I Cannot Access Google Hangouts Via My Pc. It Works Only On My Phone. Help

Can I use same Google account in different Android phones?

Yes You Can use multiple accounts in different Android Phones. It will also sync all your data in both devices.Both versions let you choose your sync settings on both devices, so you can still be logged in as the same Google account holder on both devices.If you sign into a new device with the same Google account that you are already using elsewhere, a few things will happen: you will get emails on both devices as well as any Hangouts messages, YouTube subscriptions and other Google account preferences on both devices. The good thing about this method is that any Google play store purchases you may have made will also be available on both devices, so you won't have to pay for another license to install that app on a secondary device. You'll also be able to keep up to date with what's happening and work from either device. The bad thing is that you may feel that all of this doubling up on notifications is annoying or is simply needlessly repeated because you only ever use your tablet for gaming, for example.

Does Skype's screen share work on mobile phones?

The real question here is:‘Why would you want to share your screen on a mobile phone?’.Regardless of whether you are talking about Skype | Free calls to friends and family or Drum - Free Instant Web Meetings the use of sharing your screen from a mobile device is minimal. The usability of viewing screen sharing on such a small screen is low enough as it is. The usability of actually sharing your screen is even lower. The user journey will be disjointed, slow and ineffective.We speak to our users on a regular basis. The feedback we receive is this.In an ideal world, we would be able to share our screen on any device with a seamless experience.Having spoken to the user about the flow and how it would actually work, they immediately agree and head back to their desktop devices for screen sharing.If you have a solution, then we want to hear from you!! That way we can build it for you.

How do I recover Hangout messages?

Absolutely yes. If you just need to feel better, get everything that might makes you more sad or depressed AWAY, and everyone who puts your issues on the spot as well! listening to sad music, talking to the wrong people about what makes you feel really sad, going to places that are related to bad memories, all of that can make your depression worse. Talk it out man! Write down everything. Whatever are your feelings ACCEPT them, see and understand what is their purpose and why do you feel this way! find a way out of it. Help yourself. Talk to new, fresh people. Go to new places. Try new clothes with new colours. Discover yourself again. Put your hand on heart, feel that heartbeat, and be grateful for it. Believe me if you give up to depression it will eat your soul. Whatever your age, you have a great life, you just can't see that well. And it's just a decision, remember that. You're the one who decides whether to be sad and let depression mess with you or to change something and get your life in a good, bright direction.What are you trying to clone.Cloning a lot of plants is very easy, you can take a cutting, place it in some compost an the cutting will develop roots. you now have two genetically identical plants.With some plants like most berries or vines it is even easier, just peg a part of the plant onto the ground and it will develop roots. Once it is rooted you can simply cut the vine connecting the new plant to the old.With mammals things are more difficult, you need some basic lab equipment. Basically you have to remove the nucleus (all the genetic material) from an egg cell and replace it with a cell nucleus taken from the animal you wish to clone, fuse the two together with a electric shock and then implant the clone embryo into the womb of a female animal so that it can develop to maturity.If you are trying to clone a hard disk, use a linux boot disk and a program called gparted