I Am Feeling Very Sick. Help

Very sick-feeling after too many hot Cheetos.. help please?

Mmmm. MSG, sodium, refined flour, refined sugar, and artificial coloring. NOM! I used to LOVE those, esp. when I was pregnant with my son, and now I'm starting to wonder about...some stuff.
Pepto-though helpful in some aspects, also has a ton of artificial stuff in it to make it palatable.

At any rate...
I have noticed, especially now that I'm 35, if I eat crap, I feel like crap! I cannot eat that CRAP anymore!
Drink some ginger tea, or just some ginger root water, which recently I do more often, or peppermint tea, or some senna tea. If you like it sweet, use honey. You'll probably feel better after you have a b.m.

Feeling weirdly sick.... help?

I'm hardly ever sick and when I am its just a cold. So this is unusual for me. For almost 2 days my stomach as been feeling strange. I feel like I need to throw up but I never do. My stomach hurts as if I need to eat and I feel all better when I am eating. But a little while after I eat I start feeling sick again. I don't have a much of a fever just a little warm. There is a small chance I could be pregnant but if I am it would only be like 15 days and I think that would be too soon. Does anyone have an idea?

Feeling sick and odd chest pains?

If you think your having gas take a rolaids/tums you can ask another question like tell what you mean by being sick. you should swallow a aspirin for sure

Help, I feel very sick after getting wisdom teeth out?

It's normal. I know someone who was about to throw up because of their wisdom teeth. Nurofen usually helps the pain but also try getting a warm/hot cloth and just resting it gently on your mouth, it should sooth the pain. The hurting will probably only go on for about 3-7 days and try and put up with it. Eat soft foods like soup, yogurt etc. You could also try drinking some coke because it has acids in it that can help get rid of the stomach problems (just don't have too much!) I hope you feel better.

What should I do when I start to feel sick?

I'm yoga student so I advice you to practice kunjal kriya .This practice is very beneficial after doing this practice you feel energetic and find yourself free from your sickness.How to do Vaman Dhauti / Kunjal Kriya?Prepare warm saline water for the practice. One can use 1 to 1 ½ liters of water depending on one’s capacity. Add 2 tea spoons (about 10 ml) of salt per liter of water. Water should be just lukewarm and not hot.Drink one glass of the salt water first to see your comfort level. Then go ahead with the second glass. In this manner, drink the entire saline water (1 to 1 ½ liters) very quickly.Next step is to vomit out the entire water.Bend over a washbasin or sink to vomit out the water. To aid in the vomiting, insert two fingers (index and middle) into your throat. Tickle the root of the tongue with your fingers. This will cause a vomiting reflux and the water is thrown out. This will happen in spurts.Continue the process till all the water that you drank is vomited outThis kriya is performed in morning .I hope so this answer is helpful for you.

Spun around too much now I feel really sick help!?

So I'm 14 and me and my friend went to the park and she told me to sit on the tire swing and she spun me around way too much. But I couldn't exactly stop it sooner when she finally stopped I was sweating and I didn't know why. Even after that I was still sweating an I felt really how and sick and it was awful but we were on my way home. So I walked in and my mom said I looked really pale and sick. I'm drinking water and I'm. Starting to feel better but what else should I do! I get dizzy extremely easily and I want this horrible feeling to be over it feels like I have a fever and I don't want to get sick