I Am Emotionally Unstable And Can

Do I sound emotionally unstable to you?

my answer is probably gonna sound a tad strange.

yes, you are unstable. but not "abnormal". your are unstable simply because you lack control over your emotions. most people these days think that they can have others solve their problems for them, as if those people know you, better than you. that's completely illogical. these people can "guide" but they cannot "lead", simply because its your life, and your path. they can only point the way, but cannot overcome your emotions for you and give you self esteem in your place.

what you need to do is start "paying attention" to your thoughts. if you ever think of something mean or jelous, ask yourself why you think. and i mean really. follow it all the way to the source. this will give you some insight into your own though processes, and make you active observer. after you know how you think, you can begin to "control" or resist thoughts before they come by, simply by changing the root of that thought. instead of looking at someone and thinking "shes prettier than me" you can think, "shes probably has low self esteem" or "how can i be pretty like that".

as for the violence, you will get rid of that naturally. its part of knowing how you think and ruling your emotions instead of them ruling you. its part of being rational, which comes when you begin to be introspective.

the thought of someone saying "your angry, so take meds" is like saying "the car is making noises, so play music loudly". your ignoring real problems, and simply covering them up, which will only make them worse in the long run.

Dear Araktsu, The questioner is too inexperienced for meditation. while in most cases a very good solution, one must have more control, which Q clearly lacks.

I feel emotionally unstable?

This is not BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) this is just the only way I know how to describe it. I ve had depression for a little over a year and i ve tried multiple different anti-depressants, none have worked. Anyway, something weird has been happening to me lately.
For about the last two weeks I ve felt pretty unstable. I feel stable in the suicidal section, I don t feel the need to kill myself. But I suddenly have a short temper. You can piss me off in about .5 seconds. I also feel I don t belong in places that I used to, I feel like I don t belong with my friends and that s been causing me to isolate myself. And most recently, my urge to cut has come back. I haven t had it since mid-year of 2015, so I m confused by it.
I m not sure where all of this is coming from and I m not sure what to make of it.
What is this and how do I make it stop?

How do I deal with being emotionally unstable?

You don’t “handle” a partner, even if unstable. You try to understand the person to help you appreciate their struggle. And if there is zero for you, meaning the other is so unstable that with all your love and understanding, you’re in the dessert and becoming a sacrifice, you may consider extricating yourself.But “handling, ? ” nahhhh, that’s what we do with situations, but not people. People ain’t situations, and when they become that, best to evaluate where you are and where you want to be. If the chasm is too far, like trying to reach for a star, you may considering extricating yourself. And if you deeply love the person, but you’ve become a sacrifice, think about extricating yourself.han·dleˈhandl/verb1.feel or manipulate with the hands."heavy paving slabs can be difficult to handle"synonyms:hold, pick up, grasp, grip, lift; More2.manage (a situation or problem)."a lawyer's ability to handle a case properly"Language is like a rain of tiny pieces of a mirror reflecting our expressions.Bruce Kugler

What does it mean to be "emotionally unstable"?

Emotionally unstable (Borderline personality disorder) is just a phrase to say that a person might react unpredictably to events and situations. Where someone might be upset or a little angry at something, an emotionally unstable person could react violently or destructively.There is also a chance they may not react either. Everyone might be grieving and this person goes to a nightclub. This is an oversimplification of the syndrome, and further research is required for proper understanding.Essentially, the person experiences emotions and the intensity differently to other people. There are also different causes, and some are chemically based.Emotionally unstable people have different brain structureJ Clin Psychiatry/Management and Effectiveness of Psychopharmacology in Emotionally Unstable and Borderline Personality DisorderSymptoms, Treatment, and RecoveryBorderline Personality Disorder. BPD information. Patient | Patient

Can antibiotics make you emotionally unstable?

Short answer: No, with a but....

common antibiotic side-effects can include nausea, stomach cramps and headaches, and occasionally allergic reactions.

consult your doctor ASAP, but do not stop taking the antibiotics without medical advice as the infection can come back, but this time it'll be immune to that antibiotic.

