I Am Planning On Taking Heavenly Blue Morning Glory Seeds And I Wanted To Know If I Can Just Eat

What was your experience on eating Morning Glory seeds?

ok let me tell you it was TOTALLY WORTH it...
first time i heard that if u ate these u would trip just like acid aka LSD i was like no bull!
anyways my first three times i failed miserably,first time i tried to eat 500 seeds by chewing them..i threw them up,the taste was NASTY!
2nd time i tried to extract the LSA by using sum expensive complicated method using ethanol,some naphtha,and alot of time,like 3 didnt work! i had the taste of fuel in my mouth for like a week...
3rd time it kinda worked,i bought around 300 seeds,grounded them,put them in a water bottle filled it up with water,and shook it around every now and then for 2 hours..drank it..almost threw up..10 minutes went by and i felt STRANGE...1 hour goes by colors change and everything is out of reality..thats its..i felt REAL good though..better than heroin...but thats it

4th time..1st successful time...
i bought 30 packets of morning glories from lowes,sum flower shop and home depot...washed them real good,let them dry,and grounded them up,and put them in apple sauce..i ate the sauce,it masked the taste REALLY good..them i just chilled for about 30 minutes..i felt it coming on..same effect as LSD,so much energy although different..kinda field of vision was if i was aware of everything eyes dilated completely...i was in such a good mood..i was trippin REAL hard...things were distorting just like on acid..everything was like acid except it was different in a small way...

to sum it all high doses LSA is just like i didnt get sick after wards..

When making LSD, does it matter if you use blue morning glory flowers or purple ones?

First off, KUDOS to you for doing your research BEFORE plunging in.The following is not medical advice.And for those that are taking tabs from unknown sources caveat emptor, its unlikely the source has any idea what they are selling.Morning glory seeds are not appropriate for the manufacture of LSD because the active ingredient in morning glory is LSA.I suggest anyone go the Claviceps purpurea route if they are interested in making LSD.It may well be possible to turn LSA into LSD but I have not researched that.But all is not lost!LSA is a tryptamine similar to LSD and with milder hallucinogenic properties, however it is the seeds that you are looking for and not the flowers.The seeds of several varieties of Morning glory (Ipomoea violacea) contain a naturally occurring tryptamine called Lysergic Acid Amide (LSA), which is closely related to LSD. Seeds are taken orally and can be eaten whole or the active alkaloids can be extracted.Like LSD, LSA acts as a "psychedelic" or "hallucinogen" which can have strong mental effects.Tripping on LSA is not without some risk so I am not advocating its use just disseminating what I know on the subject. And I am not an expert so proceed with caution.The most common active Morning glory variety is Heavenly blue, others are Pearly gates, Flying saucers, Wedding bells, Blue star, and Summer skies. Although Heavenly blue is the strongest variety it is widely available, while the other variants are harder to come by.Comparing the seeds of the morning glory varieties Pearly Gates and Heavenly Blue with two varieties of Hawaiian Baby woodrose, the following yield of alkaloids (mg of alkaloid/g of seed material) has been found:Heavenly Blue: 0.813Pearly Gates: 0.423Ipomoea tuberosa: [None]Ololiuqhui (Rivea corymbosa or Turbina corymbosa) is another variety and not a synonym. Ololiuhqui is the least known hallucinogen in the outside world, yet it is perhaps the best known and most widely used among the indigenous people of Mexico. Very small doses are required and it is strongly recommended that only experienced persons use ololiuqhui.I hope you find this useful but at the risk of sounding paternalistic please play safe.Thanks for asking :}

Will eating untreated [Heavenly Blue] Morning Glory seeds make me nauseous/cramp?

You cannot eat raw Morning Glory seeds without experiencing the nausea, whether or not they have added chemicals. There are a number of ways to extract the LSA from them that reduce the nausea. The easiest and most economical is a cold water extraction which leaves you with a solution of LSA in water, whereas the most thorough, a full solvent extraction, does leave you with a solid product.

