I Appear A Exam On 1 Feb 2014 Which Is Successful Or Not

Levothyroxine. Are there any positive / success stories regarding this drug?

Last week i was diagnosed with hypothyroidisim and prescribed levothyroxine. I've done some research on the medication and am fully aware of all the terrible side affects and i have read dozens of blogs from miserable patients about how it's made their symptoms worse or have brought on new ones. I understand the frustration that this disease brings to those afflicted but i feel that the lack of positive information on levothyroxine scares off new patients and in some cases prevents some from getting the help they need. If you or someone you know has a good, positive success story about this drug please share it with people like me who are confused, scared and maybe a little misinformed. Thanks!

please only post happy stories (if they exist) the internet is riddled with negative scary information. Post your story there if you feel it necessary.

Did people really find dinosaur bones with intact soft tissue or is this all a bunch of hot air?

I keep seeing people post in defense of young earth theory that we have discovered dinosaur bones with blood cells and soft tissue. They put forward this as evidence that man walked with dinosaurs, which I find absurd, but would till like to have all the facts

What was the first year the winter olympics started?

See the answer above.

University of the People, Education level comparison, thoughts, curriculum.?

Dear Benjamin,

We would like to draw your attention and point out that our official name is University of the People, abbreviated as UoPeople. We would appreciate you taking note of this from now on so as not to confuse our institution with other organizations

Regarding your questions, please read our responses below.

While we are not aware of the comparisons you wish you find, we encourage you to search the Internet for academic comparisons of University of the People to other schools.

Currently, University of the People is not an accredited university. While University of the People intends to obtain accreditation, it cannot promise nor guarantee the time-frame in which this might occur. If the University is accredited at the time a degree is awarded to a student, that student would have the benefit of having graduated from an accredited institution. Prospective and current students of UoPeople should take into consideration the possibility that they will finish their studies with University of the People with no accredited degree.

We believe the tests at UoPeople do compare to those of traditional college in terms of difficulty.

For further questions, please refer to our university catalog on our website:

Thank you,

UoPeople Communications Team