I Broke Up With My Best Friend

Me and my best friend broke up?

i think that it is really good that you havent thought about her. it could show that yous wernt true/real bestfriends. This is because you havent thought about her and if she was a really close friend to you then you would be thinking how close you where and you would be missing her. Also, if she was your true friend, she wouldnt just say aw i dont want to be your friend anymore. However, these things arnt bad things because it does take a very long time (sometimes years) to find a really nice person who you just click with and also dont forget that things always happen for a reason. i hope this helped x

My crush broke up with my best friend?

My crush that i have liked for sooo long just broke up with my best friend. I really really really really like him and wanna ask him out. Should I wait a while until my friend gets over him and another boyfriend? I dont want to make her upset but I really really like him and want to ask him out.

I dated my best friend and we broke up?

Im around the same age as you, so I know how you feel. The same thing happened to me. We were best friends then bf and gf. I broke up with him, and he didn't speak to me for a while. But I finally got the chance to talk to him and tell him how I felt and how I wanted to be good friends again. He listened and understood. It took a while to have the same kind of friendship we had but it was worth talking to him. So, you should try talking to him when you get the chance. It might take a while, but be patient. And remember that he's probably acting like this because he likes u A LOT. So im sure he will come back around soon. Good luck :)

Best friend and my brother broke up?

best you can do is not try to get involved make sure they don't make you get into this cause it could cause problems next time either of them bring up the subject of the other one just change the subject like if your brother tries to bring it up just talk to him about video games or whatever he likes if she brings it up talk about girly things or whatever she likes it is going to take some time but i am sure both will get over it your brother should of known better then to cheat alcohol is never an excuse to cheat on someone but try your best to stay out of it good luck i hope things work out

How to get over a best friend break up?

Very Heartbreaking for Your Friend to take other ppls sides to believing these rumors* Yes, you could get the PROOF and Show her...then walk away as she didn't feel your Friendship was worthy to wait till you could Prove your telling the Truth* n to automatically side with others, believing YOU did what is being said, without even listening to you what you have to say..Although your Heart is in pieces...You need to let it be. If she was a TRUE Friend, she'd have given you every chance to say what it is you want to * YOU Shouldn't have to PROVE anything to a TRUE FRIEND*, but as I said, IF you choose to PROVE to her whatever is being said, isn't true...then do so, then Walk away from this person.. She's no TRUE friend of yours*. She'll one day realize what a big mistake she's made and lost a Great True Friend in You*. But that's something she'll have to live with*...Hold your head up high*..don't let her n others pull you down* I know it's easier said than done..but YOU can do this* You havn't done anything wrong ~ You DONT need to explain anything to anyone, the TRUTH ALWAYS COMES OUT in the long run* I'm just sorry you're going through this.* least you know she doesn't feel your friendship to be worthy* me, she's no friend of yours* Sorry to say...but Move on without her* Live Your LIFE Be HAPPY ~ GodBLess* ~

How do I break-up with my best friend?

I think my friendship has become toxic. She's draining me emotionally and mentally. She's demanding and I can't trust her anymore. She's spreading lies about my boyfriend and she's beginning to associate with his ex, who hates me and has caused nothing but trouble.

I don't want to be friends with her anymore. She has leaned on me with all her problems but whenever I've had a problem or been upset, she hasn't been there and never seems interested. She's very attention seeking and dramatic, she twists information for sympathy or a reaction, and I can't take it anymore.

She makes me feel guilty and she's always manipulating me. I hate myself for not having the backbone to stand up to her, but it was because I was scared of losing her. I don't care anymore now. How do I go about ending it?

I haven't spoken to her for a week and I can tell she's pissed. Should I write her a letter saying why I chose this option, or do I leave it? I think if I leave it, I'll hate that she doesn't know exactly why.

How do you move on from a break up with my best friend?

My best friend just broke up with me 4 months ago. So this is my advice to you.You have to decide that you’re going to move on EVERY DAY. When you wake up in the morning think to yourself that you’re going to survive, and this moment will pass. You have to accept the fact that it’s over. If you don’t, it will be very hard to move on because your emotion and feeling will drag you back and forth. There’re times when you miss your friend terribly. If that happens, just stop what you’re doing and think to yourself that you do miss your friend and it’s OK to feel like that. By admitting and recognizing your feeling will somehow stop you from overthinking which makes you feel worse. If you walk pass your friend, gently smile or say hi and then go on. Don’t bother your friend. It’s your friend decision to let go of you, and you have to respect that. Don’t make yourself look terrible or sad hoping your friend will see what you’re going through and come back, it will decrease your self-worth and you will be confused and angry if your friend still ignores you. Don’t analyze the situation because it’s a waste of time. Overthinking can kill you.Talk to someone you trust. You don’t have to fight this battle alone.Try to spend time alone, you will found something within you, maybe some answer for the question you’ve been asking to yourself. Do what you always want to do. Go where you want to go. And open up your heart for new people. Remind yourself at all time that you, only you, are responsible for your own happiness. This is a chance for you to learn one of the hardest life’s lesson; to let go of what you love.I hope you can make it through.

My best friend's girlfriend broke up with him, what should I do?

Hey man,, i went through the same thing with my ex-bf.. ):
i was exactly like your friend, i was so depressed and i wanted to kill myself.. it took over my life and i almost didnt graduate High School cuz of it.
even though i wanted to kill myself, what i needed most was someone to be there with me at all times.
id say, be there with him at all times as much as you can and try finding something you like to do and do it with him (: he needs support for probably everything xP what i did was hip-hop dancing with my friend and it actually helped me take my mind off of it ((: id recommend that, but if youre not into that kind of stuff, you should do boxing or go to the gym (: do something that you can make a goal for.
it usually takes at least 3 months to get over a relationship like that. For me, it took about 5 months. it seems like forever, but if you dont give up even though it hurts, your best friend is going to thank you and itll even make a stronger bond between the two of you ((:
i wish i can help you more, but this is all i can tell you as of right now xP if you need more help, you can ask me (: