I Am A Taxi Driver And My Ex Boss Made Me Sign A Non Compete Now Says He Is Suing Me Over It Can He

How much money do Uber drivers make?

I was making $26,00 an Hour in late 2017.I was making $20.00 an Hour first part of 2018.Now, most of 2018, went down to around $12.00 Per Hour.NOW IN 2019, I am Averaging less than $6.00 Per Hour.GAS, UBER PAYS NOTHING FOR GAS, AND ONLY 0.059 CENTS A MILE.They used to pay $0.89 Cents a Mile. So they killed the drivers there..Now The Criminal Scum Bags at Uber pay 59 cents a mile,But, also “ADJUST” the price, to pay the drivers even less!!!!!!!!!THIS GIANT PONZI RIPS OFF DRIVERS, BANKRUPTS DRIVERS, AND ANYONE ELSE THAT THE CRIMINAL PONZI SCUM BAGS AT UBER TOUCHIN 2019, ALL THEY DO IS LIE, CHEAT, STEAL, AND ROB THEIR DRIVERS.THEY TAKE 60% of what the customer pays, and pays ZERO for GAS…UBER ARE CRIMINAL PONZI PRICKS WHO ALL NEED TO GO TO JAIL FOR BANKRUPTING MILLIONS OF DRIVERS.THEY TELL SO MANY LIES TO THE PUBLIC ABOUT HOW THEY TAKE CARE OF DRIVERS.. You know how they take care of drivers?First they offer 2,000.00 to JOIN, so you go out and by a 10 thousand dollar car..Uber takes 10% to 20% from a new driver..Uber promise all drivers they average taking 20%.In 2019, UBER IS AVERAGING 56% and paying nothing for Gas!Then they give customers 50% off, but that 50% comes out of the DRIVER.Uber will offer other things, like $5,00 RIDE ANYWHERE in the CITY,What happens to the driver? He gets screwed and does not even get gas money!Now Uber hires thousands of people who;s only job is to screw drivers 24/7UBER IS A CRIMINAL GROUP OF SCUM BAG CRIMINALS!

Tips on becoming a great writer?

I love to write, I am currently a college student trying to decide between being a journalist or a lawyer. I eventually want to be a full time fiction writer. Any advice?

I am a taxi driver and my ex boss made me sign a non compete now says he is suing me over it can he legally do?

first. he did not MAKE you sign anything, he did not threaten your safety or anyone else, he more than likely gave you an altimatum to which you chose to sign the contract and have the job. YOU chose that rout, there was no such forcing.

you broke the contract that YOU signed, its a legal binding contract, and he has every right to sue you and he more than like will win

edit: you are stuck on the idea in your head that the lease and the contract you signed are one in the same when in reality they are two different things. YOU signed a contract that was unbinding and never changed, what he did with the lease has nothing to do with the contract that YOU signed with him

As a “concealed gun carrier”, have you ever accidentally had an unfortunate situation where someone said, “HE’S GOT A GUN,” or anything similar?

A few years ago my wife & I went on a double date with some really good friends of ours to a sushi restaurant. This couple is successful, educated and just really solid/fun people. In fact one of the only things we don’t have in common with them is that they are liberals & don’t believe in guns as a result. So naturally we don’t ever discuss politics.Anyway we are having dinner and enjoying ourselves and I get up to excuse myself to the restroom and my buddy sees my Glock 23 on my hip as I’m sliding out of the booth. He knew I had my conceal carry permit but I guess being ignorant to guns he assumed I wouldn’t have it on me all the time? He asked, “Why did you have to bring that to dinner”? I said, “Why what’s the problem” as I sit back down, instinctively knowing this was going to turn into a discussion. He proceeds to tell me he doesn’t believe in concealed carry and wishes he would have known I was bringing my pistol to dinner with them because that may have changed his opinion of joining us.I was pretty floored at this point, but remained calm and wanted to understand why he felt this way so I asked what was his main concern? He said, “If someone comes in the restaurant with a gun threatening harm I don’t want you drawing your pistol on him and bringing attention towards us, maybe putting us in the line of fire”. Openly amazed at what I just heard from my long time friend I asked, “Let me get this straight; if a criminal came in here right now with a gun you’d rather not have your licensed and trained friend in possession of his own legal firearm and able to protect you, but instead would rather be at the mercy of some lunatic out of fear I would draw attention to us”? Dude looked me square in the eye with a straight face and said, “exactly”.My wife looked at me and saw the confused bewilderment followed by a welling up of disgust for what I’d just heard and quickly defused the situation by changing the subject. To this day I love that friend like a brother but I’ve never looked at him again with the same respect I once had. The ignorance and intolerance about guns and their licensed operators in our Country is damn scary!

