I Am Israeli . Am I Welcome In The Usa Although Americans Hate Israelisjewish People

American people - who do you support? - Israel or Palestine?


My add on:
As I read the replies that others have given, I feel I must expand on my answer.
I support Palestine because they were promised their state while Israelis were promised one as well. It was agreed that Palestine would be allowed to have the West Bank & conduct its own elections (ie: be its own entity). The same for Israel.
Now, can you please tell me why are Jewish settlers moving & HAVE BEEN moving into the West Bank when they know that this is supposed to be Palestinian land. Why is the Israeli government tearing down Palestinian houses? If Israel wants peace, then they need to support peace. You cannot claim that the Palestinians are not peaceful when you are taking over land that Israel AGREED to give to them & you sure as heck can't knock down their homes. I don't support the killing of innocent people - what Israel is doing is terrorism.
And if that is not enough, they have used phosphorous bombs against the Palestinian people - most of which are women and children.
So, you ask me if I support Israel. NEVER. Israel's actions go against the Geneva convention & they are going back on their agreement that allowed for Palestinian land. As long as they continue this selfish act, there will never be peace in that region.
And my last point: if God had promised the Jews this land - would He have wanted them to kill innocent women and children for it? I don't think so. That is against what God is and Israel is going against God for their own personal gain.
There is a better way to live in what you consider to be "your" land without killing those in it.

In general, do Israelis tend to like Americans? Are they friendly to American tourists?

Israeli culture is heavily influenced from American culture. We watch American TV and American movies. Advertisements brand even Israeli products as American. Most Israelis adore Trump. We learn English at school. Some feel like Israel is the 51st state.We love Americans. Some view them as a little naive, but lovable. An American tourist in Israel will feel very lovable. This does not mean that he will not be ripped off by a taxi driver, or tricked into paying 100$ for a bottle of water in a restaurant or hotel. But he will hear English everywhere and will be given a feeling that he is a wanted guest and his nation is a wonderful friend.

How do Jews/Israelis feel about Germans and Germans visiting Israel?

This question has come up before. I asked a German friend who'd been to Israel to answer in addition to my own. She had a great time.

German can help you if you meet someone who speaks yiddish. In general, people won't care. Israeli's appreciate everyone who wants to visit & feels good about being there.

We think in terms of Germany vs. Nazi Germany. So unless you come with those symbols, you'll be fine. We also are taught in Judaism to look forward to build a future, not to hate or dwell. We appreciate how much work Germans have done to take responsiblity & look this in the eye. Many countries haven't done that about many things.

There are survivors in Israel & for them it can be a trigger to hear German. That would be the only thing to consider if it's obvious & your puzzled by someone. However for some it's their native tounge & it's most comfortable to them. I really can't see this coming up.

I'm rambling a bit, but I hope that helps. I'd link to the ques my friend answered, but there's no way I'd find it in my list of q&as.
Oooh, found it:;...

PS Make sure you see the forest of the righteous at Yad Vashem (the Holocaust memorial). It's for righteous of the nations that helped often at risk of their own lives. It's uplifting to see.

I'm not sure what Kevin S is thinking. The Hassidic are most likely to speak Yiddish & would have no more reason to be bothered than anyone else by your German - but very likely to understand it. (My dad's a surivivor & his Yiddish helped him a great deal in traveling in Germany.)

Why do the jews in israel hate americans?

they dont but the negotiate hard. . we talked to palestine recently an to punish us they decided to start building settlements. the idea is everytime we work with the other side they will misbehave. they have very good relations with us and they need that because they need us an vice versa. but they need to try to do some give an take

Would I be welcome in the USA if I am an Israeli?

I think on Quora you may be seeing a lot of anti-Israel stuff, but that is not common at all.  It's trendy, but not common.  As other answers have mentioned, the Democratic bubbles in the major metropolitan areas can be anti-Israeli, but the geographic 90% of the US is not, at all.  The vast vast majority of America is from a Christian background, and therefore believes that Israel taking and maintaining ownership is a Biblical mandate to be supported.  Plus the vast majority of Americans believe that Israel are the good guys.  So you're okay.UPDATE: My wife's from Israel, and in light of this question I keep remembering one thing she said to me a decade ago: much of the anti-Jewish stuff you see in the US is anti- New York/Hollywood reform Jewish culture, and not anti-Israel at all.  Quite the contrary, the anti-Israel stuff predominantly comes from that New York/Hollywood Jewish culture, which seems ironic to the average American who doesn't know the difference in conservative Israelis and the reform New Yorkers.  So to my wife Judaism is a very family-oriented gregarious religion, and so she was confused when she got here and people associated Judaism with complete moral relativism and pre-emptive litigiousness.  Despite being raised in Jerusalem and then majoring in Near Eastern Diplomacy once she got here, she simply hadn't really heard of the stereotypes of Jewish people being shrewd or accountants or lawyers.  I remember her coming home one day after someone at work who had just been fired said to her "You're gonna' mess with me?  I'm Jewish, do you know how many lawyers I'm related to?!  I'll bankrupt this whole company!"  That just shocked her, because she a) didn't identify with the stereotype and b) didn't believe the stereotypes were based on anything.  I think that's an important perspective on your question, because yes, you may see people who question Israel politically, but that should not be confused with any stories you hear from the media about Jewish people being discriminated against ethnically.  Sitcom after sitcom will have a jewish protagonist who can't get a girlfriend, etc. because of his "jewishness", but that's referring to life through the lens of a specific group of 5M people (out of 300M), and not in any way a reflection of how people feel about Israel or Israelis.

