I Am Looking For A Song By Justin Beiber It Goes

What songs does Justin Bieber sing?

One Time
Favorite Girl
Down To Earth
One Less Lonely Girl
First Dance
Love Me
Somebody To Love
Stuck In The Moment
U Smile
Runaway Love
Never Let You Go
Eenie Meenie
That Should Be Me
Never Say Never
Kiss And Tell
Pick Me
Omaha Mall
Rich Girl ft. Solja Boy
Common Denominator
Where Are You Now?

Thats all I can think of for now! as for the concert? I dont really know...if ur going i hope you have fun!!!!! :D ive always wanted to go

Jokes about Justin Beiber?

my friend is obsessed with justin beiber, and i like to tease her. what are some jokes about justin beiber? besides, you know, the facts that he looks like he's 5 and sounds like a girl. (no offense to his fans :D )

Song similar to Justin Bieber's Mistletoe?

Step 1: Eat something.
Step 2: Wait 4-5 hours.
Step 3: Go into your bathroom
Step 4: Take your pants off.
Step 5: Sit on the toilet seat.
Step 6: Take a ****.

There's the sound you're looking for. :)

What is the meaning behind the song stuck in the moment by Justin Bieber?

what do you think the meaning is behind the lyrics in the song stuck in the moment by justin bieber? i'm just looking for a second opinion on this.
also i don't want any comments with people hating on justin bieber saying he is gay or sounds like a girl or is twelve years old because everyone knows all those things aren't true.


The beatles vs. Justin Bieber?

BEATLES..most successful musical act EVER!!! more successful than Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley. true legends..amazing!
JUSTIN BIEBER..I used to like him but his songs are terrible! he is a talented singer but he writes crap. I admit he is good looking but his songs are all the same. nonsense and stupid.
I think that you should not compare the two. Beatles win all the way!
and im a 13/14 year old girl..(you didn't expect that!!)
John Lennon is my idol and just damn amazing!

Whats your favorite justin bieber song?

Im sure you already have the believe album, so I recommend like all of the songs on that one, and I recommend the acoustic album too. I personally love Jb and have a lot of songs..... you would want to just go on itunes or wherever and just type up jb and download all of his albums

I had a dream about Justin Bieber? What does this mean?:(Sorry it's so long):?

Last night I had dream about Justin Bieber. It started with me sitting outside in my front lawn and then JB came up to me and asked if he could sing me a song. I said sure and then he started singing "Somebody to Love" and then he asked me if I wanted to go on a date with him tomorrow night and I said yes. I asked him if he would come inside and meet my parents. He politly said of course and we went inside. After an hour or so he left and told me that he would pick me up at seven. The next day came around and when Justin came to pick me up we got into a helicoptor instead of a car or limo like I had expected. We finally got to the restruant and we ordered and had a fantastic time.Instead of having a public table he reserved one in the back just for us. When we were about to leave he gave me a box of chocolates and a bouquet of red roses. He droped me off at my house and asked me to be his girlfriend and I accepted. He told me that he would be really happy if my parents would let me go on tour with him. I replied with "I don't think they will let me. They really like you though so if you ask them they might say yes." He walked me inside and asked my parents if I could go with him and they said yes. Justin Bieber told me that we had to leave tomorrow and that he would pick me up at 3am. Then I woke up from my dream and I was in a really good mood all day. What do you think this dream means? Please help me. = really appreciate all the answers; especially because this was so long. Again I'm sorry this was so long and I am very appreciative of all the answers. Once again, thankyou very much.