What did someone do that made you think they were really smart?

In my town, there was a homeless guy loaded with facial tattoos. Silently, he would sit at a turn signal with just a ratty wool blanket draped over his shoulder. No cup, no sign, nothing. I would see people feel sorry for him and hand him not coins, but CASH out of their purses and wallets.One day, I asked him how much he made a day. His answer completely threw me off-guard: minimum $150 a day! “Troy” told me he migrated from a nearby farm town, to Silicon Valley simply because he knew he would be a more successful panhandler there. He told me he regrets getting facial tattoos at 16, because nobody gave him work. He did not drink or do drugs. He stayed at a local Motel 6 because the management knew he always paid by cash, and silently kept to himself. I asked him why not just save your proceeds and get the tats lasered-off, but he told me it was too painful. He has so much money, because complete strangers actually gave him checks too. The local bank asked him to start an account and gave him a Debit card because they were too embarrassed to see him inside their branches. Troy showed me his ATM slip and I was blown-away his balance was more than mine!One day, Troy passed-away at age 41… complications of Malignant Melanoma, from sitting outside 12 hours/day all these years, without proper shading. The State seized his bank account which I was told amounted to $17,000+.

Why is Canada bringing skilled immigrants with rosy promises while there is no job here? My family and I have spent all our life savings and all we got are survival jobs despite our MBAs and years of management experience. Can we sue the government?

I being an MBA along with management experience back in India can very well understand what you are going through. This is the most common and natural situation in the begining for all who come here. I have been here since 5 months now and can share what I have learnt.There is lots of difference in the business model of Canada and other Asian countries, lets take India as an example here. In India maximum business contribution comes from small scale retailers(Shopkeepers) and in Canada its the supermarkets(Walmart/Superstore etc). Since there are endless numbers of shops in India, manufacturing/service companies need extra hands to reach them. This is where major number of MBA’s get their jobs in various departments. In Canada since there are lesser points of contact hence companies require lesser people. Ironically the supermarkets require more people over here which you have termed as “Survival Jobs”.In Canada its the skill that is valued rather than a sweet sounding degree or qualification. So its better if one can explore the options and start working on skill enhancement.The government policies and the system here promotes equality of income in jobs to a large extent. One can at the most earn double than the survival jobs in most of the cases. If a person wants to earn more and believes he is capable of doing that after having A+ qualifications and experience then for him its entrepreneurship that might work and not the job. I can bet if one has a promising business model here, then there would be lots of financial institutions to back him up.Sueing the government is not the right thing because the goverment over here does some good works as well. They care for children and senior citizens. Provides good infrastructure, human life is valued etc etc. All in all they invest peoples money on people which many governments fail to do in the right way. I guess this also might be the reason for motivating many immigrants to move here.Lastly, I would say we all are responsible for our actions and instead of blind faith, one should be intelligent enough to do some homework before investing all his money in anything. Furthermore Canada Govt will not hold anyone back if somebody didn’t got what he expected. Anyways, life is a journey with ups and downs which one should enjoy and overcome respectively.Got a bit lengthy though!!