I am a very kind person, but can be emotionally unstable for a time. How can I control my feelings?

It depends on how unstable you believe you are.Be mindful of your definition of "unstable" is vastly different from what "unstable" actually represents.Here's the link to the outline of emotional instability which you have cited:Borderline (Emotionally Unstable) Personality DisorderSomething tells me that you were being overly dramatic in your question and you do not fall under those guidelines.However, if those symptoms are applicable to you, I urge you to seek professional help right away.So, if you exhibit some sways in emotions - from either keeping too many things inside and then "erupting" (acting out more than your usual quiet demeanor), you are actually a human, and humans are prone to emotion changes.An emotional change is not a personality change - it is just a deviation within the normal range, and the normal range is quite vast. However, if you inflict a bodily harm to someone for no apparent reason, please seek help.With that, you need to understand that emotions are a result of processes inside you - neurological and chemical balances - which you simply can't control.You can lessen the outer manifestations of it, you can choose not to act out, you can even pretend that you are calm on the outside - while the emotions inside you die down.It's same as you becoming a witness, a dispassionate onlooker instead of willing and active participant.

Why do I always feel emotionally unstable?

Life is difficult.Let me ask you something.  If you walked into the woods, until you were so far from civilization that you couldn't even see a trace of light on the horizon... could you survive?  Do you know what you would need to know to be able to stay alive indefinitely out there in the middle of nowhere?Now... let's zoom back in on your life for a moment.  Compare difficulties.  The times you currently think life is difficult... and how it would be learning how to live out there in the woods two weeks after starting.  You might have built up a rhythm... or you might be eating tree bark, and contemplating those berries you thought you might be positive were poisonous... but now look really good.  No.  I do not want you to think... "Wow, life isn't hard after all."I want you to realize that life IS difficult.  Congratulations!  You've figured out one of the nasty secrets to life.  Of course, we all know the first.... Life Isn't Fair.  And yes, now, we can add Life Is Difficult.It is supposed to be.If it was supposed to be easy to live, we wouldn't need food, water, or air.  Hell, we can't even function for a full 24 hour cycle without having to eventually stop, or else we go nuts from never sleeping.  Life takes so much out of us, we have to go unconscious to recharge.  There are even healing mechanisms in our bodies that won't work unless we are in REM sleep.  So yeah.  Life is difficult.As far as feeling emotionally unstable... stop thinking about your mind like it is anything other than just another part of your body.  If you had a strange pain in the hand, you'd go to the doctor.  If you coughed up something odd looking, you'd go to the doctor.  Weird growth on the thigh?  Doctor.  Why when you say things like you are always feeling emotionally unstable would you NOT want to go to see a medical professional trained in the areas of the mind?Going to a therapist or psychiatrist or counselor doesn't make you crazy... thinking you can just read your way out of something like this is crazy.

Why are alcoholics so emotionally unstable?

I'm an adult now and when I was younger the alcoholism used to really affect me but now I just accept her for what she is. As far as my coworker, she just gets on my nerves with all the drama and I am just trying to understand the situation and the mentality. And yes I have be drunk before, it's fun sometimes but it still doesn't make me feel like everything is ok, it just makes me feel......drunk.

Why are teenagers so emotionally unstable?

I'm sure there are many many theory's on this subject and so many different reasons for different teens seem more or less emotionally unstable than others. A lot of teens are having a very hard time coming to terms with the changes their body's are going through.

For many teens their home lives are rocky at best. The harder things get at home the more apt they are to lash out against society because they are not at all sure how else to deal with the emotions they are being forced to deal with.

If all that isn't enough a good percentage of teens are changing from grade school to middle school. The thought of dealing with a new surrounding loosing some friends and having to make new ones is enough to send even the most sane kids over the edge.

That having been said maybe we should all spend a little more time wondering why our teens are so moody and a little more time trying to figure out what little things we may do that might make the pressers our teens face every single day just a little easier to deal with

i know that's not easy as parents we spend a better portion of our time chasing the all mighty dollar so that we can buy the things we think our teens want and need when in reality what they want most is a little unconditional love, understanding and reassurance that every thing is going to be OK.