For both methods, start by rinsing the whole seeds with warm water to rid them of exterior chemicals such as pesticides, unless you really trust the 'organic' company. Next, carefully grind them into a powder in a coffee grinder; make sure the seeds do not get too hot from the friction. Once you have your powder, you can continue with one of the methods.

A cold water extraction simply involves shaking one single dose of the plant matter per 12 ounces of cold water repeatedly for a day or so. You can do this in a mason jar. Shake it for a minute, allow the plant matter to settle, then repeat. Near the end you may stop shaking so that after a total of 24 hours, the plant matter will be sitting on the bottom. Decant the water off the pulp and drink it.

A solvent extraction is more complicated, but is a good one for a first time chemist and can be done with over the counter chemicals. It's a bit long to include here, so I've included a link to a great write-up. Good luck.

Are "Scarlet O'Hara" Morning Glory seeds chemically treated?

I hate to tell you this but Scarlett OHara is virtually useless if you're planning to ingest them. Only Heavenly Blues, Pearly Gates, and a few other varieties contain LSA.

To quote directly from the Morning Glory FAQ on ,
"To discourage use today, commercial seed producers treat the seeds with a poisonous coating which cannot be removed by washing. The effects from this coating cause nausea, comiting and severe abdominal pain. Extremely high doses cause psychotic reactions, heart failure and shock."

The seeds can be treated with anything from methyl mercury to thiram. Aside from causing nausea, vomitting and diarrheoa if you eat them, Thiram cannot be mixed with alcohol. It will induce an Antabuse type of reaction (vomitting, rashes etc.).

If it is not mentioned anywhere on the pack if they are treated, then they are not treated. If they are treated, then by law, it has to be stated on the pack. It will also state what the seeds are treated with (eg. Captan, Thiram, Methyl Mercury etc).

But if you are planning to eat these seeds for their psychedelic effect, then it doesn't matter if they are treated or not, you will NOT get any effect from Scarlet O'Hara.

Perhaps you could list out all the symptoms you are feeling and we can analyze whether your symptoms are from the chemicals or from a random cold or virus. And as far as nausea goes, regardless of whether or not they are treated, the seeds will cause nausea ingested. This is due in part to 2 other toxic chemicals present in the seed, one in the husk and one in the pulp. The one in the pulp is pretty mild and can be used to make soap. But the one in the husk can cause a 'strychnine' like effect. Usually, the seeds are pulverized and soaked in petroleum ether to remove this toxic chemical. But if you just ate the seeds raw, this strychnine-like effect (headache, blurred and 'fish-eye' vision) will be more pronounced, as will nausea.

Hope this helps. Drop me a line if you want more info or you want to discuss this further.

My dog ate a morning glory flower and would anything happen to him!? ?

According to the ASPCA, morning glories are toxic to dogs. They may cause hallucinations and diarrhea. Here is the link to the ASPCA toxic plant list.

Good luck!

How many morning glory seeds do you need to trip?

You can only use Heavenly Blue morning glory seeds. Other types do not have the chemical. It takes between 250 and 300 seeds (about 2 to 2.5 teaspoons full). They have to be crushed first (chopped, food processor, chewed if you dare) or they will just pass through the system doing nothing. Do NOT use seeds from a store packet sold to plant. These seeds are treated with a fungicide that is very HARMFUL. You must get seeds from a plant for safety. Be prepared to vomit about an hour (take or give) after ingesting and you will vomit, but after that you will feel fine.

Does smoking morning glory seeds get you high? What are their side effects?

You eat them, though I see in Cody’s answer that there are side effects.Since he’s the expert, I’ll just add that my cousin and I spent the summer looking for them when we were 15 and in the country. We never found any. But he did score some the next winter and tried them. He said he saw colored outlines around everything, and then threw up.Not exactly the best of trips, lol.

