I Am Anti Establishment They Are Disenfranchised. What Can I Do To Help Things Get Better

Does Donald Trump say things that Americans secretly think, but that Americans are unwilling to admit?

No. Not to the degree that you propose.Americans are not one monolithic entity, as the voting illustrated. Donald Trump does not, and has never spoken for all Americans.As I understand it, there is a niche of the population that felt like they were not being heard by politicians (and that would be Dems and GOP alike) They felt ignored. Trump’s campaign strategy tapped into that. He said outrageous things that got the establishment all riled up - the disenfranchised niche liked that, whether they agreed with it all or not (and most of them didn’t actually agree, except for an extreme fringe).There was another group (mostly GOP) who had been fed fear by the GOP establishment about what Obama was doing to the country, whether it was foreign policy, the ACA, the recovery from the big recession, whatever - they would vote for anyone who wasn’t a Democrat.Then there were those who would vote for Democrats usually, but who actively disliked Mrs. Clinton, and absolutely didn’t want her in the White House - these people may not have voted for Trump but they either didn’t vote at all, or voted third-party. This may have been offset by the GOP never-Trumps, though.

I am trying to understand the Isralie/Palestine conflict, can anyone help me ?

Although Im half Hebrew (on my fathers side) I do not practice Judaism, but Im just trying to understand the conflict. I have heard a LOT of propaganda coming from BOTH sides, and Im trying to see the truth. I have heard that the under palestine rule they were not a democracy and that they did not have civil rights like they do now. I don't think that this is true based from my studies, also I think the main conflict is really revolving around Solomon's Temple and who has the "right" to be there. I would greatly appreciate your answers/input but I would ask that you PLEASE be respectful to others on here, anyone who starts attacking others and starts to become an ****** will be instantly disqualified for best answer. I do realise that this is a VERY controversial issue and there is a lot of passionate views coming from both sides, I simply want a nice debate so I can figure out the TRUTH of the situation. Personally, I think this conflict is kind of ridiculous, both us (Hebrews) and Arabs come from the sons of Abrahm, so really we are brothers. (BTW I am NOT anti Muslim, I believe that the Holy Qur'an is a book of love and peace just like any other religous text, and I believe that the prophet Muhammed once said that Judaism was a "Divine Religion" and that he and a Rabbi both fought on the same side in a war, also keep in mind that I am not Jewish, I simply have a jewish background thank you.)

Why do/did people think Trump is anti-establishment and the answer to corrupt politicians if he admitted to bribing and controlling politicians?

“Why do/did people think Trump is anti-establishment and the answer to corrupt politicians if he admitted to bribing and controlling politicians?”I doubt that they do think that. I think that they know he’s corrupt and don’t care.Keep in mind that his business was convicted of red-lining. That makes him simpatico with every flaky group that wants to violate the civil rights of others as part of their assertion of a state, property, religious, or even racial right to do so.The “Christian” groups are particularly eager. They want to get rid of the Johnson amendment so they can do their politicking from the pulpit and keep their tax exempt status.As the David Duke crowd said ahead of anything Trump might say about the mess in Virginia, “Just you remember who got you elected.”The “Not-me” Republicans all quickly swear them off, but they know that’s true. That doesn’t make them bigots, but at best it makes them spineless enablers. At least, they’re not necessarily bigots. From experience, a lot of them are lying when they deny it.Consider that if they will tolerate that, they’ll certainly tolerate corruption. They’re hoping for a bonanza of tax cuts and opportunities to flush their pollutants downstream and downwind. If they can avoid paying anything for your healthcare too, why should they care if they make you sick?

Why do conservatives think colleges are "too liberal"?

Just because while you're getting an education you're learning to be tolerant and accepting and open minded? I'm a psych major with a minor in special education and o can tell you college has taught me some pretty good much needed life skills

In your opinion, who was worse: the Black Panthers or the Ku Klux Klan?

I'm just curious to see what people have to say about this subject manner. I'll pick the best answer based on your analysis on why you took the position you did.

What percentage of Blacks vote Republican? What percentage of Blacks vote Democrat?

Recent voting demographics for African Americans suggest an overwhelming propensity to cast ballots in favor of Democratic candidates in presidential elections. Since 1964 this tendency has gained momentum

African American voters vote for issues that are important to them. They tend to be economically liberal, but socially more conservative. They do agree with Republicans on some issues, but for them, economics, such as a good minimum wage, trumps culture.

In 2008, among African-American voters, 95% voted for the Democrat for President.
In 2004, among African-American voters, 88% voted for the Democrat for President.
In 2000, among African-American voters, 92% voted for the Democrat for President.

Seeing a pattern here?

History tells us that GM, Chrysler and Ford were instrumental in establishing the black middle class. Dr. King worked with the UAW's President Walter Reuther, the Pullman Porter's leader A. Phillip Randolph and on the eve of his assasination, the Sanitation Workers, all democratic entities. Blacks are wisely pro-union and Republicans are stupidly anti-union.

Most blacks that vote are just like most whites that vote, working class and not on welfare. The Republican Party is running a campaign all over this country to disenfranchise voters, which affects blacks disproportionately. They also disproportionately affect blacks when they lay off government workers. Republicans would have to reverse these efforts, and change a lot of other things including eliminating the rampant racism in their party, if they were really serious about winning over the black vote.


Who thinks they should disband the ACLU?

ME! Count me in the Yes group. They are about as useful as the UN!

Why Angola Banned Islam religion?

It's no better than Saudi Arabia banning non-Muslims.