How are Americans accepted/treated in Israel?

You've get some answers from anti_israeli bigots. And by bigots I mean they've each posted at some point, some grosteque classic antisemitic claim about Jews. Rachel Corrie was defending a bomb making factory and stepped in front of a bulldozer. The USS Liberty was accidental friendly fire - except in the eyes of anti-Israelis. Those aside... on your question...

Americans are very welcome. Israelis look up to America and it's hard work ethic, and democracy and freedoms and multiculturalism. Traits they have and work on.

Israel welcomes tourists from around the world. They aren't judgmental about it! German tourists tell me they have a good time. There is a community in Israel where a lot of the American immigrants settle in, which is where I've stayed.

The only anti-American setiment you'll find is the same hard left folks you'd find in the US, but milder! But it's by far a tiny minority same as in the US..

USS Liberty for real data:
"Ten official United States investigations have all conclusively established the attack was a tragic mistake. "

What disturbs Americans most about Israeli?

The Mexico (or Canada) analogy is a terrible one. It assumes our relationship and geopolitical reality with mexico and Canada is the same as Israel proper's with the Palestinians in the territories. But that couldn't be further from the truth. Unlike Israel, we aren't expaniding our borders into canada or Mexico the way Israel is by building settlement after settlement in the territories. We aren't building snaking walls and fences through Mexico or Canada that cut mexicans or Canadians off from their families and the farming land they need to make a living for them and their families.  We aren't patrolling Mexican or Canadiam streets with military forces with the freedom to enter anyone's home, take their children into custody without due process and hold them for as long as we'd like without giving them the right to a lawyer or a fair trial of any sort. The idea that Palestinians are randomly firing rockets over into Israel completely unprovoked and as randomly as if a Mexican were to do the same into Southern California tomorrow is just a misrepresentation of reality. Yes, Israel must defend itself in a way the US doesn't have to and can't understand. But that doesn't make everything that Israel does justified or necessary for their national security nor does it make them the innocent victim as the hypothetical Mexican analogy implies. Also, the idea that Isreal takes painstaking measures to avoid killing innocent people in their "retaliatory" military strikes simply couldn't be farther from the truth. Not only is the "mowing the lawn" policy a known policy in Israels military strategy, the numbers simply don't reflect the assertion. There is no way, even if the opposition uses civilians as human shields that you are making a concerted effort to avoid civilian casualties when 80% of the casualties you cause are civilian casualties. Not only are you willing to kill civilians, you are using claims like "they use civilian areas as military bases" and we warn them to leave before we attack, as a rational when you know the truth is places like Gaza are so overpopulated and small all of it is civilian areas and there is nowhere to run to avoid the bombings. And the idea that Americans are the only ones who feel this way about Israel's policies is also false. There are Israeli human rights groups and former Israeli soldiers who feel this way as well.

Is it true that American girls refuse to date Israelis who served the IDF?

I have never heard of this. Of course I am married, and not out dating people.This is a curious question.If you asked the average American woman on the street about dating preferences, I think she might not list whether the individual was a member of a particular military organization or not. I would venture to say that the typical American woman dating someone from overseas is probably more worried about a transcontinental dating situation, or a culture clash between an overseas ( Israeli) culture and an American culture.But that would be a concern if the woman was dating a man from France, Africa, or Asia as well as just Israel.The background of the person is part of the whole package of an individual. But one area, such as political views or group membership, usually does not completely define an individual. Political views are part of the overal makeup of a person's character. Being a member or former member of the Israeli Defense Forces is just one aspect of a person.If a woman was against Zionism and Israeli policies in general, then sure, she would not probably want to date or marry an IDF member.But American women are much more concerned about if someone will be a good companion in life , a good potential husband or father. These are characteristics of individuals... You really cannot lump all people together, even if someone is a member of a group like any group. IDF being one of any number of groups.Not sure that being a member of IDF has anything at all to go with those qualities of being a good person to date or marry. That seems like an odd connection to try to correlate with dating.

Is america spiritual Israel?

The spiritual of the eternal covenant of Israel remain "spiritual Israel" in our walk/connection with God. it makes no difference what country we're in. The spiritual of Israel who live in the homeland of Israel are spiritual Israel. The spiritual of the Jewish people in every country where they live are spiritual Israel. The Jewish people haven't disappeared and the eternal covenant of Torah of Klal Yisrael is still here...if all of you folk here hadn't noticed.

If you're not following the eternal covenant of Israel..then you're not "spiritual Israel".

The Christians have their own covenant of faith.

The United States isn't a theocracy, the State of Israel, the homeland of the nation PEOPLE Israel, isn't a theocracy. Despite both having the largest number of Jews, neither government is "spiritual Israel". The faithful Jews are. And Christianity...despite the claims of the New Testament, does not get to redefine or negate the eternal covenant of Israel. It is eternal, after all.

Live your faith in peace..but please stop trying to hijack a covenant of faith that is incompatible with Christianity. The spiritual of Israel are forbidden by God's eternal covenant with the nation people Israel to worship a human as deity, forbidden to engage in human sacrifice, do not have "original sin" meaning being born with a burden of sin. We have the eternal Torah.

Am Yisarel Chai!
(the people Israel live)

Shalom y'all!