I Believe My Mom Might Be Mentally Abusing Me.

My mom physically and mentally abuses me?

I'm 13 and my mom has been abusing me a lot. I know discipline is like a spanking or 2-3 slaps, but my mom goes to the point of dragging me to the floor, kicking me, slapping/punching, and pulling my hair. She calls me bad words, and disowns me as her child. I think she has a form of bipolar. Last night she told me why I ignore her, I told her "I lost respect in you" She did all the things listed above. I locked myself in the bathroom to cry. The reason I said that was because I still remember December 2, 2012 we were going to the mall. All of a sudden she started slapping me. She told me she wished that I wasn't her child. She pinched me, and more. I couldn't handle it so while we were driving around the parking lot I jumped out of the moving car and ran inside. When she parked and went inside with my siblings. She acted like NOTHING happened. I think she has a sign of Bipolarity. I want to stay at a friends house for a few days but I don't know how to tell them. Everyday I see her I start becoming depressed and sometimes (rarely) have suicidal thoughts. I don't have a school counselor at my school. People say to call the cops, but my mom makes money. If she gets arrested how with my baby sister and brother survive. I bare the weight of knowing my mom has committed some sort of adultery by dating another man. She talks crap about my dad, saying he's useless and a bad husband. My dad takes care of us, works hard, and even treats her well. My mom calls me "*****", "stupid", "not her child", etc. She threatens to kill me. Like say, "I'm going to punch you so hard you're going to bleed to death" she says it in Vietnamese. I feel verbally abused. I really don't know what to do. At school I'm happy, I'm very outgoing, and have a sense of humor. But only a few of my close friends know this. Please help me, with an answer. A therapist will not help :( so please don't give that as a suggestion.

I live with an relative who abuses me mentally. My mom does everything she can to upset me and irritate me. I have nowhere to go. What should I do?

Here is some advice from someone who ran away from home at a young age.Finish school. I know it is hard, and I know it is hard to focus when home is a bad place to be.Try to stay away from home as much as you can, for example, at a library.Read books that help you to stay mentally strong, or watch movies about people who endured difficult situations and made it through.Focus on one thing only: school and your grades. Keep your goal in front of you, and picture the moment of your departure — it will help you make it through.Stay strong.

I am being mentally/emotionally abused by my mom. I need help,?

I decided to go online and see what I could find because I wasn't so sure if this is really mental/emotional abuse. My mom and I don't communicate well. She always dominates the conversation and it leads to a bigger argument. Sometimes when things get really heated, she would say a lot of hurtful things. She would call me a slut, a whore. She says it's impossible for me to get better, and I am incapable to being succesful. She says stop crying because it is a weakness. She tries implying that I need 'sexual' help. (and I don't.) Whenever I make a mistake she says if I do it again or keep doing it she will send me away. She judges my friends and isolates me from the outside wrold. She keeps me in the house. She doesn't like it when I go online and tlak to my friends, she also doesn't give me a phone. I'm turning 17 this august. This may seem like she is just a clingy parent and doesn't want to let go of me, but it is way deeper than that. No one understands her like I do.. I did some research and I found this list, and I put a " * " next to it if it applies to me.

Making the child/teen feel responsible for the mother's feelings. *

Threatening them in general. *

Threatening them specifically with rejection or abandonment. *

Threatening them with vague, unstated consequences. *

Using force upon them.

Invalidating their feelings. *

Laying undeserved guilt on them. *

Placing undeserved blame on them.

Dominating the conversations. *

Refusing to apologize. *

Always needing to have the last word. *

Judging or rejecting their friends. *

Sending them to their rooms for crying or saying crying is a weakness. *

Locking them out of the house.

Using punishments and rewards to manipulate and control them. *

Invading their privacy. *

Under-estimating them. *

Failing to show trust in them. *

Labeling them. *

Criticizing them. *

Giving them the silent treatment. *

Failing to give them real explanations. *

Giving non-explanations such as "because it is wrong" or "because it is inappropriate" or "because it is a sin"

There are many more things that my mom does to me but these are just a few..

I just need to know what I can do. What should I do?

Is my mom emotionally abusing me? (help)?

If all of this is happening, then yes, it would be classed as emotional abuse.

PLEASE talk to someone about this. Maybe a counselor, psychologist, anyone.

What really helped me was talking to my teacher. She was amazing.

And you're not fat! You're far far from it. And I'm sure anyone would prefer to be curvy rather than anorexic, any day.

By the way, I'm incredibly jealous of you. I've been trying to skate for 5 years, but every time I get on the board I fail :// LOL!

Don't believe your mom. She doesn't deserve a daughter as innocent and great as you. You're not worthless, you've done nothing to deserve this. My advice - don't confront her. This might make the whole thing 10x worse. Talk to someone who can help you sort the situation out properly.

Hope I helped :)

My mom is emotionally abusive?

Dear Morgan,

I feel for you… your situation reminded me when I was your age… it’s a lot similar. The only different is I was able to cope mentally though it wasn’t easy. It’s because I was receiving a lot of support though I live in a country where Depression and any sort of mental illnesses were very green to us.. it was 30 years ago. So I am wondering if you are receiving any support at all? I now live in Australia and it is very good country in supporting familes who suffer from any sort of mental illnesses also support for the carer. I don’t know which country you live in but you could Please check beyond blue website and if you could you can contact them for immediate help.

I am working as a case manager for over 10 years and provide counseling as well to my clients and often use beyond blue and support from blackdog institute at prince of Wales hospital in sydney. They are all free for Australian resident. You mum should receive a support from mental health team from any hospital she goes and has a case worker.. your dad and yourself need to look after yourselves.
It’s not an easy task to live with a family member who suffers mental illness but still living in denial. I don’t know as a young person if you believe in the Bible or even own it. But when I was experiencing what you have been through. The Bible is the source of lots of encouragement besides getting help from therapist or/and medication. Try to engage yourself with social activities in positive way, such as playing sport, creative hobbies. Please don’t isolate yourself.
One of my family member suffers from severe depression and was on medication for years before through lots of trial and error. He often did self mutilation/self harming when he was in deep depression. but now he is off medication with the help from therapists, support groups at our church, regular exercise and eating correct foods.
Dealing with mental illness is a long journey. However you can control it with correct method and it’s never too late.

Please feel free to ask me any question on my facebook page

I also would send publication free of charge to help people dealing emotionally and mentally with difficulty in their life due to natural disaster, illnesses and death. Happy to help people in need.

Why doesn't my mom believe me or take seriously when I tell her my stepdad is abusing me?

Does the abuse take place out of sight or earshot of your mother, or when she’s absent?Is it sexual and/or physical abuse? If it’s either of those, bypass your mother, immediately report to police or talk to a teacher/counsellor/nurse at school who has an obligation to report this. When third parties step in, it usually makes people in denial rethink their response to you.If it’s emotional abuse, do you have a phone that you can use to surreptitiously record or video what’s said and done?Why it happens, why one parent or the other denies it or doesn’t listen, always remains a mystery to me. You might find some useful views on this search page: why do parents deny abuse by a step-parent?But they are not as important as making you safe as quickly as possible. That can’t be done unless you speak to someone outside the family. Probably like most kids, you don’t want to upset your mother or upset the family or battle lies from the abusing parent (who has presumably already lied to your mother).But all abuse is very damaging, and if you remain silent, the damage accumulates, especially the sense that your mother is not putting you and your safety first.