I Can Feel What Others Feel

How can we feel others' feeling?

You can't. You can understand a person very well. You can analyse their mind and you can even predict their emotional reactions. Literally though, you can't feel another persons feelings unless you inflict the same experience onto yourself AND have the same emotional response to it. This is somewhat rare. I'd suggest trying to understand the person, their ideas and ideals, why they feel the way they feel...and then you can feel this feeling by simulating either the feeling or the experience. As the quote goes:

Feeling disconnected from others?

I have had this very weird feeling lately, I have been depressed for as long as I can remember but now it feels worse. I feel like there is a wall between me and other people, when I am around people I usually can talk to easily I forget how to talk to them. I feel detached from my cat as well, it feels like I don’t love anyone I used to love, like I can’t love anyone. I just hold my cat in my arms sometimes now and just think «what am I supposed to do with you? feed you?» when I would usually hug her or cuddle. It feels so weird, it also feels like I am not myself anymore and like i am detached from my feelings or have lost a part of myself and I am longing to feel like myself again. It is hard to explain and I don’t know what is going on, I usually don’t have any trouble at all talking to people, when i hug people or my cat I don’t feel like there is any connection between us anymore. I have put everyone I know at distance and I feel unable to express any emotion at all, I can’t cry, I can’t feel truly happy, I can’t feel anger, I just feel flat, I have no emotions.

My gf and i can feel each others emotions when were away?

There are a lot of things that this could be. Coming from a broad perspective, it sounds like you are very close. Being close to a person for an extended amount of time can result in the things that you have described.

On a more direct note, something that sortof tags along with your close could be experiencing a very broad telepathic experience. You can't read eachother's minds word for word, but you can feel eachother's me, this sounds like, due to the closeness of your relationship, you have a bond that may surpass physical limits. This doesn't happen for everyone. You may also just be experiencing something completely coincidential (if you would rather believe that coincidences happen; however, I don't believe in coincidence. ) Of course, you would know your own personal experiences, so I suggest that you start researching telepathy and see what you come up with. I have provided some useful websites.

Is it true Pisces can feel others emotions?

yes, they're very sensitive and intuitive

Can people feel others emotions and how do you know if you can?

I know I can, because over the many years i gathered proof, but it is scary because after a lot of proof, i came to the conclusion that I can not be sure what is mine and what is not, perhaps more then 80% of what I feel is not mine. But someone else.And then there is this thing called projection. So When i feel something that is not me, I still have a response to it, and I can even project it on someone else… Talking about complicated… and in between that turmoil there must be somewhere my emotions too…And this is how it feels. A constant inner storm. A mixed bag of emotions only to calm down i nature, or area’s that are less populated.Never sure if you are crazy or just empathic.Solitude just to find some emotions that are really me.Traumatic.Having experienced so many emotions… is sort of traumatic expecially growing up within a family with varied emotional supression issues.For me it takes a life time to put this ‘power’ into something usefull. I am still struggling with it.

Do empathetic people feel what others feel or know what others feel?

Empathic people, such as myself, do not feel what other feel as much as they emulate feelings they see others have. For instance, if you are around a group of people but have your eyes closed, you won't telepathically share their emotion so to speak. What happens with this phenomenon is when we look at people, the body gives of micro expressions saying what they are feeling at that time, and we see those expression and mirror them. We're not feeling their emotion, just emulating/mirroring them.Though one issue for me is that I have a low EQ,which in turn only allows me to feel a low amount of emotion of my own. Most of the time when I feel an emotion it's only because I emulate from someone nearby me.

Why are some pages of a book oily feeling while others feel like normal paper?

Ok so If you have ever read a Geronimo Stilton book or there are many other books with pages like this but They feel very.....oily is the only way I can seem to describe it.... maybe just smoother. Idk if you know what Im talking about but.. does anyone know what that s called while other books are made with regular paper and sometimes even paper that is even rougher. and for some reason the more oily paper makes you want to read so much more! or at least for me that s the case

How Can I Stop Feeling "Inferior" Around Others?

Being at ease with others requires humility. Humility is a very misunderstood concept these days- most do not realize that it incorporates a positive regard for one's own qualities. Humility is a medium between the extremes of (a) inordinate pride and (b) inferiority complexes. Humility is thus neither thinking you are better or worse than you really are. Sometimes the extremes cause each other! For example, one's pride (which thinks one should be better than he is) may be the cause of an inferiority complex, since he is always coming up short of his own expectations. Or feelings of inferiority may also drive one to act pompous out of compensation.
Humility is the key to freedom in this area. With humility, there is no need to think you are better or worse than you really are. That said, putting it into action in social situations requires a kind of apprenticeship and perhaps lots of time. Realize that you have your own qualities and you will find ways to share them. Don't believe that the qualities of others are somehow worth more than your own. And if you find that you often hold others in high regard, be happy for that's a quality in itself, and useful for learning and growth.