is some scientific evidence you should check about weed: we know for fact that it alters the brain structure long term. If your brain is fully formed (usually around 18 years old), the changes are reversible in 1 month after stopping the joint -more or less. Before 18, they are NOT.Obviously it depends on how much you smoke, but this is more or less what happens to you as you smoke:Some gland in your brain responsible for the creation of your emotions (don’t ask me which one I can’t remember but you could find it with some research) grows smaller. This means you start to feel less complex emotions. For example, you’d unconsciously find it harder to understand a person’s face expression. This doesn’t mean it kills your braincells, only that the brain changes: some parts get smaller, some other grow bigger.If you don’t want this to happen, you should stop until your brain is fully formed. Except from that, smoking at 16 or later on in life has pretty much the same effects on you. There is obviously other stuff happening as you get high, but I don’t enough about it to write here on it.

If i am 15 i smoke weed and have sex am i considered bad??i am not saying this is me tho.!?

I'm gonna be adult here and say that you're not a bad person. You just need a mental & emotional shift in the way your living your life now. Try to do a self asessment of why your doing these things and try to change your life for the better. Your young and need to enjoy your years in a positive light. Because adult years will hit ya before you even know it & you don't wanna be someone saying "I shoulda, coulda, woulda".

Is smoking marijuana weekly harmful for a 16-year-old?

I started smoking weed just like you but I started when I was 15. Just on weekends, kept my grades up, had a job, after school clubs. My friends and I even won an engineering competition at a local university which gave us all an excuse to never ever need to quit.I started smoking everyday when I was 18 at college. Between all the weed I smoked, which was a lot, the way my brain was wired, and the other drugs I experimented with, I became bipolar. I was certain for a very long time herb had nothing to do with it. It is exactly the attitude an addict, like myself, would have. The thing was that at times I could stop smoking after a few weeks, by keeping it out of my house. But other times I would smoke all day everyday for months on end and I would eventually go manic. I can’t even begin to tell you what it’s like dealing with someone in the state of mind that I would be in. I am a total pain in the ass, at best, to the friends and family around me that decided to stick by and help me out. I’ve lost my job a couple of times even when it didn’t effect my work. It wasn’t until I went manic with my pregnant wife that I finally said I don’t care anymore about trying to smoke weed moderately, trying to find a way, it’s too hard, it’s not working, and it’s not worth it. I would certainly lose what I love most if I let it happen again. I am lucky a million times over to have what I have today despite myself.The issue with smoking at 16 is that you are very much more likely to become addicted. There is a solid base of scientific evidence for this, whether it be marijuana or alcohol or other illicit substances. And it is that addiction from smoking early that did me in and that I managed to get over only 20 years later.Smoking weed is awesome, but please wait until your brain is done developing. 18 is even pretty young. I would wait until at least 20. You’ll be able to enjoy it more and more healthily if you wait.

I'm 19 years old and I smoke 10-15 cigarettes every day and have been smoking since 16. What is the possible percentage of my lung damage?

3 years = 1095 days x 10 cigarettesYou've smoked 10,905 cigarettes. If you spend an average of 5 minutes on each, that's 912 hours inhaling fire smoke, or 38 full days in a room full of smoke. Of course it's not the same as being there for 38 full days, because you give your body time between each two cigarettes to start repairing. But as soon as the repair begins, you smoke another, and another, and another. Think you will quit "someday"? Stop kidding yourself. When you had the first cigarette, did you think you will be smoking 10,900 ? My point is: quit now, quit asap. I, like you, thought I will quit "someday". 15 years went by before I finally quit and it was hard as hell. It will not be any easier in the future, and I promise, 10 won't cut it, because in some time you will NEED 15, then NEED 20, then NEED 40, then NEED an oxygen tank.

Only for people who have quit smoking mary jane?

Hey ive been smoking Mary J. for 4 year now and im 16 now and im wondering if people that have quit after having it for a long time did they have a turn forthe better cause im really deppressed and weed stopped helpping along time ago but now i do it all day everyday so if i quit it will free up so much time i would end up staring at the wall, so im asking anyone who has quit is it better or still crappy

Should i be smoking weed at the age of 15?

whats it going to hurt in the long run? Your running ability?

Ive been smoking for 2 years, since I was 15. Never got in any trouble for it. Im smart, but I dont apply my self. I slack off on homework then ace the test to average it out. I smoke pot usually 5 days out of a week, and Im only saying 5 because some days I honestly just dont feel like it, but normally its every day. I get off work, hook up with some friends, toke and relax.

If anything its better. It helps me focus when I need to. It helps me get stuff done. It keeps me relaxed and stress free

Is smoking weed at 13 ok?

No, no and furthermore NO!Patrick Alexander is probably being a little tongue in cheek and playing with you. I’ve known hundreds of folks who smoke(d) weed and not one became addicted. And crackhead? No. Ridiculous.However, having said that and telling you that I began smoking at about age 20, I agree with Patrick’s intent: to scare you off weed.Please don’t smoke now. Don’t risk brain rot.Here’s the reason, and it’s an extremely important one:Your 13 year old brain is still growing. Weed will interfere with that growth.That’s it in a nut shell. The teen years are the most important time in your brain growth. Because an extremely important part of your brain is growing: your frontal lobe.Photo: The frontal lobe is that raspberry-colored section upper right.The frontal lobe is where complex thinking happens. Judgement. Impulse control (which teens notoriously lack) Take a few minutes and check out the Wikipedia article on the frontal lobe. Worth a read even if a tad technical. You’ll get the point: it’s the single most important thinking place in your brain.Weed would interfere with frontal lobe growth because of weed’s active ingredient, THC, (Tetrahydrocannabinol if you must know. The high maker) Another Wiki article on THC awaits your expanding teen mind.THC attaches itself to the brain’s fat, and our brains are mostly fat. Smoking weed makes one kinda fuzzy wuzzy and woozy. Very pleasant to be sure, but you don’t want the most important part of your brain permanently fuzzy wuzzy and woozy, do you?“Stoners” are kids who took the risk and started smoking in their early teens. They are sad jokes who will never fully think well. Ever. “Fer sure.”Please think about that. Never is a long time.Stoner in the making. This must NOT be you!Look, I loved marijuana, aka Miss Mary Jane. I spent many a pleasant stoned time with her and friends. Great fun! Wonderful insights into…everything! But I didn’t start smoking until I was in my twenties. My brain had built out to its present eccentric state. Yours hasn’t.Please be patient. Don’t let friends badger you into smoking. Just say, “Later.” Let your fine teen brain grow without damaging additives (that includes alcohol) Then, when you hit your twenties with a fully built brain, fire up. The high will be all the sweeter for the wait.“Awesome! I can’t believe we got this high, ha ha.”