I Cant Taste Anythingbut I Could Smell

I have a severe stuffy nose and I can't smell or taste anything.?

Sounds like sinus infection. Try sinus congestion medicines (check what the medicine helps to make sure you have the right criteria of symptoms). If you're really worried about, if you have a walgreens take care clinic try that. If it doesn't go away in 7-10 days from taking other medicines you might want to head to your doctor.

Nostrila is a great medicine for stuffy noses and it world instantly!

Why can't I taste or smell anything?

It's normal. When you are infected with cold, your nasal organs get blocked. You must be knowing that smell plays a MAJOR role in tasting stuff. You can't really smell right now due to cold. That's why you can't taste or smell anything. When your cold gets cured, close your nose with your fingers and try tasting ans smelling. You can't. Don't worry, its no big deal. :)

I can't smell or taste anything!?

It's been a week since I've been able to taste or smell anything :( 11 days ago I had the Flu for 2-3 days, chills, and high fever. Then it turned into this awful cold that I've had for over a week now and It's been a week since I could taste or smell! I am so irritated! all I drink is water, or hot water with lemon and honey. I've been eating raw garlic cloves because I can't even taste it. I eat a lot of spicy stuff but it doesn't phase me at all. I've been eating raw carrots, tomato and peas. I've been drinking a lot of green tea with lots of honey. I just want to be able to SMELL and TASTE :( I just went to the doctor and I've been on antibiotic's for 2 days now, and a puffer to help my bronchitis...:( I make my bathroom all steamed up to help my nose and chest, but it doesn't do anything. I blow my nose constantly......ughhh I can't taste soup or crackers or anything :(

I can't smell or taste anything.?

I have also lost my smell/ taste after a severe sinus infection or even a bad cold. What color is the stuff that comes out when you blow your nose? If it is clear, it's probably allergies. If it is green or yellow, it could be an infection, and you should see a doc.
Drink lots of fluids to help liquify the mucus [ sometimes spicy foods help.]

I can smell but I can't taste?

Do you smoke? If you do that is the problem. My Memaw smokes and she cant taste.

Why cant i smell anything or barely smell at all?

im getting over a cold thats caused by allergies.somethings i can barely smell if not smell at all what so ever.BUT LISTEN,this is the thing,i can breathe perfectly fine through my nose,its not congested what so ever and i can taste perfectly fine also. anyone know why im like this rite now? i couldnt even smell my cats fresh poop in his liter box when i was super close to it while cleaning it,that shouldnt be normal to not be able to smell such a strong nasty

I have a cold. Why can't I taste anything?

I've had a really bad cold for days now, and for some reason everything I eat and drink has no taste to me. It's horrible! And I can't smell anything. My nose is stuffy, but not to the point where I can't breath easily. What do I do? Is this normal?

You will get 1 billion dollars for every sense (Sight, Hearing, Taste, Smell, and Touch) you get rid of. How many of your senses do you get rid of?

I’d give up taste.Technically speaking, taste is most people’s weakest sense (except for super-tasters).In fact, for most people the sense of taste is so borderline non-existent that their brain just fakes it by using your other senses to guess.This is why most people can’t taste anything when they have a cold. You lost your sense of smell, the primary sense your brain uses to guess what stuff really tastes like. Without that information you’re left with what you can actually taste; next to nothing.It’s not just smell. Most chefs know that diners “eat with their eyes first.”When Sprite changed the color of the printing on the outside of their soda can to be more green and less yellow. They were inundated with endless customer complaints claiming that the drink was now more lime-ish and less lemon-ish. The soda formula had not been changed.It’s why most people don’t realize all the different colors of fruit loops cereal are the exact same flavor; Breaking Breakfast News: Froot Loops Are All the Same Flavor.That parsley sprigs on the Hormel food logo? It’s there because taste testers consistently reported the food tasted better when the logo included it.So I’d give up taste.Apparently, our minds are more than capable of covering up that particular blind spot using other cues. Most people don’t even realize it’s missing!

What is one called if lacking the sense of smell or taste or touch?

Someone who can't smell is anosmic.It's the worst kind of handicap: one nobody can see and everyone takes for granted.Someone who's anosmic cannot taste anything besides the five basic tastes: acid, sweet, bitter, salty and umami. Everything else we sense when eating is directly connected to our sense of smell: they're all aromas released by the food we eat, and which combined with the five tastes makes food what it is: a full sensorial experience.An anosmic person also loses a very important connection with our instincts: animals rely heavily on their sense of smell to detect danger, or friends, or good food, or poison, or fear. Our connection to that kind of instinct is a lot weaker, but it's still there.It's the reason why ethyl mercaptane, which smells like rotten eggs, is added to LPG. Our nose is the first sense to detect danger. We can't turn it off or distract it with other stimuli.Cherish your sense of smell - it's our most primal connection to the world around us!