I Am Having Problems With My Computer

Please help me! I'm having problems with my computer!?

So every time I restart my computer a black screen pops up saying "921-PCI riser card not installed. Please shut down computer and insert riser card."
And it stays on this screen until I push F1 to reboot the entire the entire thing!
This started a little while after I accidentally dropped the CPU.

Aside from this, everything else is fine.

But my computer is really really really sloooooooooooooooow now!
Could this be happening from my absent riser card?!

Please please PLEASE help me out!
I know nothing about computers...

How did the riser card go missing?
This has never happened before... :(

Im having problems with my computer NEED HELP :(?

That's a software problem alright.

However that information is a generic error saying "I can't find something"

The information is hard to decipher, since "session 3" does not give much information. Please post more information.

I'm having some major problems with my computer ports. What should I do?

The Ethernet problem is probably at the other end of the wire. "Linited access to the Internet" means that the device you are plugging into is not forwarding your packets to the great wide world, or not returning your replies.

I just purchased a game for my computer and am having problems using. Please HELP!?

I just purchased a game for my computer. Now that it's downloaded, I get a screen that says: Handler not identified, #Quick Time Version, Director Player Error, FileXtra4 Script Error. ( Xtra(Quick Time 3), Text, Font, DMXT Ripple Fade,etc, things that are not there. How can I correct? HELP someone. I have already updated my DirectX , sound and audio Drivers.

How do I fix my computer so I get rid of the following problems I am having when using the internet?

When I am using the internet on my home computer I am have the following problems with using the internet. How would I go about fixing these problem so I can use the internet without any problem.

1) The connection has timed out when using the internet on my computer
2) We’re having trouble finding that site

I am having problems with my windows xp?

What are you using as your homepage?

What are you using for email?

I am havening a problem with a Hp computer nothing works?

restart the computer. prior to the windows loading, press the F8 key on the keyboard. Then see what options you have. Try last known good. If that is not an option see if safe mode with networking is present choose it! . After windows load go into you should get a pop up window asking you to possibly restore OS to earlier restore point. Choose it...go back to a day or so prior to ur problems starting. ....after the restore is complete the system should reboot.

I'm having problems shutting down my computer with Windows 10. What are any solutions?

1. Click the Windows logo in the bottom-left corner of the screen.2. Scroll down and click window system It is a folder in the W selection of the start menu.3. Click control panel it is the middle of the window folder.4. Click Troubleshooting This icon reassemble a blue computer monitor inside of a computer window5. Click Fix problems with Windows Update. This link is below the "System and Security" heading.6. Click on next this is on button right corner of the window.7. Click on try troubleshooting as an administrator. This is appear at topOf the windowHowever if it not working call on our toll free number 1-877-258-8571 ( US & Canada )

I want to study computer science but I'm weak at problem solving and math. How do I improve over the course of 3 months?

If you understand the content, then I would think that you're having a hard time applying the concepts that you have learned. I go through this even in my second year at university. I've found that it helps a lot to do many examples. As many as it takes to build my confidence and make me feel comfortable with applying the concepts. If I don't have this confidence I tend to doubt my solutions. This made my Engineering Statics course a nightmare because our lecturer would set the tests,  such that we would think that we're wrong(sometimes by drawing vectors in backwards on diagrams). Once you grasp the concepts,  play around with them until you're comfortable enough to apply them without hesitation. Experience builds confidence and both are crucial when taking an exam.

I'm studying computer science, but I have a problem with solving algorithms, is there any easy way to solve it?

I'm going to assume you mean that you have trouble coming up with suitable algorithms. That's not uncommon at all.  There are Software Engineering and Computer Science majors that can't solve the FizzBuzz problem.  There is no simple trick to designing algorithms, though.  There is only practice. I taught myself to program by doing the challenges at  I've very rarely encountered a problem for which an algorithmic solution was difficult for me and I attribute that to the practice I got at project Euler.