I Am Getting A Temporary 2 Error Message Why

How do I repair temporary error 15?

According to Yahoo, an issue may occasionally happen with Yahoo Mail and you will see the message "Temporary Error 15."

They advise you to NOT PANIC! as this error will usually correct itself within a few minutes to a few hours.

Yahoo! advises this workaround

1.Make sure you’re using a supported web browser and operating system (OS).
2.Sign out of Yahoo Mail on all desktop and mobile devices.
3.Clear your web browser's cache and cookies.
4.Restart your web browser.
5.Sign back in to Yahoo Mail to see if the error is gone.

Some Yahoo! users have found a temporary solution by using Yahoo! Webmail Classic at when this error occurs.

You can find more information here:

Good Luck!

Geek Squad Agent Kate B.
Badge # 30870
Covert Quality Assurance Agent | Geek Squad Online Support
Geek Squad Social Media Team


Calendar not working = Temporary error 500?

I'm sorry for the 500 server error when trying to reach your Yahoo! Calendar.

I tested and found the same error on your calendar. Your report is now in the hands of the Yahoo! Calendar engineers who will do their best to have the situation resolved as soon as possible.

At this time, Yahoo! Calendar does not have a dedicated support team. Yahoo! Answers is your best resource for assistance with Yahoo! Calendar.


What does temporary error 4 mean?

Error 4
This first link is for Firefox that is optimized for Yahoo

The IE link above is an older version for
XP. You may have to enter DOWNLOAD IE FOR
(whatever version you are using) like IE8, IE9, etc
in your web browser to bring up the download.

IE8 optimized for Yahoo

This Yahoo link displays the latest versions of IE and MacIntosh
browsers that work best with Yahoo

In case you are using Internet Explorer 11, which
is presently causing problems, you should disable
it and install IE10.
Uninstall links;_ylt=Aq9YvHrOFlt2W_Hg4Ik564AC.Bd.?p=remove+IE11&type=2button&fr=uh3_answers_web_gs
IE10 Download for Windows 7

IE10 Download for Windows 8

Team Fortress 2 - Error when creating the temporary file ?

Can someone help me with this please, This would certainly be a common question but I just can't solve it. Can Somebody please explain to me in details how to upload a graffitti for Team Fortress 2 without getting the message of "error when creating the temporary file" .

Trouble accesing my Yahoo Mail- Temporary error: 56?

I have had similar problems, I do not know what error 56 is. Maybe this can help you, For clean out- If you are using Microsoft-Internet Explorer. Close your browser close everything= clean desktop, go to Control panel, Internet Options, in Browsing history delete, then a window will pop up, I check all things and hit delete. You will see the window blink, or a small window will pop up if it is cleaning a bunch of stuff, then OK. Now open your browser and see if it worked, I use Internet Explorer and could not find a solution to switch back to Classic Mail permanently after 2 days of pulling my hair out lots of problems! I have not found links work permanently. If not try, I went to CONTACT YAHOO CUSTOMER CARE, then clicked on LIVE CHAT, I had all kind of problems with the new mail told them my problem and they switched me back to Classic in 5 to10 min. total, no problem and they do not prompt me to switch anymore! You can also call Yahoo USA, but you will wait forever! 1-866-562-7219. Don’t forget to vote for best answer. Anyway Good Luck!

Why is my Facebook Messenger temporarily unavailable?

Hmmm, good question, I've never seen this before. I'd make sure your phone is connected to either mobile data or wifi, if it's a computer, maybe sure it's online to your internet source and able to browse the web. Make sure your messenger app is up to date, same goes for your browser if on a computer or laptop. If it still says this, on phone or tablet go to your settings, accounts and remove and re add your messenger account or Facebook, or both, on computer or laptop, sign out of Facebook in your browser, clear your cache, cookies and login data, then sign back in. If still not resolved, reach out to Facebook support team for further troubleshooting. Good luck!