I Can T Stop Drinking Alcohol And Overeating

What is a worse habit to have, drinking too much or overeating?

Drinking too much is worse. It's easier to reverse the effects of overeating then over-drinking. Over-eat and get fat? Stop overeating and hit the gym. Drinking too much? You get cirrhosis and need a new liver, so you get stuck on the organ donor waiting list for either months or years, and may die before a live you can use become available.

Should we eat before drinking alcohol or after it?

Ideally alcohol should be enjoyed in a full stomach.That way one:Is not distracted by the taste of finger foods.Able to check calories from food and also fully focus and enjoy food.Appreciate fine spirits in a relax and unhurried setting.Limit alcohol intake (it is usually difficult to drink too much after you've eaten - so the risk of getting drunk is lower).Alcohol acts as a digestive (especially true for Scotch, brandy etc.)Unfortunately in India the culture is to start drinking on an empty stomach accompanied by snacks, savouries and fried finger food. One tends to drink oneself silly; overeat the snacks and then it is customary to eat dinner on top of it. Invariably it increases the chances of somone overindulge and then puke themselves all over the place.Hope this helps.Edit: Language has also evolved its phrases from experience and some thought. For example it's always called:Food & BeverageEat & DrinkKhana Peena (the Hindi transliteration for eat & drink)

What can I do to stop overeating? Are there any new habits I can develop to prevent it?

Don't eat desserts or sugary products when you feel hungry. Eating sweets will instantly boost your energy (and insulin) level and drop it just as fast, making you feel more tires and crave for more. It's an easy way to develop a bad habit which can have grave results for your health.Eating salad before your main course will fill up your stomach and provide a lot of essential vitamins and minerals. By now you will feel fuller, so you can proceed to your main dish which will be smaller in quantity.You can treat yourself with a small dessert after you are cooked unprocessed meal. Make sure that your dessert doesn't exceed 10% of you daily recommendes calorie intake.

Which is worse, drinking alcohol or overeating junk food?

Either will kill you eventually.So... do you want to go from cirrhosis or diabetes? Choose. Or... here's an idea... you could get in touch with Over eaters Annon. and A.A. to get some help with that BEFORE it ends in "jails, institutions and death."

How to stop overeating (due to depression)?

Most of the time, when you over eat there is a main reason. You are eating to fill some sort of a void, correct? Well most of the time there IS something you can do. Multitasking makes it a lot harder to eat, so get busy doing something. Also a great way to stop overeating is to exercise, because it increases endorphin levels in your body. Oddley enough endorphins cause your mood to be better (less depression) and cause your appetite to go down.

What is binge drinking?

binge drinking is considered a drinking session of 4+ drinks for a women, or 5+ drinks for a man.

If I have heartburn every time I drink beer or alcohol, what's happening?

i used to have this problem. It turned out I had acid reflux my whole life and didn’t know it. Prilosec for one week, and I felt better than ever. A warning…. with the Prilosec I could drink every day if I wanted to. My alcoholism became apparent. The next four years were the worst of my life. I lost my mind and my wife of 20 years. In hindsight, I wish I had just given up the alcoholI spent months, even years searching for a way to end the heartburn that I suffered. This helped me no end: prevent-heartburn.scienceI am not a doctor, but alcohol is very hard on your stomach.If you drink a lot, you can develop esophageal varices (swollen veins) and stomach problems.Limit it to 1–2 glasses of wine with food and you should be fine.All this is my own opinion..

How can I stop overeating and eat less food then I need to so I can lose weight? It’s hard to not overeat and I have a lot of fat around my stomach.

I am afraid it’s all down to will power and the will to say enough I can have some more another time. Most people I know and me included live to eat food and I was overweight but never obese due to eating large portions and drinking a lot of alcohol. Things had to change and now the health of my body is much more important and this requires dedication and will powerbeing overweight does some bad things internally especially visceral fat around your organs and this will accumulate over time so beware it caught up on me quite slowly.I actually started by keeping food diaries of what I ate and counted every calorie I consumed and it was shocking to know that I was eating too many calories, calories I did not need to eat all of which were converted to FAT. This is the root need to halve your diet and drink only water to lose the weight first. Then you need to maintain weight after losing it so it’s a two stage process. I also started jogging and this resulted in running 10K runs every day burning around 800 calories and creating a huge deficit per week.I now don’t really a diet as I need to eat to run atvpeak performance otherwise it’s a weak run. But above all else I still control what’s I eat