I Am A 13 Year Old Boy And I Need Help Weight Loss

How can a 13-year-old boy who’s 260lbs lose weight fast?

Forget about fast. Losing weight fast is the wrong way to lose weight at any age. Most people simply can’t lose weight fast. You might actually be one of the few people who can, but people who do manage to lose weight fast almost always gain it all back within a year. Almost always!So let’s restate the question: How can a 13-year-old boy who’s 260lbs lose weight effectively? By asking your parent or guardian to call your physician and make an appointment for you to discuss it and set up a plan. If that’s not possible, then go into the health office at your school and talk to the nurse. Those are the only two ways you should even consider trying to lose weight.It’s good that you’re concerned about your weight. It really is! But you’re asking strangers on the internet for advice about your health and fitness. That is a really, really, really bad idea for a 13-year-old.First of all, it’s just not safe, for about a million reasons.But more to the point: You can’t trust an opinion about your weight from a stranger who can’t examine you, measure you, and look at your growth history and your personal and family medical histories.If I were giving you advice myself instead of telling you to talk to your doctor, how would you know you can trust me? Someone else could just as easily give you very, very different advice. That happens all the time here on Quora. There’s an awful lot of very bad advice about weight loss here. There’s some good advice, too, but how would you know the good advice from the bad?And here’s the most important thing for you to know: Teenagers are different from adults. You’re still growing and maturing, and losing weight at the same time that you’re doing that can cause problems. If it does, the result will be that you end up going through the rest of your life with a body that will never reach its full adult potential. A lot of the people who answer questions about weight loss here on Quora don’t take that into account, so not only is there a lot of bad advice about weight loss here, much of that advice is very, very bad for teens! That’s why you need to talk to your doctor.

13 year old to lose weight fast?

I'm a 13 year old boy and i am 5'5" and 140. I want to be able to lose up to 25 pounds by may so that i look good for this beach trip that is happening in may. I want every possible method that could help me lose weight fast, like how can i boost up my metabolism. Please answer this if u know someway that i can lose 25 pounds by may. email me if u need more details

I am a 13 year old boy and weigh 170 and is only 5'0"?

i am overweghit and im sick being called a fat kid i would like to lose weight but ive tried a few tips from online and i usually have to eat out for dinner cause my parents work nights i really need help please

Will Taekwondo help me lose weight? I am 13 years old.

A most recent study featured in Scientific American [1] showed that active and inactive people burn about the same amount of calories. This flies in the face of conventional wisdom about exercise and weight loss.It has long been known that reduction of caloric intake will produce weight loss. Of the foods listed as most unhealthy are processed foods and soda-pop. Soda-pop is considered empty calories. That is, you only consume calories with no nutritional value. Processed foods are high in calories, fats, salt and sugars and are best avoided.Diets with high amounts of protein keep hunger at bay. Reduction in carbohydrates reduce the caloric intake and produces weight loss. Increase in fruits and vegetables give the necessary body the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. Meals prepared from whole foods will be healthier and contain less calories than processed foods.Returning to the basic question as to TKD’s role in weight loss, I would still say, yes. Yes, because it can be part of a general healthy life style. Karate works well in a general exercise program because it uses most of the musculature in the body. That, combined with resistance training and anaerobic exercise, makes the body fit. A good diet keeps tge body healthy.Seiyo Shorin-ryu Karate & Kobudo - Leach HanshiRon Leach Karate | FacebookFootnotes[1] The Exercise Paradox

What’s the best way to lose weight as a 13-year-old boy? Is water fasting a good option?

Instead of trying anything extreme, try focusing on getting healthy. That's the easiest way to get to a healthy weight especially when you're young and still growing.Dieting is the worst thing you can do as a young kid.If you're eating a lot of junk food, stop eating that. Try eating more whole foods like meat and veggies with some rice or noodles. Drink more water and less soda and juices.If you enjoy playing lots of video games, stop. Go outside and get active. Join a team sport and really put some effort into getting good at it. This will help you become physically healthy.If you aren't into sports, then start running and do push ups, sit ups and pull ups at home. The important thing is to get more active.Bottom line, don't do any kind of fast or structured diet, it would be extremely counter productive. Simply increase your level of daily activity and eat better foods.

I want to lose 15 kgs of weight. I am a 17 year old girl and my height is 5'3. I can keep a control on my eating if required. What should I do?

Yes it's very good that you can control your dietFor cut down follow this thingsIf you want to cut down start doing low carb diet Start eating frequently but small meals so it keeps your metabolism high and it will help you to reduce weight For low carb avoid carbs in last two meals Calculate you BMR Calculate Your Basal Metabolic Rate! And if it's 1800 calories per day then start eating 1500-1600 everyday so this lack of 200-300 calorie will come from your fat and you will loose your fat gradually Stop eating junk Drink enough water Do HIIT cardio it will help you to reduce you weight by increasing your metabolism.Sample diet for you.