I Am Try To Smoke A Lungs So It Will Look Like A Smoker Lungs And It Will Not Not Inflate Correct

How does smoking affect the human lungs?

just to make it short and true, smoking completely DESTROYS your lungs an you are sure to die from it, so if you don't smoke, don't start an if you do smoke, stop.
from a reformed (too late) smoker. wish i had never seen one!!!!

Feel as if I can't fully inflate right lung?

If you feel any pain, you should contact a doctor or hospital immediately! Recently, a few friends had their lungs collapse, and they didn't feel any pain. Problems with your respiration can be very serious, even life threatening, and you should not chance it.

Can I get my wind back from smoking?

idk just run. my mom smoked like since she was 18 and now shes 40 somthin, and finally quit and she goes running with me, but shes way slow. but gettin faster and faster.
so yeah. you can get your wind back.

Do i have a collapsed lung?

My mother smoked for years and her lung did colapse from a tumor blocking off oxygen to one lung. It is very painful and will make you weak. Her skin color was off too. She went a month like that, because a doctor misdiagnosed her. She was unable to function normally and a month later I insisted she see a specialist I see and she was immediately diagnosed with the colapsed lung. Five months after the first misdiagnosed doctors visit, my mom passed away from malnutrtion. During her five month ordeal she went through lung removal, then on to a rehab facility that inadaquetly treated her for diahrea from medication, because a nurse denied she had diahrea, she got so weak she lapsed into a comma when she was disconnected from oxygen and forced to sit in visiting area. Then returned to the hospital by ambulance were she had the original surgery only to have a health worker put her into a comma again because they forced her from a stomach tube to solid food instead of starting her on liquids, with the threat of putting the stomach tube back in if she didn't eat the solids. She wasn't strong enough to get chemo when she should of started it and by this time the cancer spread to her brain and she was to worn out to try and fight it anymore. She passed away Feb. 28, 2001. It was Ash Wednesday. The most difficult day of my life and the pain doesn't go away. So if you have people who love you stop smoking, please. I am sorry for my spelling, spell check is not working.