I Am Unable To Access Sent Messages

Why I'm unable to send messages in WhatsApp?

This can be commonly problems like bad internet connections. As another reason can be that your phone doesnt work properly or by what you have done of yourself. If you have done something on settings i think you have been off the typing mode of keyboard or by something else common reasons.

Why am I unable to view my sent messages in LinkedIn? I don't see any sent folder too.

LinkedIn changed their messaging structure to one more like a chat, than an email. As such, there is no ‘sent’ message to check. Think of your messaging program on your phone, you can’t search for sent texts.If you know who you sent a message to, you can pull up your chat with them and view the entire conversation history.Sending Messages to Connections

Can you check sent messages on Airbnb?

I am first time Airbnb user. I remember sending my host a message but I can't see what I sent. Since my host still didn't reply I assume the message wasn't sent. Is there any way I can make sure besides sending my host another message with same content?

Why isn't there a sent messages folder in Tumblr?

Messages in Tumblr are a post type - Questions.The new unified inbox helps keep messages and submissions to all your blogs in one place, but as each question is a post, Tumblr transfers the message onto the blog once it is answered. Even with the new private reply option, which doesn't publish the question to your blog but instead puts the message back in the inbox of the asker, the post is transferred across to the asker, where they can either delete it or leave it in their inbox. The great thing about the private reply is that when people send you a response, you'll get your question back also, so you'll always know what you've asked people, unless they choose to forgo the private reply option and travel to your blog to post a reply directly into your ask box.On top of that, not having a sent messages folder helps streamline and simplify the dashboard. Tumblr isn't an email client, nor is it a chat platform - it's a blogging platform. That's not to say Tumblr won't introduce this feature, but by keeping focused and uncomplicated, they're leading the field in what they do.If you want threaded messages, send an email.

How do I keep someone from seeing messages I sent him on Facebook?

Maybe you should rephrase your question, because it seems illogical.Why?Because, when you send a message to someone, it is assumed you want the person to see it. That is why you send someone a message.Conversely, if you want the person not to see it, you simply don’t send anything to this person.Now, lets say you sent someone a wrong message, which was not supposed to be sent to this person, and when she/he sees it, a big mess will result. And then you want desperately to delete it. But it was sent already and is in its way to the wrong addressee.What can you do?Unfortunately nothing. You have to prepare yourself to the tsunami of shit that will come your way.So, pay attention to whom you are sending messages, because there is no way to repent and get it back.Good luck.

If you delete a sent Linkedin message that hasn't been read, does it delete it at the recipient's end?

It depends.If you are trying to delete a private message sent to a LinkedIn member, you cannot delete that individual message within a thread either from your side or the receiver’s end. You can however delete the entire conversation from appearing on your side. This will delete all your past communication with that person. You cannot restore a conversation once it is deleted. Neither the free nor the premium members have permission to delete a particular message or restore a conversation.If you are planning to delete a comment or conversation that you posted on a group, it is possible. All your conversations and comments that you posted will no longer be visible to other group members. But if you are the group admin, you can delete any conversation or comment.LinkedIn currently doesn't have a feature to delete multiple messages. However there is code that helps you do that.Here is the link to the YouTube video that explains the code:How to delete multiple messages in your LinkedIn Inbox automaticallyHope that answers your question.Thanks for the A2A. Happy to help.

I am able to login in, but unable to access my mail account?

Might also be browser related. Try viewing your email using another browser such as Chrome or Firefox.

Why can't I see my sent email messages on Yahoomail?

No. But here is how you do it...

To automatically save sent messages;
Click 'Options'
'Mail Options'
The 'General' page should display
The box for "When sending messages: Save a copy of the message in the Sent folder" should be checked to automatically save sent mail. Go above and click on 'Save Changes'