I Cannot Sleep. Any Tips

Any tips on how to sleep in hot weather?

Take a nice cool shower or bath before you go to bed. Sleep nude and don't use flannel sheets. Satin or light cotton is the best. They're cooler and they feel great when you're naked.

Tips for getting to sleep at night when you cant?

Drink a glass of milk before going to bed, and light some lavender and chamomile essential oils in your room (scented candles have the same effect as long as they are lavender and chamomile scented, and do ensure a window is open to prevent suffocation by carbon monoxide poisoning).
If you're stressed and tensed, try practising some simple muscle relaxation prior to sleep by tensing up each muscle group, then slowly relaxing them over 10 seconds. Chamomile and lavender teas are also good in aiding relaxation.
Try and listen to some soothing music and read a book that's unrelated to work or studies to help clear your mind before sleeping. Also ensure that your day is planned out properly if you're finding it hard to cope with trying to squeeze in everything into a single day, as stress is a major factor in difficulty in falling asleep. If you're feeling anxious or worried about something, write it down on a piece of paper and make a conscious effort to forget about it for the night, so you can get a restful sleep without continuous worrying. If you've got emotions or thoughts pent up that you need to get off your chest or mind, invest in writing a diary. Write everything in the diary, and tell yourself that once you close the diary after writing, those issues aren't going to bother you anymore.
Hope that helps. Good luck.

What are some tips to sleep less?

sleeping less in unhealthy for a person it can leads to many diseases and malfunction of body organs, heart diseases or diabetes.There can be numerous reasons which causes sleep deprivation like excessive levels of stress, breakups in relationship, work pressure, studies pressure etc. Intentionaly if you want to change your sleep timings then you can try watching movies or Tv Series excessive light from electronic devices will signal neurorecepters of your brain to stat awake. If you like to read try some interesting novel thriller or suspense mysteries which will keep you binded. You can also try taking caffeine. Coffee also impacts sleep HOURS.IT helps you in keeping awake. People also try red bull energy drinks keep your mind active and don't let you sleep . Take brisk walk and eat light meals and don't eat your entire meal altogether . Keep brakes in between your meals it will help your digestive system to digest the food and keep your metabolism in good condition

Its my birthday tomorrow and I can't sleep, Any tips?

Get off the internet.

It's 1 AM, it's a school day and you can't sleep, what do you do?

Well, the worse thing you can do is keep worrying and trying to sleep. Just relax, and use this trick that will make you fall asleep. I’ve mentioned this trick a few times on Quora, and it really helps me, and seems to have helped lots of other people, so here it is again:Inhale for 4 seconds, then hold your breath for 6–8 seconds. Exhale completely, and then repeat this for a few times.You should fall asleep within 5–10 minutes after this, assuming you haven't just drank a coffee, or taken some other stimulant. I'm not sure exactly why this works, but it does, and works for me!Also, if you plan to try to sleep when it’s very bright or loud, use a sleep mask and earplugs, they will help greatly.For some more sleep tips and tricks, check out this post: How To Sleep Better – 12 Science-Backed TipsIf this helps, please like my page on Facebook here: Outdoor Travellers

I feel sick and can't sleep, what should I do?

I wrote sometime ago some tips what to do when you can’t sleep, here there are:Take warm, long bath. Relax before bed time. Read pleasant and light book.Do breathing exercises “4-7-8 Method”:Place the tip of your tongue behind your two front teeth.Exhale completely.Close your mouth.Inhale through your nose for four seconds.Hold your breath for seven seconds.Exhale completely through your mouth again for eight seconds.Repeat until you fall asleep.2 hours before sleep, you shouldn’t think about work, collage, school, problems at all. This is your free time to prepare for sleep. Try mental relaxing exercises.Don’t eat too much before bed time. Don’t eat high-fat food, or junky food.Don’t drink during night and before, because then you will get up often and your sleep quality will get worse.Don’t use computer or television for minimum 1,5 hour before sleep. Blue light decrease the secretion of melatonin. Same thing with smartphones. Don’t take mobile phone to bed. Also lighting in bedroom should be dim.Open windows. Make your bedroom cooler and provide that way enough oxygen. Temperature has to be comfortable for you.Bedroom should be used only for sex and sleep. No work there. No study. No stress. It also should be cool, clean and quiet.Go for a walk or do light physical exercise. Stretch out gently.Do everything you have to do, write your agendas for next day on paper, that way you won’t think about it before sleep.Listen to relaxing music. Or white noise.Get a snack like: bananas, dairy, avocados, lean proteins like poultry or fish, and nuts. They make you drowsy.Avoid caffeine and alcohol.Count yourself to sleep. Starting at one, slowly work your way up. If you lose track, simply go back to one and start over.Try self-hypnosis:Picture yourself in a warm, safe space.Imagine yourself walking down stairs, relaxing more with each step.Repeat some words to yourself, over and over. "Falling deeply asleep, sleeping deeply," should be enough.Try sleep supplements: chamomile tea or valerian.Lavender oil - add it to bath, on your pillow, on your clothes. It has many healing properties and can be used to reduce anxiety.Find help. Go to a therapist or talk to your friend. Nobody deserves to feel bad or sick.For tips on how to deal with racing mind I recommend this article.And most important - what do you mean by “ I feel sick”?

Broke both legs, cast how can I sleep/ wheelchair tips?

omg that must hurt! i hope you'll be ok....
well, first, do you have someone to help you? make someone help you put some pillows under your legs so that you raise them while asleep, i think that helps!
there's also this fancy pillow that you could buy.. it's pretty expensive but it's very good and it makes your back perfectly straight... dunno where you can get one where you live though
put a pillow between your legs and apply pressure if you feel it makes you feel better ^_^
hug another pillow! i always do that lol
hope this works.. honestly i really have no idea if it helps, but i felt your pain because i've seen someone in a similar situation and i just couldn't ignore your question

hope you get well soon!

I can't sleep and I have a big test tomorrow?

I have a really big test tomorrow and I have tried everything but I can't get to sleep.
Please, some tips that you do to get to sleep when it's hard.

I got no sleep last night and got about 3 hrs when i got home so im tired just I can't get to sleep.
so any tips?