I Badly Want Some Kind Of Small Thigh Gap

How do I get thigh gap?

13 Best Thigh Exercise for your Dream – Fat Burning outer Thigh WorkoutIn the world most of the woman getting thinner and toned thighs. Like short dress, rock their skinny jeans and pencil skirts. These women have no idea how to slim their legs. Hard work and consistency are only secret to thinner and toned thighs in the world. Therefore, discuss the 12 best effective thigh exercise. Through these outer thigh workouts you can give thinner and toned thighs within a few days.These thigh exercise are very simple like cardio exercise you can do at home. I suggest you can add these outer thigh exercise in your daily cool down or warm up session.Different Fat Burning Thigh Exercise:Plyometric Squat.Squat with BallToe Squat with Overhead ReachThe Single-Leg CircleP-lie SquatPick-Up SquatDiagonal LungeKneeling Roundhouse KickFront SquatBack SquatLeg PressDumbbell SquatKettle-bell Press-Out1-Plyometric Squat:Plyometric Squat is a very simple and best outer thigh workout.You can do plyometric squat at home. In the plyometric squat, there are three stages.1-Straight Stand-up 2-Down phase 3-Up phase (jump up)In the plyometric squat, we used the all body muscles. Addition benefits of the plyometric squat is Abs workout.2-Squat with Ball:Squat with ball is one of the best effective thigh slimming exercise at home. It is the low impact workout. It is a cool down and warm up workout in the daily exercise. There are two stages In the squat with ball.1- Up Phase with ball 2- Down Phase with Ball12 time you roll the ball between the your back and wall. After this reset 30 seconds and repeat this.Read More;Click Hare:

I am a girl. What should I do to get smaller arms and thighs?

The first thing that needs to be addressed is to ask WHY you want smaller arms and legs? If you are trying to look like the ads and/or movies, stop. No one actually looks like those images. ALL of them are doctored or edited. In fact, the changes made to women's bodies in advertising and the media make their bodies look like a male body, not a female.Nature made females the shape they are for many good reasons, so trying to look like edited pictures will ONLY suceed in making you sick and/or dead.If we ASSumed that you are just over weight and are fpcused on your arms and legs, and not a perverted body image, I would suggest that you step back and consider your entire overall health and condition and not just some spot.If you have poor muscle tone or too much fat on your body, it will be all over, not just in spots. To improve muscle tone, which tightens up muscles, they need to be used. Picking up heavy things regulatly and doing things that use a muscle helps build and keep muscles in good shape. There is NO short cut. The human body is SUPPOST to have a thin layer of fat under the skin, for many reasons. This means people who do not have this layer are unhealthy, so do not try for zero or little body fat.The basic health idea is that all muscles must be USED, daily, including lifting rregularly, to be in good shape and healthy. There is no short cut, so if you spend more hours sitting and/or lying around than moving around physically doing things, you will be flabby and have poor muscle tone, soon to be followed by heart pproblems, vasculer disease, and brain problems, since it is all connected.People pay plastic surgeons to suck out fat and suture up loose muscles only to have a stroke or heart attack because their over all muscle tone is bad. If you have flabby arms you also have a 'flabby' heart.Get up and physically do things!

What body shapes can have a thigh gap?

It has to do with various things - bone structure, bodyfat, amount of muscle, etc. The types of women who have "thigh gap" are usually very petite women (small bones, small bodyframe) with limited muscle tone. You don't even really find thigh gap on fitness/bikini models in general because they have too much muscle tone for there to be a "gap" between their legs. The big problem with girls pursuing "thigh gap" is that it is basically unachievable for most women. In many cases a woman's skeleton would be bigger than the girl she's comparing herself to and therefore it's totally unrealistic for her to try and diet her way to getting thigh gap.

Should I like my thigh gap? it's disgusting?

Thigh gaps are most certainly not gross!! I always wanted to have that. Your not gross I'm actually jealous on you which I don't say to often to just anyone :) the curves part. Well I didn't get curves until I was like 15-16? Guys are into all different things. I think most guys like thigh gaps but in my opinion if a guy only likes you for your looks then he isn't worth your time an doesn't deserve you! An I've never actually heard someone say thigh gaps are nasty. The people who said those things probably are jealous an want to have a thigh gap but can't Cause people like to trash talk things they want an can't have :( but all in all don't feel bad you have one I know so many girls including me would love to have a thigh gap I hope this helps!! Kay bye <3

Are big/thick thighs bad?

You could easily get a thigh gap if you didn't want to be able to pull your legs together... just have your adductor muscles surgically removed. This may impede walking and standing though. Alternatively, you could see if you could have your pelvis broken in half and rejoined with a rod that widens the whole pelvis.

I'm obviously being facetious, but you need to realise that there are muscles on the inside of your thighs and that people with 'thigh gaps' are one or more of the following:


This 'thigh gap' nonsense is almost laughable if it wasn't so anatomically impossible for a HEALTHY female with well-exercised adductor muscles, a small pelvis and straight legs, and just designed as one of those (to add to all the others) ways to tell yourself you're not good enough...

Why do women strive for a thigh gap?

I have no right calling these women retarded or anything. Because I will admit when I was seven I wanted a thigh gap so badly to the point where I stopped eating period. But I am nineteen now, and I was young when these thoughts were in my head. I didn't know better!

Seriously why do these women much older than me at 19 want a thigh gap so bad? Or girls in general. I know I use to want one, but I want to know why others crave a thigh gap? Don't you understand how dangerous this is?