I Ate A Stick Of Butter Help

My dog ate a stick of butter! HELP!?

my dog is a little over a year, mixed breed, 12 lbs. Is this really bad? Should I be panicking? Should we call the vet? She had dirherria, and doesnt look like she feels well. WHAT CAN I DO?

I ate a stick of butter?

Hi. I just ate a stick of butter. And I'm supposed to be on a diet. Please don't ask why I did.

Anyways, am I going to die or something?? I just burned half of it on the treadmil. Which is better than nothing.

What I'm concerned about ( I know I won't gain (much) from this incedant) but I'm really worried about my heart and body!!!

I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack.

What to do????

Would I die if I ate 8 sticks of butter?

I think you’d be stuffed full and repulsed by it before finishing all eight.But it won’t kill you.People on arctic and high/cold altitude expeditions require enormous amounts of calories, and they need plenty of fats to satiate their hunger.Quoting Eating at high altitude:As means of comparison, let’s take into account that a very sedentary person needs from 1,800 to 2,100 calories a day to live, while someone more active needs between 2,700 to 3,000 calories a day, depending on their activities. Meanwhile, and this is the point that concerns us, a mountaineer’s system can consume from 5,000 to 6,000 calories a day, and even up to 8,000, on a very demanding day, for instance, when climbing to the summit.Butter freezes well, stores efficiently, and is high calorie, so it is often consumed in bulk for these activities. You can eat it like a chocolate bar.

My cat ate butter-will she get sick?

She may throw up or have diarrhea, depending on her stomach's tolerance. Some cats can handle dairy products, some can't. If she's a kitten and gets sick to her stomach, then you have to worry about her being dehydrated. An adult cat, I wouldn't really worry about.

Can You Die From Eating A Stick of Butter?

maybe if you choke on the butter which is kinda hard but i cant see how u can actually die from butter well if u ate a lot of butter then u would get really fat and then that could lead to heart attack but not from one stick of butter. so my answer is your uncle won this one sorry.

I ate a whole stick of butter, will I die?

I went to this fancy restaurant and they put a small dish with big stick of white something on my table with some bread. I thought it was cheese. So I ate the whole thing. It tastes funny. It didn't taste like cheese. I thought it might be a special kinda cheese.
Then after I ate it all, I realized, "must be butter"

It was butter.

Oh man, am I going to die?

Will I get fat if I eat a stick of butter?

You will not get fat if you eat a single stick of butter.In fact, you may get thinner as eating a whole stick of butter is likely to induce you to get sick to your stomach and expel the butter and whatever else is in your stomach.If you are worried about getting fat, you might try eating modest portions of a well balanced diet that does not consist of single item meals such as a stick of butter.If you are eating a stick of butter on a dare or as a challenge, you will not get fat but you are likely to seriously injure yourself or die of some other condition related to your impulse to abuse your body for no good reason.

My Great Dane ate a Whole Stick of Butter:?

Most dogs are lactose intolerant, but it won't kill them, just give them an upset stomach, and maybe diarrhea.

A dog that big will be less affected than a small dog, so I wouldn't worry too much.
just keep an eye on her, and if she starts to throw up (not likely) I'd call he vet then.

Dogs seem to eat anything they can find, that they aren't supposed to eat.
As others have mentioned, the worst is chocolate (especially dark chocolate)
grapes, onions, corn (hard to digest, they just pass it)
Most dogs are allergic to many grains.
Apples are OK, apple SEEDS are not.

make sure that she has plenty of water, to help flush her out.

Good luck

My dog ate half a stick of butter. Should I be worried?

I’m not into drama. I don't like to play Chicken Little (“the sky is falling!”), and I don't run around advising people to call the vet over every little thing …. Nor was I invited to answer this question.But Zoltan Korossy is correct. This is an emergency. Call the vet now, or your dog could be writhing in agony soon.It's easy to fix now. If you wait a little while you could be looking at a thousand dollar vet bill due to a hospital stay, and IV fluids, plus medications.Call the vet NOW. (And inducing vomiting with ipecac, or two tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide would be a safe bet. Do not use 30% hydrogen peroxide.)If it's been more than 6 hours and the dog isn't vomiting, the dog is probably fine. But check with the vet.