I Am Black And I Think Trayvon Deserved It Because He Was Aggressive.

Why did George Zimmerman kill Trayvon Martin?

I agree, i'm so angry with this outcome, Trayvon was the one using SELF DEFENSE, Zimmerman came after HIM and then declares to using self defense, complete bull, Zimmerman caused it, he should of been given AT LEAST manslaughter, its a shame, this society is so corrupt, even the Casey Anthony trial, same thing...let off free.

- TRAYVON attacked him because Zimmerman came after him, if some creep was following you and stalking you, your telling me you would let this guy come after you and being a young boy of course he's going to try and defend himself, trayvon was the on using self defense!!!! you people are idiotic, Zimmerman is a creep, there was no need to kill someone, if it really was self defense why not shoot him in the leg huh? that would of stopped him! why did he have to actually KILL another human being, trayvon deserved to LIVE and have life, so what if he smoked pot or wasn't a straight A student, that doesn't make it ok to kill someone, I believe he didn't want trayvon to be there to testify. sick world we live in.

Why are so few African-Americans Republican?

It's not really a question of why there aren't more Black Republicans, it's a question of why there are any.Adding to User-13189252085764635660 's excellent answerUntil the 1960s, the Democrats were a party divided by civil rights.  Both norther and southern Democrats were largely progressive on economic issues, but the southerners (sometimes known as Dixiecrats) were rabidly anti-civil rights, anti-integration and so on. The northerners were much less so.  So, in the south, Blacks would vote (if they could vote) for Republicans - but those candidates almost always lost.  The term "solid south" meant solid for Democrats.  Indeed, in 1944 the states that gave FDR the highest proportion of the vote were Mississippi, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Louisiana. In 1956, Adlai Stevonson (the Democrat) lost hugely to Eisenhower. Which states did Stevenson get? Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and the two Carolinas.Some of the Dixiecrats were very progressive on every issue but race.Then came Lyndon Johnson. Earlier in his career, he had cozied up to racists in the southern Democratic party.  But, once he had power, he turned on them. First as Senate Majority Leader (where he got the first civil rights bill ever passed) and then as president he said (more or less) "take our bigots, please" and the Republicans were only too happy to oblige.The party of Abraham Lincoln has become the party of Jefferson Davis.