I Am Not Happy With My Life Right Now

Are you happy with your life right now?

I feel good about the road I'm on. I've never felt more like myself. It's not all perfect, but some progress is finally being made.

I'm not happy with my life!?

Happiness, like every other emotion is a choice. I think you need to revise through your priorities. Why does your best friend hate you? Hate is a strong word. Since he/she is your BEST friend, the feeling should kinda be mutual dont you think? The only way to make things right is communication.

I'm sorry about your dad and you are def still very much a kid. Stay that way! There's no hurry to grow up. Siblings are always tough, I know how annoying it can get when you are accused of something you ddnt do. Dont let it get to you. Its not even worth it. Ignorance is bliss.

I made a mistake during my early teens, I took all the problems I had in life and put it before my studies. Never, do that. Dont deal with problems that arnt yours. What are your priorties? what is expected of you? at your age, what should you be doing?

Most of the time, its the negative thought that ends up being followed by a negative action. Dont dwell on things so much. Fix the stuff you can fix (dont leave it to tomorrow), dump the stuff you cant do anything about. Worrying gets us nowhere. Treasure the things & people you have in your life. Dont take them for granted.

Be in control. You can control your actions. The question is, do you want to? Why arnt you responsible? Do something about it. We cant wish to be confident or wish to smart. Its a learning proccess that causes the change. Since you say you're irresponsible, learn to be responsible. Be responsible for your actions, admit to your mistakes. No one is perfect so dont get upset with the flaws.

Honesty, Sincerity, Understanding and Communication is what keeps friendships & relationships going. If people cant love & accept you the way you are, they arnt worth it. I am losing friends myself, its not something Im proud of but well, people do change every single day and thats often beyond our control.

I've seen your video on youtube and believe me, the last thing you are is ugly! come on! You're beautiful! Every chance you get to see a reflection of yourself, tell yourself you're beautiful. One fine day, you'll actually believe it :)

Take things one step at a time. Life isnt perfect, its filled with uncertainty and infact its pretty sucky but it still goes on. People come in to this world and die everyday and life still goes on. Do what makes you happy, be the person you wanna be and leave the rest to the one above.

God Bless

Why am I not happy with my life right now?

Why am I not happy with my life right now?Because it is time for change and the change will come about from the experiences you are about to go through. You have to realize that unhappiness is the motivator for happiness and requires us to learn our life lessons. As you learn what you need in this life journey, you will move toward your life purpose, because unhappiness should be temporary. If you do not learn your lesson, unhappiness will be prolonged. The displeasure of an unhappy situation motivates us to seek change and improve our situation. There has to be something that motivates humans to grow or change and evolve; otherwise we become complacent and stagnant. If we start with infancy, the early stages of development and growth, we were not asking any questions about our happiness. But with growth from life experience, we question “Why am I not happy with my life right now?” Life is a process for spiritual growth and for us to discover our life purpose.

Are you happy you are where you are right now?

It depends on which side of the bed I get up from.Somedays I get up feeling thankful about all that I have.I think about the millions (maybe even billions) of people who haven't been as fortunate as me and struggle in their daily pursuit of the three necessities of life - Roti, Kapda and Makan.I think about the good health that has been bestowed upon me devoid of any major dysfunctionality (touchwood!).I think about the glorious prospects that the future holds, wherein the world is my canvas waiting for me to color it with my imagination.Then, there are the other kind of days when I feel well and truly miserable and undermined at where I am presently.I think about all the success that my peers and neighbors are scoring at a daily level - those foreign business trips, those accolades at work, those hefty paychecks.I think about the book-sales of fellow authors - those 'best-seller' tags, those 'youth-icon' labelsI think about future that looks bleak - full of uncertainty and mystery, making me go weak on my knees.Happiness-Sadness, the fluctuations come and go. However, one thing that remains constant with me is a poem that I read long back. It helps bring perspective to my thoughts and ensures that I stay composed, happiness/unhappiness notwithstanding. Sharing it below for the benefit of everyone -Sometimes in life we feel so blue,But someone, somewhere is not as happy as you..Somewhere far at the border when a soldier sleeps,Missing his loved ones he silently weeps...Somewhere a mother painfully sighs,Cause her new born baby didn't open her eyes...Somewhere a poor dad silently cries,When he sees his son begging for a bowl of rice..Somewhere in an orphanage a little girl's sadWhen she misses her mom and dad..So at times a reason to smile you may not have any,Say to yourself that you are happier than many...Because life is beautiful and it is not always blue,And someone, somewhere is not as happy as you!

