I Am So Upset What Should I Do

Why am I so upset all the time?

it is possible that you have subconscious entitlement issues.i have heard that every time you get angry it is because you are not getting your way or things are not working out the way you expect them to be.frustration about a situation you feel helpless to change can lead to can try to make peace with things that you cannot change and then actively work to make things you have more control over more to your liking.i personally get most angry when there are situations that I feel powerless to intervene or when someone disrespects me or takes advantage of me.there is a lot of stuff in the world to be upset about. i suggest you stop reading the news and using social media. thousands of people trying to push their specific agenda on you or sell you something can make you pissed off.i personally hate how everyone on quora seems to be humble-bragging about how great and successful and rich they are yet they don’t feel happy or fulfilled. this in itself can make people upset especially if you think you are better or smarter than everyone out just got to chill. the world doesn’t give a shit about you and you shouldn’t give a shit about the world. just try to figure out what is most important to you which is in your abilities and go for it.most people fail. no reason to be upset about that. the only reason the media obsesses about “successful” people is because there are relatively few of them. most people are just getting by and believe it or not, most are ok with that or have accepted it.being upset won’t get you very far. like the dali lama said, every problem has a solution so chill; if a problem doesn’t have a solution then chill also because there is nothing you can do about it.peace out—chronically upset dude

I am going to be fired. I am so upset. What should I do?

I am a taxi driver, or minicup as we call it in London, I had to pick up a passenger going to Luton airport early morning one day.Some times you find some people very nice and easy to talk to, as if you have known them all your life.He asked me how I was, and I was not in a good mood so I sturted complaining as we do in London (winching) as we call it.He said to me something that changed my hall life.He told me that he has been hit by car, as he was coming from work one day, and he was in coma for 3 months, and was paralysed for 3 yeas, had to learn how to walk and talk all over again, and if you look at him, you will never think, that this man is been trough this, as he was telling me I froze, looked at what I was complaining about.If you loose your job you are still healthy find another one as your courent job did not find you, you found it, remember you did not choose who is going to be your mam, dad, country, place of birth, you do what you can and don't let a job be your main target in life.

Why am I so upset about my daughters break up?

My daughter is 21 and broke up with her boyfriend of 2 years. No big problems they talked about marriage and my daughter and I even talked about what kind of dress. It looked like a ring was coming but things started to slow down by both. Anyway ever time I think about it I cry I feel so sad for both of them. I really liked him and they were really good with each other. Part of me hopes they make up but it wont be soon. I dont understand why I am so upset. Its been 2 months.

Failed my exam and very upset.?

I failed my exam by 1 question...yep just 1 question. How I feel? I ve been crying and being depressed for the past 2 hours. I was so close to passing, but nope I failed. By one ******* question.