I Baught A New Computer And Was Forced To Force Shutdown 5 Times In A Row. What Could Happen

Windows 10 likes to Update every single time I force restart my computer. Is there anyway to skip this?

Yes disable windows update, and choose to use it manually instead of allowing it to do it automatically. You can disable but not remove Windows Update. Updates are not a requirement, although they are a good idea.You can disable Windows Update, or just disconnect your internet.But truly you can disable Windows Update.Also now for Windows 10 you have plenty of postponing and control of the reminders, so you are not forced to update it ever.Its all in the Control Panel under Windows Update, or in Windows 10 Under Updates and Security.

How do I fix my lagging PC after an unexpected shutdown?

Today I accidently cut the power to my pc, so windows didnt crash it just lost power.

Windows took about twice as long to boot.
After it had booted the system hdd was very busy doing I dont know why (wasnt superfetch or virus scanning). The i/o was used by the system process.
Outlook took a looooong time to open. it then also took a very long time to close deleting the deleted emails which are usually way faster.
Internet explorer took about 2 minutes to restore crashed tabs which was massive disk i/o.
Opening tiny apps where the hdd light either flashes very briefly or doesnt come on at all have a noticeable 1-2 sec delay with the light on solid.

I expect after a manual defrag things will be back to normal. I have been having this problem now with many computers that run Windows 7, and I can't seem to find the answer.

What happens on your computer when you press Alt+F4?

rofl, i wanna see the people find your question again after tehy try =)

If a cat goes without water for 5 days, what all can happen?

I went for a 5 day trip out of town and came back to find that my cat (indoor) had not eaten any of his food that l left out. His water bowl was still full. I discovered that he got trapped in the bedroom closet, then I realized that I must have closed the closet thinking he was somewhere else when I left for the trip. I felt very guilty when I heard his stressed meows as I entered the apartment. It was so scary to see my cat in a distressed state. He lost weight, I am going to take him to the vet, but can someone tell me what all can go wrong? Is it likely he has developed kidney or liver issues? What should I prepare for? His dark blue eye has become light blue. Someone tell me what's going on with my cat.

Can an employer force you to work 6 days per week?

Yes they can.
I work in a non union plant myself.
We had only 9 Saturdays off in the last year.
Unfortunately, they make the rules, and if you want to work there, you will follow them, or they will get rid of you.
I feel ya, bro, but there isn't much you can do.