I Am Not Gone To School For A Month What Should I Do

I haven't gone into school for over a month, What should I do?

Okay; I've been in your shoes. Depression, self harm, troubled teen. I dropped out of highschool and returned the following year. I found the strenght by pure luck, but I found it by myself. Today, I'm 21. I work as a waitress and an English teacher online. I've said no to college but guess what; I've changed my mind! I'm saying to hell with it and I'm starting college next October. Sit down and think. What are you good at? What do you love to do? Who do you love? One thing. You need just one thing to break free from the horror that is depression. I've missed three months straight. I cleared my head, went back in and didn't give up. Mistakes are good, so long as you learn from them. If someone as miserable as I was could find the strength to pull it together, there's no doubt in my mind that you  could do it to, probably with better results than I did. Depression is an ugly, ugly thing but don't let it define you. At the end of the day, you're much more than your darkest moment. Try to find it in you. It's not easy, but it's possible. Go back in there and kick it in the gluteus maximus or some other fancy word for behind. I do know it doesn't mean anything at all to you, but I believe in you. I know you can do it because somehow, I did it too.

I haven't gone to school for 2 months?

You might as well, if your not trying with school you can muck around and rape bitchez

Would it be bad to start school 2 months late?

I know it would be bad, but would it be bad enough to get me held back? Could i maybe stay after and possibly do summer school? I would be fine with that. See my situation is i am going to my first year of public high school (10th grade) but im not done with my homeschooling yet. I took alot of trips in the spring so im not done with all my courses. I CANT be home schooled another year... i will go insane. Anyhow do you think getting in school around mid october will be okay?
Thanks You!:)

How can I start high school if I am one month late and classes have been started? Tips and guide?

I started my senior year and my brother started his sophomore year of high school in December, over two months late. Here are my suggestions.Depending on your age and circumstances, such as homeless or an emancipated juvenile, you will need a parent or other responsible adult to accompany you. Be prepared to be honest (within reason) about why you are late enrolling.Be prepared so a decision can be made on the first visit.1. Immediately go to the school and ask to be admitted. As you may be past the age that the district is required to take you after a certain date, be ready with as much information as you can, even if hand written.2. If you are not a returning student, they will need to send for your transcripts so bring contact information for the high school(s) you have attended and a list of high school classes you have completed.3. Allow the school the option of selecting the classes you will take based on your previous work.4. Volunteer to meet with each teacher to get class work you missed and complete it quickly while keeping up with new class work. (It took us two weeks.)5. If that fails, suggest attending independent study or another available alternate school for the first part of the school year.High school is a special time, even if you are newcomers, as we were. Best of luck.

How do I catch up in school when I haven't done any for three months?

Let me start by saying I am the fucking queen at catching up. See, I do online high school and my only due date is the end of the quarter. I generally do almost nothing until the week before the quarter ends and I have roughly 150 assignments piled up by then. Let me just tell you, there’s no secret. You sit down, you drink a shit ton of coffee, and you stay up until 4 am everyday until it’s done. Sometimes you have a nervous breakdown or two. My only tip is to utilize everything you can find on the internet. Math is generally the hardest for most people, but there’s so many resources out there to help. If you have something in math you can’t do, I’d recommend searching the subject on youtube and if you’re still stuck, find the subject on khan academy and do a few practice problems. The good thing is it’ll show you how to do them if you can’t and generally you’ll find a strategy there that’ll help with your problems. Youtube is great for science and things like that. Bottom line, use everything you can find online to make things easier, it’ll save so much time.

Is it illegal for kids not to go to school?

Yes. Aside from all the reasons that you should attend school (so you can learn something and not be a leach on society, so you can grow up, so you can socialize) you are legally required to have some kind of schooling. Unless your parents are home schooling you and can prove this to the district, you need to enroll. If the district is at all aware of your existence (i.e. if you were enrolled in school last year) they will start to wonder where you are.

If you decide not to go to school, and you're not so depressed that you're under a doctor's care, you will be considered truant, which is actually a crime. I knew a girl who didn't go to school--she didn't think it was important, and neither did her parents--and she was arrested and put into state's care. If you think living at home and staying in your room sucks, imagine being sent to a shelter where you share your room with a bunch of juvenile delinquents (all of whom will be in for much more serious crimes than you, many of whom will be dangerous), eat government food, have lights out at 9 pm, lose basically all your privileges, never go outside without an escort, and just generally be bossed around by some cranky social workers. Who will make you go to school.

It's not worth it. Trust me.

If you are that depressed, and your parents don't care, you're better off going to school and taking yourself directly to the counselor/psychologist to reveal what you've said here. You sound like you could use some help.

My 17-year-old son does not go to school anymore. He thinks it is a waste of time. What should I do?

Welcome to parenting!  (ADHD, or not)I actually have two answers - one for you and one for him.  1.  First (and most importantly) for you:  Unhook from the need to force him to do anything - especially "finishing" high school.  At 17 he's "got this" - and if he doesn't, he needs to "get it" in short order.  In other words, I appreciate your concern, but he must be the ultimate responsible party for his education (and life), and TODAY is the best day to start demonstrating that to him.  Otherwise, it will likely turn into a you against him argument instead of the real issue:  "What's his plan?"2.  For him:  Suggest that he explore what educational alternatives your state might have.  We have an "Early College" option that allows high school students to take college classes (for credit), and in so doing he might be able to "finish" school should he choose (see #1).  We also have full-time online schooling, as well as the option for a part-time brick and mortar school and online option, to say nothing of the unschooling option.  (Right now my 15 yo is taking 1 community college class, some home schooling classes and studying biology through Khan Academy at home. . . the choices are endless!  Boredom is not a reason to stop learning; it's his responsibility to find an environment that it's a "waste of time.")3.  Next, should the aforementioned theories not be intriguing to him, I would encourage him to take a few months "off" from structured schooling.  I know this sounds radical, but perhaps there is something going on in his world that he is having a tough time processing.  This isn't to say that he gets to sit on the couch and play video games, however.  If he's not going to school (or taking classes - for credit or not (in areas of interest to him; see item #2) he should be either working or volunteering his time.  Gaining either experience of knowledge is a lifelong journey.  It's his choice on what that journey looks like.Again, at 17, it's time for him to take responsibility for his future, even if it's not what you and I (given our vast amounts of life experience) would do.

Haven't been to school for a month because of depression?

I'm going through the same thing; and it happens every school year. I have major anxiety about school. I feel uncomfortable in a classroom setting and like an outsider to all the students at school. I am extremely shy and I can't break out of my shell.
I'm not sure why you don't go, if you are similar to me or not, but I believe the best thing you can do is pace yourself. Obviously your parents have to know something is wrong if you haven't been going to school; so explain it to them. That's what they're for! A therapist can be very helpful when it comes to anxiety and depression. They're obviously great listeners and have many suggestions to make you cope with not just school, but everyday things that bother you. Try talking to your school guidance counselor and see what his/her suggestions are for getting you back on track. Also, try to keep up with the work at school because it shows that you care about school.

My aunt died today, is it okay to not go to school tomorrow? ?

Mark- Youre making it sound like im using my aunt, im not using her. im very sad, i dont think that going to school would make much of a difference. if i tried to go i probably would not learn anything, i would probably cry