Smoking morning glory leaves?

i grew a morning glory dried out the leaves gave it to some friends to smoke. they said it works! makes colors brighter.

they only smoked a few pinches of the leaves to get effects. but is this safe??
also! what are some other morning glory plants i can buy online that grow good leaves and seeds!? :D

DRUG HATERS don't tell me that drugs are bad. i already know.. thats why i dont do it, i just watch my friends do it...

Can you get high by eating the morning glory flowers.?

I do not know much about drugs, but what I found out about morning glory flowers is scary.

The flowers do not get you high, it is the seeds that do. here is a quote from the link below.

"Your backyard may be a danger zone for your teenager, especially if you happen to be growing Morning Glories. These beautiful blooming flowers, also known as heavenly blue, crimson rambler and pearly gates have seeds that contain Lysergic Acid Amide that gives an LSD-like high when swallowed by the hundreds, and kids are gaining this knowledge all too fast. The age of the internet puts information into the hands and minds of kids at such a rapid pace that most parents can barely keep up with the new trends and fads that come and go.

The Morning Glory fad is not a new trend by any means; in fact it was one that grew heavily in the 60's with the hippy era. The seeds of these flowers were often used as a hallucinogen by teenagers looking for a cheap high. The morning glory seeds, containing Lysergic Acid Amide is found to be one-tenth as potent as LSD. The seeds are brown or black and may be eaten whole or ground up, but when the seeds are eaten whole, the effects will be smaller than when they are chewed or ground up.

When the seeds are chewed up, the effects of the drug will take affect within 30 to 90 minutes of ingestion with results that mimic taking LSD. If Lysergic Acid Amide is extracted from the seeds, it can be injected to produce a more immediate and intense experience, and too many children are aware of this. Morning Glory seeds are available to kids at just about any retailer, but store owners have taken some precautions, such as changing the bar code on the seeds so that the supply can be monitored when a teenager is attempting to purchase them in bulk.

The physical effects of ingesting Morning Glory seeds can have a large range of affects varying from anxiety or panic attacks, distortion of time, space and body image, difficulty concentrating and thinking clearly, severe mood swings, often ranging from a hyper-interested mood to a withdrawn disinterested mood, questionable behavior resulting from the confusion, panic, and paranoia that the drug produces when ingested, toxic psychosis from children suffering from depression, and death.


Morning Glory Seed preparation?

I agree with the guy above me in his fact about the chemicals being put on the seeds, but there is a way to extract the LSA without having to have that harmful chemical (it will just makey you puke, youll still trip). Wash the seeds THOROUGHLY. Put the seeds in a deep bowl with a little water and a drop of dishwashing liquid. Work it around in a lather. You will notice it turns a little brownish purple. Rinse in a strainer and repeat the washing process until the suds have no color. The coloration in the suds is from a powder that the plant produces that causes stomach irritation. After washing, spread out on a paper towel and dry thoroughly.

Or you can soak them in water with a mild amount of soap in it for a few hours (like 3) rinse them extremely thoroughly to get all of the chemical AND soap off. The next thing you have to do is find something to grind them up in, i used a pepper grinder and it didnt work too well but a coffee grinder is awesome. Mortar and pestle are best for this though. MAKE SURE the seeds are dry because it will just be a big mess if they arent.

Grind up the seeds and then: here are two possiblities for ingestion. Put the powder into yogurt and eat it, this works just as well as anything.

OR put the seeds into a cup of water and let it sit over night, strain these seeds through a filter into a cup and save the water! thats whats got the chemical you want! toss the grounded seeds at this point. What i did was mix it with captain morgan to numb my stomach and keep me from puking, worked for me. So i had a little bottle of LSA water and captain morgan and chugged it.

Because the flowers are closed at night and open with the sunrise, the experience is heightened if you do it in early morning.

Also 100 seeds isnt really a good dose to get a whole lot of effect :/ 300 is a decent trip and 500 is full on. This is for heavenly blue though

It is totally a cool trip experience, nothing off the wall just mellow hallucination effects and its just a good overall feeling. LSA is pretty cool