I am not happy with who I am or how I run my life. How can I break my bad habits?

To come out of any bad habit realisation and discipline is important.. by practising meditation you can make your mind calm .. when the mind is calm the realisation takes place .. realisation to come out of bad habits will happen.. then any habit just like that you cannot come out .. slowly and steadily you can come out .. if you are a drinker, slowly reduce the intervals.. if you are taking twice a week, make it once .. then make it once in two weeks., after some time make it once a your body system get used to that..

Why am I not happy with my life?

You are unhappy with life because you think this moment will be your entire life. You are unhappy about this moment of your life; not unhappy about your life.The funny thing about life is that we view it through our own perspective. Rarely do we shift our perspectives to view life from another persons point of view.From where you are at this moment, you feel unhappy while everyone else you see looks happy, in love, getting along with each other and enjoying life. This can't be farther from the truth.The reality is that everyone is struggling through something, you're just the first to admit it.From your short description, seems like you are struggling with self-acceptance. The negative feedback these boys give you at school doesn't help either.Hurt people, hurt people.Let that sink in. Hurt people, hurt people. Life can be complicated and love is just one part of life. School, friends, logical thinking, emotional balance, family, knowledge, arts, history, creative, innovation, etc. There are many different part of life we grow into and learn more about. Maybe they are being hurtful towards you and your looks because someone else hurt them about something they are not very good at, have an unstable family back home or other people make fun of their looks. Etc.Your are beautiful inside and out. It's up to you to find out why and show the world how beautiful you can be in every new moment of your life.Each person is beautiful in their own way. Take time to learn about yourself. What make you unique and different. You beautiful dark skin, your eyes that everyone can't help but notice, your beautiful smile that catches everyone attention, your companion and thoughtfulness to question how to be more happy with your life, the way you think about life, your emotional balance, the genuine care you feel for other peoples feelings. These are all amazing traits that people fall I love with every single day. Keep learning more about yourself and keep being you!

I Am Very Unhappy With My Life?

I am 18 and live at home with my parents and sister. I just graduated high school and I am going to community college in the fall. I have no motivation to do anything so all I do everyday is sleep and sit doing nothing until it is time to go to sleep again. I've been diagnosed with depression, I'm taking meds which helps. But I'm very unhappy with my life. I want to move out, for example but I don't think I can get a job that pays enough for me to be able to move out. I don't have any friends so I can't get roommates. I'm so tired of living like this. What I really want is to get a job (I've applied to a few places), move out, and begin a new life. My therapist told me to make a plan and that he would help me with it, but I'm afraid there is nothing I can do right now that could change my life. I can't live another day this way, I need change but I don't know what I can do. Any advice? Any help? Please?

I hate my life? Nothing is going right, please help.?

Im a 18 year old girl, never had a boyfriend or did anything.
I have lost alot of my friends because I distanced myself away from them because im so unhappy.
Im not in college and most of my friends are.
Most of my friends are in happy relationships where the guy treats them like a princess.
I cry myself to sleep everynight because my life sucks.
Everyone is doing so much better than me while im just sitting at home gaining weight.
Idk what to do with myself anymore, im trying to hold and wait for things to get better but idk if I can
I dont like the way I look and I dont like where im at in life right now.
Everyone is so happy and I sometimes wonder why it cant be me. i will literally give the shirt off my back to someone else, I always care about people and try to give to people when I can.
But I dont get any of it back, im so unhappy I just want to die and give up.
I cant get counseling because I dont have the money or the time.
I just need words of encouragement or anything that can help me feel better.
Everyday I want to give up and ask god to take me away, I will never take my own life, but I dont care if I would die tomorrow. Im tired.