I Am Bleeding And My Blood Is Pure Black What Is Going On

Vometing blood and bleeding out in dogs?

If she was an inside dog maybe had a ruptured ulcer. if outside dog could be poisoning. take her in for autopsy . would be worth knowing so it dosent happen with another dog. altho with ulcers would have blackish stools and u would have noticed signs if u are close to your dog and know her habits


ok well i got cold was all going well..until one night my blanket got caught on one of my started to bleed..i went to da bathroom nd cleared da blood nd went back to sleep da next day i noticed da cold sore was no longer there just some dried blood..i didn't pay much attention to it until my other scabs started to turn black as well! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!

Well i had a nose bleed annnd my blood was blue?

I woke up one morning (im 15 years old) and my nose started to bleed and my blood was like a blue like pure wasnt dark either it was like a lightish mediumish rly bright blue and it was s wierd so it just kept coming out and like 10 minnutes later it stoped....but then later inn the day i tripped over one of my dogs toys and cut my foot and it started to bleed...the same blue blood and I kno blood is like a bluish purple before it comes out and hits oxygen but this is diffrent and its not even the same type of blu color its like a candy later i noticed that after jogging around my naborhood that wen i got back i was sweating and my face was a bluish color like undernieth the skin almost like wen u work out and ur face flushes red mine was flushed blue...its been creeping me out so im askin all of u for anything

What reasons could there be for blood coming from the mouth and nose? My friend is suffering from this, he is 25-years-old.

In otherwise healthy people having a nose bleed could cause that, but very sick people having diseases that negatively influences one's blood coagulation could in theory cause that also.People having blood coagulation problems could bleed from the nose (and often from the nose to the mouth) also, nothing to do with "heat".Better see a real doc.There is a place in the nose septum where blood vessels form a network, the locus Kiesselbachi, many otherwise healthy people will bleed easily from that, if so an ENT doc can coagulate this place. A nose bleeding if the blood is coming from behind can cause people to spit out blood too.

What should I do if I am throwing up black vomit?

You don’t give much information, so I am going to assume that you did not eat anything that was black, or ingest activated charcoal. My assumption would be that your description is that of “coffee ground” emesis, which indicates that you are bleeding in the stomach area. You should already have seen a doctor, but if you haven’t do so.

Bright red blood in stool?

If the red in your stool is blood, then it is an indication of bleeding in your lower GI tract- black is upper GI bleeding. This could be due to a hemorrhoid (even without immediate pain or itching) or it could be due to a small tear in your rectal wall. You may also be bleeding as a result of intestinal irritation due to a food allergy or other digestive issue- chron's disease and ciliac's disease can both cause bleeding (both would cause intense pain). Tell your doctor tomorrow if you are in any pain throughout the day in your abdominal area, and precisely where. If there is no pain, then you are probably alright and may have a mild hemorrhoid- as not all are painful. Don't lose sleep over this- you will be alright.

Blood is coming out of my anus. What could be the possible causes?

Bleeding from the bottom, or rectal bleeding, is a very common symptom. Up to 15% of adults have seen blood on their toilet paper during the previous six months.The usual cause is a swollen blood vessel or a small tear around the anus.However, rectal bleeding should never be ignored as it can also be the sign of a more serious health condition, including bowel cancer ( colorectal cancer).The quantity of blood that is passed varies widely. People generally become aware of rectal bleeding when they notice spots of blood on toilet paper or in underwear, or when a few drops of blood turn the water in the toilet bowl pink. Often these are tell-tale signs of piles ( haemorrhoids) or an anal fissure, which is a small tear in the anus.Others may notice larger quantities of blood being passed or that the blood is mixed in with stools.As a general rule, bright red blood has been recently produced and means that the bleeding has come from the area around the anus. If the blood is darker, sticky or black it usually means that its origin is a bleed higher up the digestive tract.

Pooping blood? dont read this if its to much info sorry.?

I don't believe that this is normal. I have often checked in medical books to see if I ma normal, and have read that this isn't. You should definitely see a doctor about all of these problems, if you are pooping blood, and you might want to get you nose caudorized, and you might need to take medication to thicken your blood. Also, if you start to feel dizzy it is most likely caused by your lack of Iron from loosing blood. Taking iron vitamins, eating raison, dark greens, eggs, and some nuts are good for this, I believ.

Heavy period?! Loosing too much blood?!?

No you are definitely not losing too much blood. Some people have heavier flows than others, and you might be losing a bit more than average, but the amount you lose (I'm not exactly sure what that is) is nothing that could harm you. Even though it LOOKS like pure blood doesn't necessarily mean it is. Even if it was, you'd be fine. For example: when you donate blood, you are losing a pint all at once. With you period, you are losing a couple of tablespoons at most over several days. No need to fret :) It may seem more uncomfortable since you ARE wearing pads. I know you said don't suggest tampons, but if you do wear them, you won't have that gushing feeling and it won't get messy like it does with pads. Good luck!